Doggy Doodoos and cat ****....


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Type of diabetes
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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
This should probably go under Jokes and Humour but....

I moved at the end of January to a lovely bungalow on the other side of the town where I have lived for the last 10 years.

I love the place. Got a South facing garden and apart from my next door neighbour I haven't spoken to anyone else.
Which is just the way I like it.

I had a new front lawn laid as my old front space was gravel and liner that had perished and weeds were prolific.
Hired someone to help and now it looks lovely.
But for one (or 2) liitle things.
Dog poo and Cat ****.
Now once I can understand. But 3 times in a week?
Casts bury don't they. I know this as my back garden is full of cats **** which I sweep up every morning. That goes in my garden bin for the binmen.
I was under the impression that folk carry dog bags with them. Obviously not. This isn't a road with strays or dogs who are not on leads so I am at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

I have put a big notice on my dustbin PLEASE DO NOT LET YOUR DOG MESS ON MY LAWN. MANY THANKS.
Knowing human nature as I do it will probably make things worse...

I don't overlook my front at all apart from the kitchen as all my other rooms are at the back.

Short of getting an air rifle or a catapault (Joke. Well sort of...) What can I do??


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Get your own cat? I understand they are territorial beings.
Try those ROAR pellets made from lion poo to scare them off?
Pepper dust?
Catching the culprits in the act and using a water pistol on them?
The cats round here don't bury, they just scarper and leave their gifts for me grrrrr.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
What good answers,,,,

I have 2 plastic dustbins out on the metal drain covers out the front which are placed at the front of my lawn and path, I think the dogs are scenting the dustbins as the poo was right by the dustbins. I have now moved the bins next to the bungalow. Hope that helps.
My son is going to get me 2 kittens for Xmas. I am not really a dog person as my legs don't work as they should. So I can't walk them.
When I moved in there was a horrible fence round the front garden which was rotting so my gardener friend got rid of it all.
I may have to get some more fencing, That would help a lot.

So not all cats bury then? That's surprising...
They are small poos. Too big for a fox and I think too big for a cat....
I knew about pepper but won't the rain wash it away?


Type of diabetes
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Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
I remember once as a kid at home and my late mam used to go mad if a cat came in the garden to deposit a

She used to throw a stone (not to hit them just to scare them) well one time she hit the cat bang on its ar$e and was mortified she had hit it

I told her to take up darts lol


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Try citronella! Any animal/pest hates the smell... put some on a teabag and hide around the garden... change after rain unless in sheltered spot. Also clean the house with it to keep out spiders, flies and fleas etc.
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Well-Known Member
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Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
Now that is a good idea. I don't like the idea of using repellents in my garden..

Thanks for all your wonderful ideas.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Do you have urban foxes around? They do smallish poos. They can get in and out of even walled gardens, and (unfortunately) they can't read signs on bins...

Another suggestion would be that someone may be letting there dog out to run unsupervised, late evening, or early morning. Would explain why it is never cleared up.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
Didn't think of that... Especially the fox. We do have foxes round here. Quite a few as it happens...

The other day when I cleaned up the 2 poos they had stuck to the wet grass.

Yeuk !!

So now the lawn is cut and my bins moved if nothing happens I will be happy.

Thanks all...

chris lowe

What good answers,,,,

I have 2 plastic dustbins out on the metal drain covers out the front which are placed at the front of my lawn and path, I think the dogs are scenting the dustbins as the poo was right by the dustbins. I have now moved the bins next to the bungalow. Hope that helps.
My son is going to get me 2 kittens for Xmas. I am not really a dog person as my legs don't work as they should. So I can't walk them.
When I moved in there was a horrible fence round the front garden which was rotting so my gardener friend got rid of it all.
I may have to get some more fencing, That would help a lot.

So not all cats bury then? That's surprising...
They are small poos. Too big for a fox and I think too big for a cat....
I knew about pepper but won't the rain wash it away?
You could also try orange peel, they don't like the smell. My two cats rarely bury their do do's which is a problem as our garden is mostly concrete with borders, so we have to bury it, also there is a half barrel that used to be a water feature, but we filled it with soil & tried to grow some flowers but Alfie thinks it's his personal toilet. Pepper should be ok in the summer, you can get ground black pepper in the value ranges from supermarkets which are cheap enough to be liberal with.

chris lowe

Try citronella! Any animal/pest hates the smell... put some on a teabag and hide around the garden... change after rain unless in sheltered spot. Also clean the house with it to keep out spiders, flies and fleas etc.
I use conkers around the house to keep spiders away. I've just cleared out last autumns crop. I'm sure it works or it could just be that at least onece a month I get the feather duster out & go behind & under the furniture so they don't get a chance to get comfortable
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at work they were doing a healthy living programme and were encouraging people to have veggie pots and plants, they had an allotment, my office was a satellite site, we asked if they would build raised beds out the back for us to tend.
Well it was one huge raised bed 3 foot high 12 foot long. When it was filled with soil our 1st visitor was a fox, we didn't want fox poo everyday. The work gardeners told us to put human urine on it, so for a week every time anyone wanted a wee they went out back. No fox ever again.
The owner of the local pet shop suggest clothes soap washing powder dusted over ground to stop cats, that worked as well it isn't harmful to wildlife and is good for soil.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.
Washing powder. Really?

I have a water meter and have 2 large watering cans which I used to fill with tap water before I got my water butt and as I am a moneysaver at heart I got my self a large tractor funnel which is the perfect size to put my water that would otherwise go down the sink.
My kitchen floor is now ultra clean as I forget to check how full the can is and I keep overfilling it so it spills all over the floor.
I have learned to check it...

I was wondering about the effects of Fairy liquid on my plants in the garden? I don't use a lot but when I watered my tomatoes last night they had a foam on the top....

Human urine. Now that is a good idea.

This mornings check was 2 cat poos. Think they were cats. The larger poos have stopped thank goodness.

My next door neighbour whose lawn joins mine had a huge dog poo on her lawn so perhaps dogs can read after all.....;)


Well-Known Member
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Diet only
I use conkers around the house to keep spiders away. I've just cleared out last autumns crop. I'm sure it works or it could just be that at least onece a month I get the feather duster out & go behind & under the furniture so they don't get a chance to get comfortable
I have used citronella for 8 years now and used to get those MASSIVE ones in september! No more... either that or they smelt the death of their fallen comrades (i feel sick at the sight of them but am one who faces my fears head on... or shoe first, must hit until it no longer resembles a spider!) As for citronella it is used in most mediteranean countries round the fruit trees to stop the ants and bugs getting up there. It is natural (@chris lowe above who mentioned orange well citronella is made from citrus fruits so same thing really) i put a few drops in water and wash the walls with it and no spiders come near seeing as flees, ticks, lice, mice, rats, foxes, cats and dogs etc dont like the smell (though doesnt harm them) it is a win win really.

I wouldnt suggest washing powder as it may change the ph value of the soil and some plants wont like that. It is also chemicals where as the citronella isnt it is natural and harmless also proven to work gor hundreds of years!
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Whelks,winkles... All crustaceous seafood except prawns. Can't do crab.lobster or scallops.
Don't like the way they are killed and cooked. Save our Scallops. SOS !!!
Also HATE evaporated milk.

So I look for a way of buying Citronella in bulk somehow?

And do I put it in water or apply it to the lawn neat?