Eating out at cafe/coffee shop/garden centres


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Hi, I'm looking for some advice/opinions re eating out.
I've been in denial regards my diabetes for a number of years now but after recent hba1c result of 111 I've realised that it's time to take it seriously. I'm low carbing and BG levels are around 7 to 8 most days. In the past I get it down and under control then forget about it for a while. But now I want an eating regime that I can stick to for life but I still want to enjoy life and treats.
I usually go out for a coffee and cake a few times a week. I'm now accepting that my coffee is a treat and that I don't need the cake. But I find I'm struggling with what to order if I'm hungry and needing lunch. Most of these places tend to offer toasties, paninis, baguettes, baked potatoes and all carb loaded food. Even soup comes with a roll. I'm not into paying for salads when out as it's usually mostly lettuce. I know about testing 2 hours after eating and I'm currently ordering something different each time and testing to see which has least impact on my sugar levels.
But I was just wondering what everyone else does and what your 'go to' lunch is when eating out at cafes/coffee shops/garden centres?


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Spicy food which is too hot. Nasty people who have no idea on your life journey but feel the need to comment and be cruel.
Hi, I'm looking for some advice/opinions re eating out.
I've been in denial regards my diabetes for a number of years now but after recent hba1c result of 111 I've realised that it's time to take it seriously. I'm low carbing and BG levels are around 7 to 8 most days. In the past I get it down and under control then forget about it for a while. But now I want an eating regime that I can stick to for life but I still want to enjoy life and treats.
I usually go out for a coffee and cake a few times a week. I'm now accepting that my coffee is a treat and that I don't need the cake. But I find I'm struggling with what to order if I'm hungry and needing lunch. Most of these places tend to offer toasties, paninis, baguettes, baked potatoes and all carb loaded food. Even soup comes with a roll. I'm not into paying for salads when out as it's usually mostly lettuce. I know about testing 2 hours after eating and I'm currently ordering something different each time and testing to see which has least impact on my sugar levels.
But I was just wondering what everyone else does and what your 'go to' lunch is when eating out at cafes/coffee shops/garden centres?
Can certainly see where you are coming from. One thing about being retired is meeting friends in coffee shops etc! Of course they all meet up at where they want to go! Not where we need to go as Diabetics... I meet friends at one place where there is no single item I can eat. So just have Americano and cream! The other place I go to does have egg dishes and cooked breakfast. I eliminate backed beans and bread. Ask them to add an extra egg.
It is no easy. Some places where there was at least 1 ok dish now have more and more carbs. I try and meet fairly early so I can get home for a late lunch. Makes it easier. Many people do not understand what it is like as a Type 2. Try your best. Se if there are any foods you can ask to be swapped. Best of Luck.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
I try to go with the mindset of coffee and friends being the treat, rather than coffee and cake (or food).
Prepare with a good filling protein heavy breakfast (eggs!). Always carry an emergency little pot or bag of almonds or cheese and a square or 2 of very dark chocolate.
These can be nibbled discreetly if staff look askance.
Don't be afraid to ask for swaps, salad or veg instead of chips, . Soup but leave the roll (though avoid soup made with potatoes, it really spikes me). Leave the crust of quiche. Pate and or cheese ploughman's and leave the bread, have extra salad. Burger, no bun, extra salad.
Tea shops are even worse.
Gets easier with time and practice. I don't even see the cake on the counter these days.
You'll get fat adapted and soon find you don't feel the need for food so often. It was easier for me once I realised not eating wasn't a problem and I could easily skip whole meals or wait until I get home.

Saving from not spending on food can go into the budget for making lc treats at home :)
If curiosity is the problem go with a good friend who allows a "1 bite taste and no more" (my hubby is well trained on this now).


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Sounds like good advice
@filly and

Do agree, previously I'd have been drooling over a 'must have' item in such stores

Now they're too sweet or I'm just not hungry & saving myself fir dinner

Chuckle was for the hubby quip at end..

Sounds like a keeper. ;) :hilarious:
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi, I'm looking for some advice/opinions re eating out.
I've been in denial regards my diabetes for a number of years now but after recent hba1c result of 111 I've realised that it's time to take it seriously. I'm low carbing and BG levels are around 7 to 8 most days. In the past I get it down and under control then forget about it for a while. But now I want an eating regime that I can stick to for life but I still want to enjoy life and treats.
I usually go out for a coffee and cake a few times a week. I'm now accepting that my coffee is a treat and that I don't need the cake. But I find I'm struggling with what to order if I'm hungry and needing lunch. Most of these places tend to offer toasties, paninis, baguettes, baked potatoes and all carb loaded food. Even soup comes with a roll. I'm not into paying for salads when out as it's usually mostly lettuce. I know about testing 2 hours after eating and I'm currently ordering something different each time and testing to see which has least impact on my sugar levels.
But I was just wondering what everyone else does and what your 'go to' lunch is when eating out at cafes/coffee shops/garden centres?
Good advice from posters.

I think I missed that step of coffee shops etc.

But as I now only have the one meal or occasionally 2 meals a day, IF I was heading out knowing the possible location & outcome,
I'd try to fill before I went eat, but on my terms.

Not sure if yours is a daily issue or a once / twice a week thing.

I have what I call my fast breakfast
Usually when I'm pushed for time.

I boil an egg or two
Leave to boil while I dress or wash.
Come back peel & eat or mash on to a small/ lowish carb bit of toasted bread of choice / or ryvita...

So a quick, filling bite that saves me from ordering worse food when out.

Breakfast can vary, depending on your personal carb limit.

( I still find a soft boiled egg a guilty pleasure.
90 second mug bread (pre prepped) make a decent 'dipping' tool.)

But basically, filling up on anything you choose indoors, has to be better then most things you can buy to eat in such locations

Kick back, enjoy the coffee + atmosphere...knowing your saving yourself AND not paying over the odds for a sugary treat you don't need .


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Agree with what's been said. Also, egg benedict on ham or smoked salmon (no bun). Garden centres and National Trust cafes are very difficult - such high carb. If I'm visiting such places I carry a few blocks of cheese (either home wrapped or the little prewrapped ones from a shop) in my pocket. These can be eaten discreetly with a cup of tea while companions tuck into their cake. I no longer have a sweet tooth so it's not torture.


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Great advice there.

When I go to these places to meet friends, I no longer 'see' the cakes either. I do have coffee with cream if they serve it with proper cream, or else a really strong black coffee, which is yummy, and I don't feel hard done by. Eating before I go is an option, but as we normally meet in the morning, I'm not actually hungry, and the coffee does a good job of helping that feeling last. I thought it would be really hard, but to my surprise it isn't hard at all. And some of my other friends who are non-diabetic but at the age where gaining weight is all too easy, are following my example and just having coffee too. They just needed the "support" of someone else who wasn't eating cake or buns, and I never even realised it had been an issue for them as well.

If I were meeting them in the afternoon for afternoon tea, which I used to really enjoy, I would eat something before I left home, so the tea or coffee would be enough on its own.


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I eat a banana as I make my way to the café ..I opt for a ✻regular✻ coffee.
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Type of diabetes
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Yes agree with everything that has been said. I used to go out for coffee nd cake with friends - now we go out for just coffee as they are really good at supporting me - it's doing them good too! If I'm out with my husband he might have a cake and I just don't - it's fine. As others have said the hunger pangs go once you're eating food which is good for you.
Restaurants/pubs have been exceptionally good always swapping chips/potatoes etc for extra veg or salad.


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Your post is very welcome, I have been frustrated for so long about the food on offer at Garden Centres and everywhere else. Naturally they provide food for the vast majority of people who visit and unfortunately that doesn't include diabetics, although Vegan and Gluten free options are very well accounted for. I absolutely refuse to pay vast prices for a salad which is inevitably out of a bag and washed with chemicals to keep it fresh and then to cap it off some sort of sweetened dressing, mass produced and out of a bottle. It really gets my goat! It's time they allowed us to take our own food in as long as we get a drink or something else to go with it. To be invited out for 'coffee' or lunch really is now my worst nightmare but there are 3 friends who never try to make me eat cake, they are slim and fit and even though they sometimes have a cake or scone they never even question me or try to persuade me. Never have and as far as I know they don't even know I'm diabetic. Otherwise I try to avoid meeting up now sadly. The worst is when people say - "well I won't either" if you refuse a piece of cake. That makes me feel guilty. This morning I am meeting a friend at her house who every time we meet up says "I've got cake!" I have known her for 30+ years, I can't let the friendship go but for goodness sake!! Sorry, rant over.


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I never ate a lot of cake so never really feel this problem. Like others I see the occasion of seeing friends and socialising as the treat. I do keep a mini bar of 75% chocolate in my bag as a “just in case” and very occasionally have a square of that but to be honest it usually ends up forgotten and smashed up in the bottom of my bag and destined for the bin a few months later.

My biggest problem is friends who maybe aren’t familiar with my way of eating trying with great (and appreciated) kindness to find me something I can eat - waste precious time on repeating no I’m fine honestly I don’t want anything rather than enjoying the time spent with them


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Good advice from posters.

I think I missed that step of coffee shops etc.

But as I now only have the one meal or occasionally 2 meals a day, IF I was heading out knowing the possible location & outcome,
I'd try to fill before I went eat, but on my terms.

Not sure if yours is a daily issue or a once / twice a week thing.

I have what I call my fast breakfast
Usually when I'm pushed for time.

I boil an egg or two
Leave to boil while I dress or wash.
Come back peel & eat or mash on to a small/ lowish carb bit of toasted bread of choice / or ryvita...

So a quick, filling bite that saves me from ordering worse food when out.

Breakfast can vary, depending on your personal carb limit.

( I still find a soft boiled egg a guilty pleasure.
90 second mug bread (pre prepped) make a decent 'dipping' tool.)

But basically, filling up on anything you choose indoors, has to be better then most things you can buy to eat in such locations

Kick back, enjoy the coffee + atmosphere...knowing your saving yourself AND not paying over the odds for a sugary treat you don't need .
What is 90 second mug bread?
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I have found that doing low carb since Feb 22 when I was diagnosed, has pretty much killed my appetite for sugar, I no longer crave chocolate, thank god.
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Tea shops/garden centres/ cafes etc all usually and unfortunately specialise in carbs. Generally I accept I won't be having anything other than coffee if I'm with people who want to do cake. It's not usually a problem as I rarely want anything to eat anyway.

However -it varies. Many don't even have cream anymore. Those that do proper breakfasts (the Airton Farm Shop last Saturday did very well!) will often accommodate swops - hash browns and beans and toast replaced by extra egg and bacon.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
What is 90 second mug bread?

Needs a few ingredients maybe not in your staples .(wasn't in mine)
But a nice easy solution once you get used to it

Loads of recipes on line .


Well-Known Member
I am very down on going out these days. I can't have caffeine and don't like coffee anyway but it makes it very tricky to get a sugar free drink. Lots of places only seem to do cola and irn bru sugar free and never lemonade or Fanta so I can't even get a drink. Feel like what's the point sometimes. I do have some caffeine free tea bags in my bag for visiting houses but I am not a big tea drinker.
I did have a lovely lentil soup the other week though followed by cauliflower with nacho cheese and a cheeky bite of my husband's sticky toffee pudding (a small bite).
I just hope I can find a happy balance.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
I am very down on going out these days. I can't have caffeine and don't like coffee anyway but it makes it very tricky to get a sugar free drink. Lots of places only seem to do cola and irn bru sugar free and never lemonade or Fanta so I can't even get a drink. Feel like what's the point sometimes. I do have some caffeine free tea bags in my bag for visiting houses but I am not a big tea drinker.
I did have a lovely lentil soup the other week though followed by cauliflower with nacho cheese and a cheeky bite of my husband's sticky toffee pudding (a small bite).
I just hope I can find a happy balance.
I find that I can have fizzy water with a little lime juice or even cordial which was very refreshing in the heatwave.
These days commercially produced sugar free drinks taste sickly with overdone artificial sweeteners.
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..I eat a banana as I make my way to the café the context of a 4-mile schlep to the shopping centre ..which only happens once a week my defence ..the trend curve of my HbA1c is heading ✻downwards✻ ..and my BMI is ≤ 25


Well-Known Member
I find that I can have fizzy water with a little lime juice or even cordial which was very refreshing in the heatwave.
These days commercially produced sugar free drinks taste sickly with overdone artificial sweeteners.
My local had some sugar free lime cordial but that was only while they waited for a delivery so just sugary cordial and the sugar free orange cordial was horrible. Actual lime juice sounds like a good idea so thanks for the suggestion. Not a big fan of fizzy water or tonic or anything like that but a soda water and lime is lovely (just never tried with actual lime juice before).
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