Energy drinks

Mr Happy

Well-Known Member
There's a couple of kinds really, thinks like powerade zero (or asda/morrisons) version are generally flat and just a slightly hyped up water (may contain salts, minerals, ions etc). These are generally ok.

Red bull type fizzy ones as has been said often replace sugar with all kinds of sweetners so be wary...

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I like energy drinks but not too much because energy drinks have artificial flavor. I think we should drink natural fruit juice because its a best energy drink.


No, all suger-free or Lite-energy drinks are a lie. They change the sugar into "chemical" sugar. Basically it has the same effect and is even more harmful, but isn't considered as sugar.

It's typically found in energy drinks, that are for people who want to "diet". Don't believe them, don't drink energy drinks - drink coffee instead.


Hi Ben,
Energy drinks are created to give energy for a fairly long time period and that is why athletes use energy drinks to boost stamina and improves performance. Energy drinks have less calories so helps in reducing and maintaining healthy body weight.
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Energy drink is useful for health because energy drink boost ups your strength during your training!
Redbul and powerful is the best energy drink!
[link removed]


Well-Known Member
No they just load your bloodstream with glucose for a short time, ultimately. How would it make you any 'stronger' than just drinking fruit juice or a swallowing a bag of sugar. Those isotonic drinks might replace salts lost during exercise but it wont magically make you exercise better. ****, I even like the new flavors and Revive range of Lucozade and Mountain Dew but there are some deluded people in here.

If I'm falling asleep at uni I admit to swigging a little but an hour later I'm back where I started.. Or even have a reactive hypo depending on the circumstances. Probably best avoided in all honesty.

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bigbenp said:
Hello all!

I am fairly new to diabetes (T2 diet) and wanted to ask advice regarding energy drinks.......Are the sugar free zero calories one ok for people with diabetes?

Thank you in advance


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Is there a sugar free energy drink?

There are energy drinks, but by definition they have some form of carb in to provide energy.
Usually very bad for me at least.
Sugar free drinks I'm ok with, but they don't provide any energy.


Initially I didn't like energy drinks, but their not to bad. Even though people drink them on a regualar basis they really shouldn't but they do anyway. I drink it once in a blue moon.