feeling good


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Nosey Bossy people
Weight before starting to eat properly, 19 stone, waist size 42 inches, I now weigh 11 stone with a waist size of 32 inches.
It has taken me 10 months to achieve this.
Remember I am no Doctor and this is what workrd for me, It may not work for you because everybodies body works differently.
I was told that for a diabetic we cannot tolerate a high contents of carbs in our diet,carbs are hidden sugars, also try to avoid to many polyunsaturates.
Lurkpack or butter works better for me our bodies can cope with natural fats, bread,rice,wheat, corn, sugar,crisps, chocolate,batter that is made with normal flour, pasta and pasteries are not good for us.
Try to avoid baked beans, tinned soup because of the sugars in them, we brought a soup making machine and make all our own soups.
Some fruits can contain high levels of natural sugars, I avoid Banana, grapes,grapefruit I only eat an apple every couple of days and the same with clementines, a high comsumption of carrots may also contain alot of sugars.
Blood testing,
On waking (fasting) our blood sugars should read under 5.5 mm0l/L
1 hour after a meal, under 7.8 mmol/L
2 Hours after a meal under 6.6 mmol/L
Write a diary of what you eat and record your blood sugar levels, you will then see what foods higher your levels and what doesn't.
Remember it's all about food portion size, reduce your plate size, my plate size is now smaller than a dinner plate but bigger than a side plate, a food portion size is the amount of each portion of food that you can get in the palm of your hand.
I drink water, have vimto squash you dilute with water, which contains 0.3 per 100ml,
Black almond coffee with no sugar,
Tea with skimmed milk no sugar.
My typical day of food consumption is,
Breakfast, 20 grams of porridge, this because it's a slow realising carb,
First break snack, pork scratching, (puffy or normal) they have a very low carb contents. Home made cake which is made with almond flour, coconut flour and coconut flour with agave nectar (organic sweetener). I also use Total sweet xylitol sugar replacement in my cooking it as half the available cabs of sugar and 40% less calories than sugar.
Lunch, salad, with celery, lettuice, grated carrot, grated cheese,tomato's 2 desert spoons of full fat mayo and about 20 grams of peanuts.
This can also be, home made soup, home made chilli, home made indian all taken hot to work in a soup flask.
Afternoon break or second break, scratchings,
Dinner, roast chicken, or beef or pork with creamed cauliflower (mashed with butter and milk) boiled cauliflower, boiled runner beans, boiled carrots, boiled brocli and a small amount of gravy.
I also have bacon, sausage,egg with tinned toms.
I also have home made cottage or shepards pie with creamed mash cauliflower and creamed mash carrots or the vegetable squash mashed with butter and milk, ( you put this mash on top of the minced meat instead of potato).
Roast parsnips with my roast dinners.
egg, sausage with parsnip chips cooked in lard because vegetable or sunflower oil cantains polyunsaturates and diabetics can cope better with natural fats.
Fish, fish with parsley sauce or butter sauce.
I have a small pizza now and again.
If I do eat any bread which my be only a couple times a week, I eat weight watchers soft malted Danish which only has 9.2g of carbs and I have this with bacon sausage and egg sandwiches or a couple of pieces of toast.
Always look a the labels of any foods and try to eat low carbs, the lower the better.
If I have a take away I order yuk sung,beef and chilli chicken with a beef or chicken curry and no rice, I also order satay chicken on sticks.
With our own made curries or indians we make cauliflower rice, egg fried cauliflower rice also.
Remember eat small amounts but often through out the day, every 4 hours, but eat the right foods and try to avoid processed foods.
Fresh veg, fresh salads and you can buy these cheaper from the market than at the supermarket, but can you really put a price on your life.
We brought cookery books on cooking with almond flour, soya flour and coconut flour, we use coconut oil, also brought cookery books on low carb meals some of the meals are amazing.
Almond shortbread, almond sponge cakes, coconut flour, we use organic Cacao powder and organic cocoa nibs to make chocolate cakes and cookiesl etc.
You can get these fours from a local indian shop which are cheaper than your local health shop but Holland and Barrett have some great food ingrediants so do many local health shops also
My doctors are really pleased with me and have reduced my metformin 500g to 2 a day, blood presure are and cholestral levels normal and my diabetis is not traceable at the moment he is going to see if I can control it with my diet and stop my tablets all together. I don't snore anymore, do not suffer with indegestion or heart burn anymore and sleep more soundly without waking up coughing at night.
I have more energy, feel less tied, gone from a 4 XL to a medium. My food intake is not boring it's a challenge to try new foods I have made from the cookery food books.
Books which have helped me,
Reverse your Diabetes by Dr David Cavan.
Flat Belly Diet Diabetes by Liz Vaccariello.
Count your Carbs & Calories by Chris Cheyette & Yello Balolia.
The big book of low - carb recipies, 365 recipes by Nicola Graimes.
The Gluten - Free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam.
Cooking with Coconut Flour by Bruce Fife, N . D .
Diabetes Cookbook by Fiona Hunter & Heather Whinney

Blood Sugar Levels Chart.jpg
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That's an amazing weightloss, you must be very pleased. What was your HBA1C when you started, and what is it now?
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Nosey Bossy people
Eaten today,
0715 am
Fasting Blood Level after eating vegi chilli last night and home made sugar free trifle last night and home made soya, Almond and coconut fruit cake, 5.3 mmol/L

Porridge for Breakfast

Snack at 10am srcatching and home made cake with black Almond coffee
Blood readings at 12.38 4.6 mmol/L

Lunch 1pm, Bacon on weight watchers danish bread, 9.2 carbs
Blood reading an hour after, 4.6 mmol/L

Snack at 4pm Home made cake again with Almond black coffee

19.30 hrs
Light evening meal, cheese and coleslaw sandwich, tomato's, celery, cucumber.
Home made sugar free trifle,
Blood reading an hour after 5.1 mmol/L

Snack home made chocolate cake with a cup of tea with skinned milk
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
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I do not have diabetes
Just interested, why porridge?

What are your two hour reading after?

Well done on your weight loss!
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Nosey Bossy people
Just interested, why porridge?

What are your two hour reading after?

Well done on your weight loss!

Because it's slowly releases the carb's in it so it's better for you, help give you a good start to the day.
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Because it's slowly releases the carb's in it so it's better for you, help give you a good start to the day.

Looking in my diary have reading 2 hrs after eating are reading, 5.1, 5.0, 5.6, 5.2, 5.5 depends on what I have eaten,
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Hi Alan,

You could one of those that can tolerate some grains, particularly oats, that don't spike you.
I'm not that lucky!
That's why I asked about your two hour reading to see if you could tolerate it.
Because it's slowly releases the carb's in it so it's better for you, help give you a good start to the day.
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Nosey Bossy people
Hi Alan,

You could one of those that can tolerate some grains, particularly oats, that don't spike you.
I'm not that lucky!
That's why I asked about your two hour reading to see if you could tolerate it.

I guess so, it's my Doctor that said try eating porridge because it was slow releasing, he was a bit ***** a first until I started reading up on foods and then started loosing weight, now he is amazing, really there when ever I need him, He is so amazed at my levels, He just says what ever you are doing keep doing it because it's working for you, I eat more now than I did when I was 19 stone, I just eat the proper foods that contain no or very low carbs, I used to love cakes, I can now still eat them but with the right ingredients, your body gets used to being without sugar, you have cravings at first, but now my cakes taste sweet to me so does the sugar free trifle made with cream that taste's like custard made by ambrosia.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Your preaching to the choir mate!
I've been very low carb for over two years, not because I have insulin resistance but I have a condition that over produces insulin, when I eat carbs!
So grains are a no go!

But I would check your readings still!

Have you looked at the low carb forum?
There are some great ideas and recipes, such as you have posted.

I myself lost over five stones, just by doing without the carbs and a healthier lifestyle.
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Nosey Bossy people
Your preaching to the choir mate!
I've been very low carb for over two years, not because I have insulin resistance but I have a condition that over produces insulin, when I eat carbs!
So grains are a no go!

But I would check your readings still!

Have you looked at the low carb forum?
There are some great ideas and recipes, such as you have posted.

I myself lost over five stones, just by doing without the carbs and a healthier lifestyle.

Yes I have to check my readings an hour before I drive, that's what the DVLA say because I drive buses and coaches for a living, and I check them after my main meals, the Doc at first said not to only the do the first reading before you drive but now he knows that I am serious about helping myself and he said check and keep checking, I have already started saving the practice money because I have gone from 8 tabs a day to 2, hopefully on the 9th of March they may cut those 2 out, touch wood, I wasn't trying to preach mate I was just putting what I have done to try and help other s that's all, Thanks for your input and advice.
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Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
No that's fine, it was a saying that's all.
I use to test at least ten times a day until I got myself in total control, as I said I have to! I use the results to put in my food diary and I still keep them when I do.
I used this food diary to show my endocrinologist, how and what I was doing to get my control. I always tested before meals and one hour (for the spike) and two hours, to see if I could tolerate the particular food item. I use the diary to see trends and compare how I'm doing.
Glad you could keep driving, and you will if you can stay away from needing insulin.
Low carb works! You are doing great!
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Diet only
Sorry to be a bit thick what is HBA1C
Hi @alangarry. The HbA1C blood test is the onevwhich shows your average blood sugar levels over the past 12 weeks. It's usually how people with T2 diabetes are diagnosed. I was diagnosed at Christmas with a level of 97 which is very high. I'm trying to get it down by diet as I don't want to be put on any medication. I was interested in what ypur reading was initially and how its come down.

It sounds like you've been working really hatd at getting your weight under control, well done.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Weight before starting to eat properly, 19 stone, waist size 42 inches, I now weigh 11 stone with a waist size of 32 inches.
It has taken me 10 months to achieve this.
Remember I am no Doctor and this is what workrd for me, It may not work for you because everybodies body works differently.
I was told that for a diabetic we cannot tolerate a high contents of carbs in our diet,carbs are hidden sugars, also try to avoid to many polyunsaturates.
Lurkpack or butter works better for me our bodies can cope with natural fats, bread,rice,wheat, corn, sugar,crisps, chocolate,batter that is made with normal flour, pasta and pasteries are not good for us.
Try to avoid baked beans, tinned soup because of the sugars in them, we brought a soup making machine and make all our own soups.
Some fruits can contain high levels of natural sugars, I avoid Banana, grapes,grapefruit I only eat an apple every couple of days and the same with clementines, a high comsumption of carrots may also contain alot of sugars.
Blood testing,
On waking (fasting) our blood sugars should read under 5.5 mm0l/L
1 hour after a meal, under 7.8 mmol/L
2 Hours after a meal under 6.6 mmol/L
Write a diary of what you eat and record your blood sugar levels, you will then see what foods higher your levels and what doesn't.
Remember it's all about food portion size, reduce your plate size, my plate size is now smaller than a dinner plate but bigger than a side plate, a food portion size is the amount of each portion of food that you can get in the palm of your hand.
I drink water, have vimto squash you dilute with water, which contains 0.3 per 100ml,
Black almond coffee with no sugar,
Tea with skimmed milk no sugar.
My typical day of food consumption is,
Breakfast, 20 grams of porridge, this because it's a slow realising carb,
First break snack, pork scratching, (puffy or normal) they have a very low carb contents. Home made cake which is made with almond flour, coconut flour and coconut flour with agave nectar (organic sweetener). I also use Total sweet xylitol sugar replacement in my cooking it as half the available cabs of sugar and 40% less calories than sugar.
Lunch, salad, with celery, lettuice, grated carrot, grated cheese,tomato's 2 desert spoons of full fat mayo and about 20 grams of peanuts.
This can also be, home made soup, home made chilli, home made indian all taken hot to work in a soup flask.
Afternoon break or second break, scratchings,
Dinner, roast chicken, or beef or pork with creamed cauliflower (mashed with butter and milk) boiled cauliflower, boiled runner beans, boiled carrots, boiled brocli and a small amount of gravy.
I also have bacon, sausage,egg with tinned toms.
I also have home made cottage or shepards pie with creamed mash cauliflower and creamed mash carrots or the vegetable squash mashed with butter and milk, ( you put this mash on top of the minced meat instead of potato).
Roast parsnips with my roast dinners.
egg, sausage with parsnip chips cooked in lard because vegetable or sunflower oil cantains polyunsaturates and diabetics can cope better with natural fats.
Fish, fish with parsley sauce or butter sauce.
I have a small pizza now and again.
If I do eat any bread which my be only a couple times a week, I eat weight watchers soft malted Danish which only has 9.2g of carbs and I have this with bacon sausage and egg sandwiches or a couple of pieces of toast.
Always look a the labels of any foods and try to eat low carbs, the lower the better.
If I have a take away I order yuk sung,beef and chilli chicken with a beef or chicken curry and no rice, I also order satay chicken on sticks.
With our own made curries or indians we make cauliflower rice, egg fried cauliflower rice also.
Remember eat small amounts but often through out the day, every 4 hours, but eat the right foods and try to avoid processed foods.
Fresh veg, fresh salads and you can buy these cheaper from the market than at the supermarket, but can you really put a price on your life.
We brought cookery books on cooking with almond flour, soya flour and coconut flour, we use coconut oil, also brought cookery books on low carb meals some of the meals are amazing.
Almond shortbread, almond sponge cakes, coconut flour, we use organic Cacao powder and organic cocoa nibs to make chocolate cakes and cookiesl etc.
You can get these fours from a local indian shop which are cheaper than your local health shop but Holland and Barrett have some great food ingrediants so do many local health shops also
My doctors are really pleased with me and have reduced my metformin 500g to 2 a day, blood presure are and cholestral levels normal and my diabetis is not traceable at the moment he is going to see if I can control it with my diet and stop my tablets all together. I don't snore anymore, do not suffer with indegestion or heart burn anymore and sleep more soundly without waking up coughing at night.
I have more energy, feel less tied, gone from a 4 XL to a medium. My food intake is not boring it's a challenge to try new foods I have made from the cookery food books.
Books which have helped me,
Reverse your Diabetes by Dr David Cavan.
Flat Belly Diet Diabetes by Liz Vaccariello.
Count your Carbs & Calories by Chris Cheyette & Yello Balolia.
The big book of low - carb recipies, 365 recipes by Nicola Graimes.
The Gluten - Free Almond Flour Cookbook by Elana Amsterdam.
Cooking with Coconut Flour by Bruce Fife, N . D .
Diabetes Cookbook by Fiona Hunter & Heather Whinney

View attachment 17987
Well you have taken this by the horns ..very well done alan: Happy
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Type 2
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Nosey Bossy people
Well you have taken this by the horns ..very well done alan: Happy

Thank you Clive you are one of the first with AlisonJane10 that gave me so much help and advice and gave me the encouragement to help myself and tackle this head on, I feel so much better and the longer bus journey's are a pleasure to drive instead of feeling tied and thinking god how have I got here and not remembering some of the journey which was quite scary. Sorry I have not been in touch hope you are well and had a good Christmas, Happy New Year to you, We have my father in law living with us now since his stroke, he is confined to a wheelchair being paralyzed down his right hand side , Wayne (my Cival partner) and I are his main careers, We have careers coming 3 times a day when we are both at work but the rest is down to us, We have had to have a ramp made for the back of the camper van to take him to Doctors and hospital visits so time just fly's.

Speak to you soon pal and once again thank you for all your help, advice and input over the last few months.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diet only
Thank you Clive you are one of the first with AlisonJane10 that gave me so much help and advice and gave me the encouragement to help myself and tackle this head on, I feel so much better and the longer bus journey's are a pleasure to drive instead of feeling tied and thinking god how have I got here and not remembering some of the journey which was quite scary. Sorry I have not been in touch hope you are well and had a good Christmas, Happy New Year to you, We have my father in law living with us now since his stroke, he is confined to a wheelchair being paralyzed down his right hand side , Wayne (my Cival partner) and I are his main careers, We have careers coming 3 times a day when we are both at work but the rest is down to us, We have had to have a ramp made for the back of the camper van to take him to Doctors and hospital visits so time just fly's.

Speak to you soon pal and once again thank you for all your help, advice and input over the last few months.
It has been rewarding to say the least,to see how you have really gotten to grips and wrestled this diabetes th the ground, your posts are very encouraging and i'm thrilled for your results,you should be proud
Thanks for your kind wishes just keep strong and encouraging one another is lifesaving work.clive
And Alisonjane is a very nice switched on caring lady


Active Member
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Nosey Bossy people
It has been rewarding to say the least,to see how you have really gotten to grips and wrestled this diabetes th the ground, your posts are very encouraging and i'm thrilled for your results,you should be proud
Thanks for your kind wishes just keep strong and encouraging one another is lifesaving work.clive
And Alisonjane is a very nice switched on caring lady

Thank you, will speak very soon my friend, take care.
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Being bored
I guess so, it's my Doctor that said try eating porridge because it was slow releasing, he was a bit ***** a first until I started reading up on foods and then started loosing weight, now he is amazing, really there when ever I need him, He is so amazed at my levels, He just says what ever you are doing keep doing it because it's working for you, I eat more now than I did when I was 19 stone, I just eat the proper foods that contain no or very low carbs, I used to love cakes, I can now still eat them but with the right ingredients, your body gets used to being without sugar, you have cravings at first, but now my cakes taste sweet to me so does the sugar free trifle made with cream that taste's like custard made by ambrosia.
Hi alangarry Like your posts, can I ask how you make your sugar free trifle, ? I make one but would like to see if it differs from mine for a choice to eat thank you.:)