First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy


Active Member
Good morning all,

Doesn't seem right sharing my nervous feelings, whilst the day is so beautiful!

I have had type one for 25 yrs diagnosed when I was 4. Like a lot of others on here it hasn't been a easy ride and battled daily with my levels.

I lost my hypo awareness 4 yrs ago and the last year or so I have been having problems with my bladder for quite sometime and back in April I was told by a continence nurse from scans etc that I had nerve damage to my bladder and pelvic floor. So today is my first day of having electric stimulation for pelvic floor and learning to self catheterisation because my bladder does empty properly.

So feeling a little nervous around this treatment and know it will be good for me and help me manage but feel uncomfortable about the learning bit in particular.

Thank you for listening x

Sent from Emmies iPhone
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Good luck today. I don't envy you.


Active Member
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Squire Fulwood said:
Good luck today. I don't envy you.

Thank you Squire Fulwood for your comment. I was so nervous! Fingers crossed the next 6 weeks will go well and can learn to manage things better

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Well-Known Member
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Hang in there Emmie. My sister in law is a continence nurse and she tells me that the electronic nerve stimulation is quite effective.
Tales a while for it to take effect but so worth it.

I hope you can be healthy and as active as you want to be.
Big hug for you x


Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Hi Emmie I have had diabetes for the past 20 years. Diagnosed aged 8. I too have several complications. I also have nerve damage to my bladder causing urine retention. I self- catheterise daily and am on the waiting list for sacral nerve stimulation so I know only too well what you are going through. If you ever need to talk I'm here

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Active Member
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Thank you Whitbyjet and Support for your comments. Just reading them as made me feel better knowing I'm not alone with it, especially as it is such a person thing and being our age Support!! The electric stimulation wasnt too bad and seeing on the monitor how weak my pelvic floor is was quite a shook! She also did another bladder scan and said I think I better get a Catheter and she drained 600ml, which was a big shock!

I don't know if it was the same for you Support but I'm def struggling more on the acceptance side of it all and know once I get used to doing it I feel a lot better but finding it hard to get my head round and feel they've got it wrong!

Thank you for listening it means a great deal [SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES]


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Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Hi Emmie yes it's devastating having so many complications at such a young age. I don't just have nerve damage to the bladder it has affected several parts of my body. I have peripheral neuropathy which causes numbness and severe pain some days i can barely walk which have resulted in fractured metartasol and Charcot fractures in both feet. This has resulted in permanent deformities and I can never wear normal shoes. I have to wear special shoes. I have automatic neuropathy which causes my blood pressure to drop, I get dizzy and have a fit. Gastroparesis this is nerve damage to the stomach which means my stomach doesn't empty properly which causes a whole host of gastric problems and makes it difficult to control diabetes. I have neurogenic bladder I can't empty bladder and have to self - catheterise. Nerve damage in back. I have had the neuropathy for the past 7 yrs. gastroparesis and neurogenic bladder 3-4 yrs. it was very difficult to come to terms with. I did get very depressed by things and it still gets me down now

I have not heard of this electric nerve stimulation I would like to know more about. As I said I'm on the list for sacral nerve stimulation - waiting list is 9 months. It's basically like a pasmaker for the nerves first they fit a temporary one if this works they fit a permanent one. There no guarantee it will work so it could all be for nothing

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Active Member
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Hey Support,

Gosh you are def fighting a lot of stuff! People just have no idea the complexity of diabetes and how it can lead to so many other conditions.

I really hope you have a good team supporting you?

I can feel so isolating at times and no matter how hard we try to stay positive sometimes it does feel overwhelming.

Feel free to message me anytime if you want to chat and let of steam


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Active Member
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

2nd day!! Not feeling as nervous but still don't look forward to it!! X

Sent from Emmies iPhone
probabaly - but can't think of any at the moment
Re: First day of treatment for bladder neuropathy

Hi Emmie & everyone
I've had a weak bladder for about 30yrs - but as a result of a hysterectomy. I was not diabetic at that time. DIagnosed in 2009.

I have at times little control and have been told I have urge incontinence. As a result, especially after my double knee op in 2010, I have had to wear protective pads when I go out of the house, and even then have had several accidents. It is no fun having to walk through people with an obviously wet pair of trousers. Had to have a catheter inserted because not get out of bed to wee, which knackered the sphincter. Much better now thank goodness! So can appreciate your embarrasement. I have to empty bladder about every 1½ to 2hrs and often when out have to find a "tiddle spot" as I call it. Not always easy. My husband is now used to it and does not blink an eye, but we had a friend visit about 2yrs ago and she was horrified that I could not control my bladder and said I could not respect myself by squatting in public. I suppose it can embarras people.

I was told about the electronic stimulation treatment by our local physio, but did not use it. I pray it will help you strengthen your pelvic muscles and so help control evacuation. Look forward to hearing how you get on

Having read all your comments it has alerted me to the fact that diabetes can cause similar effects. Going to see urologist beginning of August and will ask him about it