First "Official" 5K complete


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theres a lochness marathon ive been looking at, it looks awesome

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I take any excuse to go to Inverness! Apparently the HM there is really hilly but it says the 10K is flat.

I live in a hilly area so I've never run anywhere flat. Always going up and down

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Diet only
my marathon guru at my running club always said "hills are our friends" i never got it until i ran 26 on flat ground.... now hills are my friend for sure, but only uphill, my knees hate downhills Sent from the Diabetes Forum App

That's also what I used to tell my eldest son before cross country races!


Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
same here :) im getting ready to go out now :) im trying 5k every night to see what no days off does to my fitness, just an experiment, im finding it good because i dont get the sitting on my **** guilt, regardless of what else i do that day

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Tablets (oral)
I don't understand how?!

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when you run uphill you use different muscles to flat and flat different muscles to downhill, so if you run far enough on flat ground the muscles kill, when you find a hill its like having a rest

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same here :) im getting ready to go out now :) im trying 5k every night to see what no days off does to my fitness, just an experiment, im finding it good because i dont get the sitting on my **** guilt, regardless of what else i do that day

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At this time?!? I prefer 8am, get it over with and then the rest of the day I can feel smug that I've already done my exercise

Does wonders for step count too I bet! Racked up a healthy 13,639 today :)

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Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
At this time?!? I prefer 8am, get it over with and then the rest of the day I can feel smug that I've already done my exercise

Does wonders for step count too I bet! Racked up a healthy 13,639 today :)

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back, i have to get up at 5:45 for work and busy until 9 pm when the kids hit the bath so its the only time that dosent interfere with life, its quite nice, apart from the odd group of pot smoking kids or stumbling drunk its nice and quiet, im loving the routine

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back, i have to get up at 5:45 for work and busy until 9 pm when the kids hit the bath so its to only time that dosent interfere with life, its quite nice, apart from the odd group of pot smoking kids or stumbling drunk its nice and quiet, im loving the routine

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Yeah 5:45 start here too, it's not easy! Mid week I run straight after work but weekends it's an early start!

Due to the "charming" area I live in running after dark isn't advised. Unless I want mugged....

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Tablets (oral)
which raises a question you may be able to answer for me as a female.... last night and not for the first time i scared the **** out of a lady walking along, i was coming up from behind her, i purposly try to slap my feet on the ground to make her notice, she didnt and jumped out of her skin when i passed her, the road had cars masking my noise and that meant i couldnt run aroung her in the road, do you think it would have been better to shout in advance "im coming" or would me running towards her shouting be more scarey do you think? i appologised and she was fine but just wonder what to do next time?

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which raises a question you may be able to answer for me as a female.... last night and not for the first time i scared the **** out of a lady walking along, i was coming up from behind her, i purposly try to slap my feet on the ground to make her notice, she didnt and jumped out of her skin when i passed her, the road had cars masking my noise and that meant i couldnt run aroung her in the road, do you think it would have been better to shout in advance "im coming" or would me running towards her shouting be more scarey do you think? i appologised and she was fine but just wonder what to do next time?

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I usually opt for the awkward cough in those situations. But to be honest, if they're not paying enough attention to notice someone behind, particularly someone trying to be loud-ish then they deserve a fright!


(My dad taught me well haha)

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Cough, grunt and then an excuse me. But then in pretty hard to miss most of the time. The sound of me attempting to breathe warns them!

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Well done Hale. You've come a long way since you entered the event and thought that you would have to walk part of it.

I'm now feeling very lazy and jealous reading about your run and the other's park runs. I really must get back out running again. So thanks for that it's given me a bit of motivation (now to sustain it)

You even had me almost entering my favourite event but May day is probably a bit soon.
(nice run along the Canal, as it's May day they give sprigs of Lilly of the valley/roses to all the ladies. After the race all the running numbers go into in a draw with lot of prizes and then everyone settles down to boeuf bourguignon with a glass or 3 of wine ) .
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Well done Hale. You've come a long way since you entered the event and thought that you would have to walk part of it.

I'm now feeling very lazy and jealous reading about your run and the other's park runs. I really must get back out running again. So thanks for that it's given me a bit of motivation (now to sustain it)

You even had me almost entering my favourite event but May day is probably a bit soon.
(nice run along the Canal, as it's May day they give sprigs of Lilly of the valley/roses to all the ladies. After the race all the running numbers go into in a draw with lot of prizes and then everyone settles down to boeuf bourguignon with a glass or 3 of wine ) .

The things i would do for a boeuf bourguignon right now.....

Overall I did walk about 100m, far less than anticipated!

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Time confirmed at 31:52!! I'm so chuffed!

We've been discussing going to our local park run, but it's along the beach which is usually freezing......

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Great time. Remember, there's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing. Selecting right leg cover - full length tracksuit trousers / mid calf tracksters / long shorts / short shorts - and right combination of tops, from vest alone, through short sleeved T shirt, long sleeved T shirt, windproof top etc means you can run in anything. On New Years Day, I did my first ever trail run, advertised 15 miles (actually 16.5 miles) on North York Moors cliffs, so I needed windproof clothing, and for hand cover, I used mountaineering mittens, not because I needed something so extreme, but because I already had them, and didn't want to buy anything specific for running at that time. However, I met a friend at the race, a woman GP I've known for years through marshalling on adventure races, who had a pair of "switch" gloves - gloves with mitten flaps that can be worn over fingers or tucked into back of glove, depending on conditions and circulation in hands, which changes as you run. i bought a pair a couple of months ago - £8, reduced from £14, as it was towards end of winter season.
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