Food & Pancreatitis



I have had diabetes, Type 2 for almost 20 years. With a few early hitches I had got the blood sugers under tight control and have been very happy for most of the time. Sadly, in February I developed acute pancreatitis at lethal levels on 2 occasions. This led to my gall ladder being removed.

It has not completely solved the pancreatitis and I have to stay on a diet that is low in fat and high in carbohydrates. This is causing havoc with my control. If anyone out there has any hints or tips, I will be very, very interested.

Thank you for reading this.



Well-Known Member
Hi Suky

Hi Suky

I read a book on diet for pancreatitis some time ago, basically its recommended to follow a wholefood diet, but having said that you should be careful that all the food that you eat is easily digestible, so probably wholemeal bread is a bit heavy on your stomach or at least not too much of it, porridge, barley (apparently barley is very soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties, hmmmmm, maybe this is right because when I once had a UTI I was told to drink barley water) and in general foods that haave anti-oxidant properties. You can add barley to soups and stews, stick to low fat food, eg fish and meat.

I think maybe you should do GI diet, this may help with bg levels, there are loads of healthy meal suggestions, also loads of lists giving the GI value of foods, so its quite easy to devise a diet that suits you, just pick the healthiest options, I am saying that because chocolate has a low-ish GI value but is high in fat for example. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables, as fresh as possible or frozen, because this has sometimes more vitamins and minerals as it is usually frozen very quickly after harvesting whereas 'fresh' veggies may have been sitting on the supermarket shelf for ages and losing nutrients by the minute. But not so much raw veggies, they could be harder to digest. The book also says to be a bit careful with cabbages, broccoli, pulses, at least only have smaller quantities than normal as these are more difficult to digest, steam your food if possible to preserve as many nutrients as possible.

I just searched for this book if there is an English version, but there isnt, but I am sending you here a couple of links that might help you.

I hope that you feel better soon.

Karen x