Foot problem need help


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Can anyone help? I broke my metatasle 9 weeks ago by just standing on a stone (I was wearing trainers too) I was in a cast for 8 weeks and was told none weight bearing. I got the cast taken off last week and was told its healed beautifully and to just go back to normal (can walk on it straight away). Now since then it's just got worse and worse, hurts to walk and touch in the areas of the metatasle bones and the hole foot has swollen up. I am going to the doctors tomorrow but am wanting to know if this is anything connected to my diabetes or just a broken bone?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Noisy dogs and loud music especially low-note drumming
Reb - I am not trying to distress you or to go 'overboard' but do not discount the possibility of a thrombus (blood clot) having been occasioned due to your obvious inactivity during the past 9 weeks. If you would described the pain caused by the break as a trauma then all the more reason to consider this. I knocked my ankle against the centre-stand of my motorcycle after a car ran over the foot - the pain was extraordinary with resultant leg, ankle and foot swelling (oedema). If you wish pm I will be happy to respond.


Well-Known Member
Reb - hello and welcome to the forum.
So sorry to hear of your foot problems, from your description of how you broke your foot in the first place I am wondering if this was a straightforward ordinary fracture or if you actually have something called 'charcots foot'.
When you go back to the doctor mention this as a possibility, some doctors havent even heard of this condition, not even all diabetes specialists are familiar with it.
Google charcots foot, below is one link that you might find useful. ... t-foot.htm

Please come back and let us know how you get on, I hope your foot gets better very soon.

All the best


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi thank you both for replying you gave me something to mention to the doctor today but it just seems you have to push to get anything done these days I was just told to rest it! Do they not realise we have to be so careful of our feet! So in the end I went to A & E and got it x-rayed again, they said that it's fine. Is there a test you can have done to see if you've got Charcot foot? I'm just so worried about my foot as its not right and I'm in so much pain. I'm only 28 and have lost a lot of sensation on the tops of my feet. I just wish the doctors would take it a bit more seriously.


Well-Known Member
Oh no Reb. thats no good. Going by your description there is obviously something wrong with your foot and quite rightly you are worried about it.
One of our stationery delivery guys had foot problems, misdiagnosed as ordinary fracture, originally placed in a plaster cast, 6 weeks later this was removed but the foot continued to be swollen, painful and hot to the touch. He was told thats ok, advice ranged from 'walk on it to strengthen it' to 'keep it elevated and rest'.
All in all it took 4 x-rays before he was lucky when one of the doctors on duty clicked and thought to send him for an MRI scan, sure enough he was diagnosed with Charcots foot, he is ok now though, has a deformity on his foot but he can walk with no problems.

If you continue to be worried, go and insist that you have more tests, best course of action would be to call the podiatry clinic at your hospital, explain your symptoms and mention that you are very worried that it could be Charcots foot. Its your foot and you need to make sure that doctors take this seriously.

Read more here, Charcots is not that easy to diagnose, many doctors have never even heard about it. ... -foot.aspx

Good luck with it.