Forxiga anyone?


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Am still taking the Forxiga and taking 2 glic in the afternoon with x metformin am pleased with levels as they seem to be leveling however some times go high in the evening so am waiting till december for the next blood tests to see the overall she thinks maybe some fast insulin after my tea may be beneficial.


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diabetes, being lonely, being so far from my family...they live in Scotland i now live in England (3yr) spiders, smokers,
Hi I was put on this tablet today by the diabetic consultant (finally got to go to the hospital clinic!) Was supposed to be going on byetta but have to wait til after my gallstone operation. I'm always anxious before starting a new med. Little worried about this one as wee alot as it is!! And prone to uti' s. But tested my bg just before dinner and it was 12.4 eeek. Been burying my head in the sand about the diabetes, but after latest hba1c of 68 I need to buck my ideas up me thinks!!!
Be happy you lost some weight woohoo! This site scared the hell outa me (and im 49) because there were so many people being so **** angry and domineering when i mentioned negative moods or readings. Now i just avoid them and hope someone will be nice and give support and a smile ; )
you will be negative and low simply because you hae problems in all areas but also the diabetes is taking over you. Its **** hard watchin what you eat or drink everytime you open your mouth, take


Active Member
Hi Everyone, I am really encouraged to see that so many people are doing well on Forxiga. I'm getting my first repeat prescription of it today - so into the second month. So far I feel like **** - but you have encouraged me to keep going and maybe things will settle and I'll start losing weight and have more energy and all those lovely possibilities... feel like I could spend a week in bed now though :(


Well-Known Member
That's great news. Things will settle I'm sure. So sorry you still feel rubbish but as your readings come down you will start to feel much better. Good luck. Keep posting as it will help others too :)
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Great news your sugars are down to the nines thats where my highest readings are these days. Im sure you'll have noticed the weight reduction I have lost a lot 16.9stone-13.2 stone, from size 24 to size 14 jeans and 18/20 top because of the boobs and thats 3/4 months.
Forxiga is a great med and like all others there are side effects but personally i can put up with it as its helpin. I hope you get a good result in your use of it too. take

Hi Fairiesue, Just wondering if you are continuing to lose weight. Have sent you a couple of messages but you do not appear to have got back to me.
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Well-Known Member
Hi I was put on this tablet today by the diabetic consultant (finally got to go to the hospital clinic!) Was supposed to be going on byetta but have to wait til after my gallstone operation. I'm always anxious before starting a new med. Little worried about this one as wee alot as it is!! And prone to uti' s. But tested my bg just before dinner and it was 12.4 eeek. Been burying my head in the sand about the diabetes, but after latest hba1c of 68 I need to buck my ideas up me thinks!!!

Hi you sound very similar to myself ..
I was put on Forxiga earlier this week and so far so good!
Just noticed you said you are awaiting a gallstone operation? So am I ! The only reason I'm asking is I'm sure I read somewhere that if you had pancreas or gallbladder problems you shouldn't take Forxiga?
I can't think where I've seen it. My DN
said it ok for me to take?
Just wondered if anyone else has herd of this?


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Just started Forxiga today in addition to metformin. My control has been reasonable but my DN and GP are interested to see if it will help me lose weight. Fingers crossed! Good tip about the mouth spray - will keep it in mind :)

Have you lost any weight yet Claire and if so have you made adjustments to your diet too?


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Diabetes, being lonely, being so far from my family...they live in Scotland i now live in England (3yr) spiders, smokers,
Hi Everyone, I am really encouraged to see that so many people are doing well on Forxiga. I'm getting my first repeat prescription of it today - so into the second month. So far I feel like **** - but you have encouraged me to keep going and maybe things will settle and I'll start losing weight and have more energy and all those lovely possibilities... feel like I could spend a week in bed now though :(
oh cultivator you are a mystery with no clue if you're etc...sorry I'm just a typical nosey scots woman hahaha
Ok you are having a tough time and I really feel for you, a lot of us have been through that feel **** way and a lot are out the other side. You will soon be out the other side and will smile again. Losing weight will definately happen no matter what you eat hahaha no honestly its amazing once it gets in the right mode in your body. Please Take care and smile you made a good step by saying how you


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diabetes, being lonely, being so far from my family...they live in Scotland i now live in England (3yr) spiders, smokers,
Hi Fairiesue, Just wondering if you are continuing to lose weight. Have sent you a couple of messages but you do not appear to have got back to me.
sorry jude been in depression mode recently....nothing to do with the diabetes....yes weight still coming off and its a pain not being able to buy new clothes hahaha i tell my family im an old saggy elephant with all the wrinkly skin...take
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Hi to you all, thank you all for your comments. Do the extra visits to the toilet happen overnight as well? (I sincerely hope not). Also, several of you have commented about drinking plenty - can you quantify that for me? I already drink about 2 litres of water a day with tea and some diet coke. Will I need to increase this? Thank you. :)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diabetes, being lonely, being so far from my family...they live in Scotland i now live in England (3yr) spiders, smokers,
Hi to you all, thank you all for your comments. Do the extra visits to the toilet happen overnight as well? (I sincerely hope not). Also, several of you have commented about drinking plenty - can you quantify that for me? I already drink about 2 litres of water a day with tea and some diet coke. Will I need to increase this? Thank you. :)
Hiya well it depends on how thirsty you feel i suppose, i drink water most of the day apart from tea in morning and after teatime as I am thirsty a lot but i have no idea what amount it is. Ha hahaha yes I do have 2 trips to the loo through the night but maybe thats because my body is washing out the sugar from that cup of tea and choccy biscuits i had at 8pm! Only you will know how much more or less fluids to take on how thirsty you
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi Everyone, I am really encouraged to see that so many people are doing well on Forxiga. I'm getting my first repeat prescription of it today - so into the second month. So far I feel like **** - but you have encouraged me to keep going and maybe things will settle and I'll start losing weight and have more energy and all those lovely possibilities... feel like I could spend a week in bed now though :(
Oh I do hope it all settles down for you soon! I took to it like a duck to water and have excellent results, dramatically reduced levels and combined with lchf have lost 3st 3lbs so far ( 16 weeks)
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Been on forxiga 9 months and as far as I am concerned a wonder drug ! Lost 20 lbs sugar levels nigh on perfect, no side effects, climbed into a 32" waist trouser for the first time in 32 years, more energy than I've had for years, at sixty feel ten years younger, thanks to whoever came up with that plan
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Diabetes, being lonely, being so far from my family...they live in Scotland i now live in England (3yr) spiders, smokers,
Been on forxiga 9 months and as far as I am concerned a wonder drug ! Lost 20 lbs sugar levels nigh on perfect, no side effects, climbed into a 32" waist trouser for the first time in 32 years, more energy than I've had for years, at sixty feel ten years younger, thanks to whoever came up with that plan
Congratulations to you Tim thats brilliant. I'm so happy for you and your achievements...take


Well-Known Member
Been on forxiga 9 months and as far as I am concerned a wonder drug ! Lost 20 lbs sugar levels nigh on perfect, no side effects, climbed into a 32" waist trouser for the first time in 32 years, more energy than I've had for years, at sixty feel ten years younger, thanks to whoever came up with that plan
Hi Tim. Did you low carb or diet during this time or was it just the forgaxia? Well done you though! :)
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Been on forxiga 9 months and as far as I am concerned a wonder drug ! Lost 20 lbs sugar levels nigh on perfect, no side effects, climbed into a 32" waist trouser for the first time in 32 years, more energy than I've had for years, at sixty feel ten years younger, thanks to whoever came up with that plan
It's certainly an amazing new drug !!


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I am on day 3 today of 5mg Forxiga and so far there is no difference in fact my sugars are higher o_O. Am I expecting improvements too soon? I am finding it so difficult to remain positive at the moment - partly due to my depression I think. I know everyone is different but having read so many positive postings on this drug I was hoping I would be joining you all.