Frequently asked questions and common terminology

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DWED Support
Staff Member
Frequently asked questions and common terminology

What is DWED?

DWED is an acronym for Diabetics With Eating Disorders and also the name of the charity affiliated with this subforum DWED was founded in 2009 by Jacqueline Allan and is at present the only UK based charity that represents and advocates for those that have type 1 diabetes and an eating disorder. The history behind DWED as an organisation can be read here.

What does an eating disorder and type-1-diabetes consist of?

Typically known eating disorders such as Anorexia-Nervosa, Bulimia-Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and Eating-Disorder-Non-Otherwise-Specified (EDNOS) are much more likely to be a problem for those with type-1-diabetes. In addition to this deliberate insulin omission is a feature often found in those with type 1 diabetes and eating disorders, whether alongside anorexia, bulimia etc, or as its own diagnosis. This extremely harmful practice is termed ‘Diabulimia’, a label that was initially coined by the media but is now more widely recognised in health care professional circles.

What is ED-DMT1?

This stands for Eating Disorder-Diabetes Mellitus-Type-1 and is a term used to cover all types of disordered eating that intertwines a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. This may or may not include aspects of ‘Diabulimia’: deliberate insulin omission and manipulation.

Do I have a problem?

Nobody here can give you a diagnosis as we are not trained healthcare professionals. However if you are using any self destructive means for weight loss, and can identify any of the above behaviours in yourself then you may well be suffering from an eating disorder. Please approach a clinician you feel you can trus as soon as possible and try to access the support you need as there is no shame in needing to do this. In turn this is the only way that we can make people more aware.

Who are the mods of this forum?

Currently your mods are asortafairytale, JacqfromDWED, VikkfromDWED, AoifefromDWED and LexxfromDWED. Please do not hesitate to contact any of us if you've any additional queries or questions.

Thank you for reading. :)

This post is still under construction and will be added to in due course.
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