fustrating isnt it


Active Member
Bit of a general moan really.
So here we are, 3 weeks into diagnosed t2. Docs wont provide test strips. Bought a sd codefree and been ultra low carbing since. Weight is coming down nicely.
Reading are coming down too, not low enough yet but certainly better that the +25 3 weeks ago.
Had a small bit of porridge for breakfast, tested just and am 10 on the meter.
Sat here wondering what the hell i need to do to get things better (apart from give things time and stop being so impatient). Anyways, my assistant in work is also t2, and has things well under control, using a freestyle meter. We were discussing my readings and decided he would test his using the freestyle then use mine.
His readings were 11 on freestyle amd 17 on sd codefree!!!. Re tested immediately with sd code free and got 15.8!!
So, i retested with sd code free, i got 12, tested with his freestyle and got 7.5.
All readings, me and him were 2 hours after eating breakfast.
How inaccurate is that!
Dont know where to go with this one now...grrrr

Rant over :0)



soaps on telly and people talking about the characters as if they were real.
I had a codefree for a while. It consistently read higher than my Freestyle Lite, so i s3ent it back. I have used Freestyle meters for 10 years and their readings are consistently in tune with the hospital.


Well-Known Member
I had thought of getting a codefree as a second meter because of the cost of strips but decided against it after seeing so many comments about its high readings..... It is nice that you are seeing good results on another meter. :thumbup: Shows you are moving in the right direction and are doing much better than you thought. I would say that you could use the codefree to test the differences that different foods make but if its isn't even consistent in its own readings... perhaps it is a total write off.



Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
My freestyle lite is much lower than my sd codefree. Of cost is a factor then it will still give you an indication of levels going up or down.