Gestational diabetes to pre diabetes

Hannah july

Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hi I'm 34 years old and have a 6 month yr old baby.i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes during my pregnancy.i require insulin for fasting levels but nothing during the day.i controlled my sugars through diet and exercise. I should have been re tested six weeks after delivery but I've put it off scared to death I have type two.ive been doing my sugars occasionally and fasting my levels have been between 5.6 and 6.2. I'm aware that these are diabetic levels.can anyone offer any advice or support.thanks


Hi @Hannah july,

Whilst I can understand you being scared, you really need to have the test for your sake as well as for baby. You need to know and it is impossible for us to make a diagnosis. We are not medically trained and two readings are just snapshots of what is going on. If you are diagnosed as pre diabetic then we will do our best to help you.