

Type of diabetes
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Hi. You need to appreciate that Gliclazide is intended to stimulate a flagging pancreas. The 'typical' T2 may have excess rather than inadequate insulin due to insulin resistance, so Gliclazide may not be relevant whereas Metformin would be. Some say Glic can burn out the pancreas but there is no evidence for that. It doesn't have any proven common bad side effects.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
My GP told me that I have insulin resistance and gave me these tablets when I went back to see him after a week or so. He also put metformin up to 3 per day does that make sense to do that?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
My GP told me that I have insulin resistance and gave me these tablets when I went back to see him after a week or so. He also put metformin up to 3 per day does that make sense to do that?

It is one of the standard approach world wide because the mainstream guidance is to give priority and focus only on lowering glucose level. And that coaxing our dysfunctional/exhausted pancreas to produce even more insulin to "overcome" our insulin resistance is acceptable. It attempts to solve the more obvious. visible half of our problems.

Insulin resistance is hardly ever put in the context that T2D have chronically been producing excessive insulin for years, many times above normal levels, just to try to meet the demands of our high carbs/fructose lifestyle.

This recent blog post on Dr Joseph Kraft's Insulin model for the various stages of Diabetes by Dr Jason Fung, provides some insights.

But for any changes to the dosage of your medication, please discuss with your health provider...
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Now I am starting to understand T2D, so would I be right to tell my GP that I don't want to take this medication anymore

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
Now I am starting to understand T2D, so would I be right to tell my GP that I don't want to take this medication anymore


Discuss it with your GP!

The only reason for coming off the meds is because of your blood glucose levels and your Hba1c. Unless you're having bad side effects.
Until your GP is satisfied with your levels, I wouldn't rule out the meds.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
My diabetic nurse brought up the idea of coming off Gliclazide and going on to Lyxumia. She said the Gliclazide is probably not particularly effective on me, and could possibly be working against weight loss. The Lyxumia is described as a drug to squeeze a bit more life out of the pancreas.
I think the trouble with all this is I can only research so much as a non-medical person, and I have to trust my doctors. I have been very head in the sand in the past and just taken the pills, then I read that the statins and the other drugs might be harming me as much as doing good and I don't know what to believe.
I am trying to read as much as I can and get a list of questions together to take with me at my next diabetic discussion.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
My diabetic nurse brought up the idea of coming off Gliclazide and going on to Lyxumia. She said the Gliclazide is probably not particularly effective on me, and could possibly be working against weight loss. The Lyxumia is described as a drug to squeeze a bit more life out of the pancreas.
I think the trouble with all this is I can only research so much as a non-medical person, and I have to trust my doctors. I have been very head in the sand in the past and just taken the pills, then I read that the statins and the other drugs might be harming me as much as doing good and I don't know what to believe.
I am trying to read as much as I can and get a list of questions together to take with me at my next diabetic discussion.

Thanks I think I need to make a list as well


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2

Discuss it with your GP!

The only reason for coming off the meds is because of your blood glucose levels and your Hba1c. Unless you're having bad side effects.
Until your GP is satisfied with your levels, I wouldn't rule out the meds.

Ok thanks
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
My GP started me only on Gliclazide. A second GP said she wouldn't have done that first. Anyhow I was then started on Metformin, now 2 a day. However I was told that the idea is to drop the Gliclazide when I can because its overworking the already stressed pancreas. I've only been on the second Metformin for five days now, (and I missed one of those) so still taking the Gliclazide. I'd expect its more damaging to let the BG start going back up than to drop the Gliclazide.

But bear in mind, I'm no kind of medical expert. In spite of what is said here, don't go changing meds based on what's said here alone. Discuss with medical professionals before doing anything.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been on metformin which played havoc with my stomach, cramps wind feeling bloated.
I have now recently gone on to Gliclazide which I was told wouldn't upset my stomach,but once again I've had spasms cramping and feeling like I need the toilet but when getting there nothing doing. It got slightly worse this weekend when diabetic nurse adjusted my evening dose.
Does anyone else suffer with this or will it subside?
I have another appointment in 3 weeks. TIA


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@MaxBrad56 - Sounds like the side effects - some people can and do suffer digestive problems whilst taking Gliclazide. Hopefully, it may settle down after several days.
Read the information leaflet inside the box it will give you a more detailed list of side effects.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
@MaxBrad56 - Sounds like the side effects - some people can and do suffer digestive problems whilst taking Gliclazide. Hopefully, it may settle down after several days.
Read the information leaflet inside the box it will give you a more detailed list of side effects.
Thank you I have read and it does say that it can cause stomach upsets. Just hate feeling like this because then I don't feel like eating


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Anti-Gay People, Self Centre People, Two Faced People and Bad Language.
@MaxBrad56 - Hi:). But don't suffer in Silence. If it does not settle? Go back and see your GP and/or Diabetes Nurse. We are not all suited to one tablet(s) there are others than can be prescribed.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
You may find you get hypos when you are on gliclazide. Your doctor will hopefully have told you how to recognise and treat this.
Yeah I've been watching my levels. I may ring gps in the morning as this is now day 3 of feeling like this. Thank you.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
@MaxBrad56 - Hi:). But don't suffer in Silence. If it does not settle? Go back and see your GP and/or Diabetes Nurse. We are not all suited to one tablet(s) there are others than can be prescribed.
Thanks for your advice. I felt ok after initial upset when given the Gliclazide, but have felt really ****** since Thursday when she upped the Evening dose. The stomach cramps are awful and keep feeling as though I'm coming down with flu. I checked my blood levels and they're not too low,


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been on metformin which played havoc with my stomach, cramps wind feeling bloated.
I have now recently gone on to Gliclazide which I was told wouldn't upset my stomach,but once again I've had spasms cramping and feeling like I need the toilet but when getting there nothing doing. It got slightly worse this weekend when diabetic nurse adjusted my evening dose.
Does anyone else suffer with this or will it subside?
I have another appointment in 3 weeks. TIA
Metformin played havoc with my stomach and gave me all the problems you`ve outlined. I`ve been on Gliclazide for a few years and my gut health is poor. I intend to see my GP and ask if there is an alternative as I need to rule out this drug.
All the best with your problems and let me know how you get on.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Thanks for your advice. I felt ok after initial upset when given the Gliclazide, but have felt really ****** since Thursday when she upped the Evening dose. The stomach cramps are awful and keep feeling as though I'm coming down with flu. I checked my blood levels and they're not too low,
Hi Max, any update on the stomach problems as I`m suffering similarly? Thanks, Mark.
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Well-Known Member
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Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I started this drug on Tuesday felt sick and poorly on the first day. Stomach has been fine since but today I went really weak and I’m exhausted my BG was 5 which isn’t dangerous but I was feeling like I was having a hypo. Had some cake to bring it back up. It’s been running high at around 15 so i am pleased it’s working. Hoping the tiredness will pass. I need to get my OH onboard that I need to eat regular as he offered to make me breakfast at 9 and didn’t make it until 12. So I didn’t take meds until then. To be fair it’s rare he cooks breakfast for me and was a nice gesture