GP uses low carb diet with 13 patients -amazed!

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Southport GP said:
I'm amused to be thought a troll but I am a genuine GP

Whilst welcoming you to the forum and saying it would be good to have an enlightened HCP here I hope the mods can do the neccessary checks and verify who you are for us, you can understand everyones caution as we only have your say so on who you are, As a point of fact it is actually against forum rules to use words like "GP, Prof etc in your user name.


This extract taken from forum rules (my bold)

"Company user names are considered covert advertising. As anyone could set up a profile with professional titles (Dr, Prof, etc) as part of their username, whether they have the relevant qualifications or not, we do not allow titles as part of one’s username. Users with such a username will be asked to choose an alternative username."

Southport GP said:
Finally about sweeteners -these have been proven to tease your brain into being even more hungry making weight loss almost impossible

Not sure if this is your words or Briffas as I have never read him but I find that a bit of a sweeping statement and not true in my case - (although I know it is for some but this reads like it is for everyone)- I lost a lot of weight whilst using sweeteners in baking and cooking and sugar free drinks - I have lost to date 122lb


lovinglife said:
Southport GP said:
I'm amused to be thought a troll but I am a genuine GP

Whilst welcoming you to the forum and saying it would be good to have an enlightened HCP here I hope the mods can do the neccessary checks and verify who you are for us, you can understand everyones caution as we only have your say so on who you are, As a point of fact it is actually against forum rules to use words like "GP, Prof etc in your user name.


This extract taken from forum rules (my bold)

"Company user names are considered covert advertising. As anyone could set up a profile with professional titles (Dr, Prof, etc) as part of their username, whether they have the relevant qualifications or not, we do not allow titles as part of one’s username. Users with such a username will be asked to choose an alternative username."

Southport GP said:
Finally about sweeteners -these have been proven to tease your brain into being even more hungry making weight loss almost impossible

Not sure if this is your words or Briffas as I have never read him but I find that a bit of a sweeping statement and not true in my case - (although I know it is for some but this reads like it is for everyone)- I lost a lot of weight whilst using sweeteners in baking and cooking and sugar free drinks - I have lost to date 122lb

I like your weight chart!! :D I would be very worried if my GP, or anyone for that matter, showed suprise that low-carbing reduces bGs and weight. It's not rocket science after all. I reckon if I ate nothing for a week my bGs would go down and I would lose weight but I'm not about to give it a try! :shock: I am more interested in understanding the long-term effects of lowered overall nutrition vital for the 'whole body' ... let's not forget about all the other organs and functions we need sufficient minerals, vitamins etc. etc. for. 'Head below parapet' time. :twisted:

Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Southport GP said:
Firstly sorry for the typo- Southport uses the IFCC Standardised units which are mmol/mol. I'm amused to be thought a troll but I am a genuine GP-

Glad I amused you just as you are still amusing me this morning by your ridiculous posts, even the tittle is written in the third person as you are clearly writing fiction here.

You are correct in that the new way of showing the HbA1c is in mmol/mol which is why I questioned why you wrote that:
Southport GP said:
Of the remaining 12 all had significant weight loss averaging 6.2Kg after 8 weeks and an amazing drop in HbA1c averaging 9.8mmol/l in 7 weeks

mmol/l are not mmo/mol and if you a were a doctor as you claim I would hope you would know that. The new standard for HbA1c is the IFCC which expresses the HbA1c as mmol per mol of haemoglobin not mmol per litre as you posted. A typo? How convenient.

Southport GP said:
Yes I have found a lot of resistance -so far mainly from dieticians talking about long term possible harm -

Is it common for doctors in Southport to make such remarks about their fellow HCP's in an open forum? The dieticians of Southport must think very highly of you.

And for a doctor to publicly go against NICE guidance on diabetic diets in such a fashion! This really is a first and it would be so unbelievable that it is almost certainly so.

Which is why I believe you to be just another poorly informed low carber who is trying desperately to give kudos to a diet that has only been proved to be useful in the short term.

If you are a real doctor however, with nothing to hide, then I'm sure you will be only to happy to provide your name and the name of your surgery so it can be verified tomorrow when they open. And I will be happy to apologise and reply to you in a more positive manner. Until then I still believe you are a low carb troll.

Happy to be proven wrong though, the ball is in your court :D


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Dishonest people, pessimism, spiders, mushrooms.
Hi all - we've just verified that Southport GP is indeed a real GP, and not a 'low carb troll' as has been suggested. We're happy for him to continue posting here :)


Southport GP said:
Yes I have found a lot of resistance -so far mainly from dieticians talking about long term possible harm - yet when pressed they cannot tel me what form that harm may take when BP weight cholesterol liver function and HB A1c are all better on the diet and my patients feel so well?.

Welcome back. I have transcribed the figures you gave into a table below. Could you fill in the gaps please (no need for a table) :D



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Blimey, what a cynical lot you are. Do we all need verifying before we can post!!!


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I am disgusted to be quite honest we constantly complain about the medical proffession being blinkered about low carb, finally we find someone willing to spend his or her time on this and they are treated in such a way :( some of your responses (obvious which) were downright awful. i am ashamed of "us"
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I was watching this thread yesterday with interest - and it never crossed my mind that this was not a genuine posting from a G.P. However, when the challenges and accusations of 'troll' (not sure what that is!) appeared, I then thought I had been somewhat naive. Today, I just feel sad that - although verified as genuine - I doubt he/she will be heard from again - and as a newly diagnosed and confused type 2 I would have been so interested in hearing more of his work. I just wish I lived in Southport and was on his lists!! Fingers crossed that he/she will understand why the challenges were made and that he/she returns - I for one would love to hear more! Is it at all possible for the moderators to at least apologise to whoever this is for what happened and to let them know that we would love to hear again from them??


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I agree Julie, maybe I'm naïve too, I only thought they were genuine.
Now what about the kitchen lot...
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Southport GP - if by any chance you are still around - please accept my apologies for the rude reception which you may feel you had yesterday - and please accept that there are so many more of us 'confused Type 2's' who would very gladly welcome your input in this forum. As a newly diagnosed type 2, I have had a really negative response from my G.P, who informed me that their Practice policy was to put everyone straightaway onto medication - even pre-diabetics - and would not entertain any discussion about diet. Being a completely stubborn individual, I have not adhered to this regime and want to give diet a try before medication - although this will be difficult because I was refused a blood monitor!! This was why it was so refreshing to actually hear that at least one G.P. out there has some flexible thinking and is prepared to give time and effort into pursuing non-medication routes!! So - I will keep fingers crossed that you return and at the very least keep the forum updated on your research - good luck with the grant!!!


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Daily Mail, you know the sort

Do you have a link to the published report of this study? As it would make great evidence to present to others (even within the NHS) who are reluctant to believe that it works. Most of the time we only have anecdotes (although lots of them) which don't 'cut the mustard' as eveidence.
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The scepticism may have been caused by the surprise that someone in the NHS had tried these tests. Many of us on this forum have been critical of the NHS for not seeing the obvious. Now one of them has.

Try not to be cynical. If one GP has finally listened then there are only (quite a lot),000 to go. Look on the bright side.


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Not everyone who questioned the OPs validity was rude, I certainly wasn't and was quite within my rights to ask the mods to seek verification of identification. I certainly have nothing to apologise for and hope that OP comes back with evidence that those who are struggling with their own HCPs can use to help them.

As a GP I am sure OP is professional enough to draw a line under it and be a help to any of us who need it


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Squire Fulwood said:
The scepticism may have been caused by the surprise that someone in the NHS had tried these tests. Many of us on this forum have been critical of the NHS for not seeing the obvious. Now one of them has.

Try not to be cynical. If one GP has finally listened then there are only (quite a lot),000 to go. Look on the bright side.

Well put Squire Fulwood,

Lets hope this topic and many similar one's don't turn sour.
(I was one of those cynical one's but lucky to wait before I may have said the wrong thing)

Roy, :)
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Diet only
lovinglife said:
Not everyone who questioned the OPs validity was rude, I certainly have nothing to apologise for

Let us all rise above it and accept that it was an unusual event that caused many of us to doubt our sanity. A GP agreeing with us it is unusual.

Forget the difficulty and ask the GP back.

He could be useful.


Squire Fulwood said:
lovinglife said:
Not everyone who questioned the OPs validity was rude, I certainly have nothing to apologise for

Let us all rise above it and accept that it was an unusual event that caused many of us to doubt our sanity. A GP agreeing with us it is unusual.

Forget the difficulty and ask the GP back.

He could be useful.

He/she was on this pm so presumably is back or maybe it was admin

Neil Walters

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Not all HCPs are so anti - my DN this morning was positive about the evident benefits but did say be careful and don't take it too far- sometimes you need to eat carbs to keep the level up depending on what your treatment regime is and some of us need to remember that.

Diagnosed Type II 1998 1 x 80 mg Gliclazide, 4 x 500mg Metformin and 1 x 100mg Sitagliptin - HbA1c - 48 mmol/mol


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Southport GP.

I have just had my repeat HbA1c done and it's 4.6 Last year it was 4.8 and I am now entering my sixth year on a LCHF diet.
Part of my story is here viewtopic.php?f=18&t=30297

I look forward to your input.



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Southport GP said:

Write and tell my GP. When I put it to him, he just sneered 'who's going to do that?' I think all some people need is a bit of encouragement. My previous GP always carefully explained matters in a reassuring manner. My current GP doesn't even look at the notes. 'Bedside manner' is still an important quality in healthcare professionals.
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