Has anyone here been a diabetic for more than 40 years?


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Not many.
Hi. I was diagnosed in 1972 and am still going strong. Have one or two complications but still manage to play golf twice a week. Never thought I woukld live to 60, but I'm 81 in 3 weeks.
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Large dogs, loud music and bad language
Hello everyone.I don't post a lot but I do enjoy reading the forum.I have been diabetic for 65 years and still going strong.Sweets came off ration for the Queens coronation in June 1953.I can remember enjoying Refreshers and Lovehearts but that came to an abrupt halt in February 1954.I was in hospital for six weeks while they tried to stabilise me. Apart from high blood pressure (now under control) I have no other problems .I haven't been in hospital for diabetes since I was 14,when I ate rather a lot of sweets unbeknown to my parents .I have 10 units of Levemir before breakfast and 14 at bedtime,plus between 4 and 6 units of Novorapid before each meal. I have led a full and happy life and found that diabetes was only a hindrance occasionally .


Active Member
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Type 1
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Large dogs, loud music and bad language
LOL. I am your long-lost twin!

It all seems so crazy in retrospect, doesn't it? Looking back, I think I was scared out of my wits till I was about 30!

Did any of you long-timers ever go to Diabetes Camp. I used to see the pictures in Balance Magazine sometimes and long to go. But you know, I never asked. Strange.
Yes I went to three camps between 1955 and 1958 ,one near Aylesbury,one in Clitheroe Lancashire and one in Pateley Bridge Yorkshire great fun and everyone was only on one injection a day.
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I became a diabetic at age 12 now it is starting to take it's toll. I can no longer work because of neuropathy. What is a person to do?

Hi I've had Type 1 for 56 years, it's been a struggle I can't deny it. I've seen many changes since I was diagnosed and a lot are for the better. I'm lucky that I can still work, sorry to hear that you can't. Keep going


Type of diabetes
Type 1
I clocked up 42 years in February.
I was diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 8 in October 1962, just before my birthday. I’ve already received a medal presented by the BDA to celebrate 50 years of living with type 1diabetes. I’ve now had Type 1 for 58 years......... I just wonder whe the new Diabetic Association will present it next medal.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
I have had T1 Diabetes for 48 years. I was diagnosed when I was 3 years old
I have had type1 for 53 years I have had some problems but still work as a meter reader I walk at least 10 miles per day but must be honest I rarely feel like doing it as I'm always tired (could be an age thing). I think mind set and good control are the major driving force with type 1 never let it beat you.

Ray B

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Type 1
I have had type1 for 53 years I have had some problems but still work as a meter reader I walk at least 10 miles per day but must be honest I rarely feel like doing it as I'm always tired (could be an age thing). I think mind set and good control are the major driving force with type 1 never let it beat you.

Yes I have had Type 1 for 74 years and teach pilates classes 5/6 hours a week.
Ray B
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Still OK since last posting on this thread nearly two years ago. Age 81 and T1 since 1964. Treated with pump and FIASP, monitored by Libre. No retinopathy or other complications. HbA1c last week was 5.4 (we're still using that old style measurement here in France.) Being very careful now because of this wretched Covid 19.


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Reading the last two posts has me smiling from ear to ear although it'll take me another 2 years to get half way to Ray B :)
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Type 1
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I posted here almost five years ago. I've just about had T1 for 48 years now (Dx in 1972) and am 60 years old. Time for an update :happy::
  • I've dropped the insulin pump and do very well with insulin pens instead (much less hassle and beats carting a pump around everywhere).
  • For the last few years I've taken up using the Libre sensors, combined with the Miaomiao bridging device and a smartwatch. Best things ever!
  • I retired (early)
  • I ran a hilly trail ultramarathon (56 km), plus two other road marathons and will do another once Covid19 retreats and things return more back to normal.
  • I got married (second time around - she's a runner, too!) :woot:
  • Took up sea-kayaking
  • Still no complications (which I attribute to all that exercise)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
58 years, started on 80 strength soluble twice daily, now on pump with FiAsp with CGM, seen many changes, done very many things, but life has been good to me and although some problems most have been resolved. Parents joined BDA way back in 1962 when had glass syringes, boiled once a week, surgical spirit to clean injection site and needles were resharpened....... pee testing with Clinitest and boiling sample with tablet. Blood glucose only done at hospital and never told results of that..... Very many changes over the years and much more variation now permitted after rigid diet with very specific Carbohydrate e.g. thin sliced white bread only, with crusts removed and fut to shape using aluminium template. Those were (not) the days.....


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Mountain out of mole hill makers ,queues , crowds , shopping on a Saturday hmm just shopping I guess no matter what day it is
Well havent got the big 40 yet. Got to wait til 1st of Sept , had complications main one I guess is losing my right leg below the knee. I had no one to blame but myself , I never took my bs Hb 1ac always in the 90’ s smoked drank etc etc ,, but believe it or not was always very fit , doctor told me in hospital after I got scepsis that was the reason I survived . I lost my leg in 2014 and decided to “ screw the nut” . Now test bs regularly I walk fine I’m always busy my Hb 1 ac is 52 regularly . And my specialist says I’m in great shape , so if I can do it anyone can , diabetes is a complicated animal and deserves respect. It really does take u to try and ignore it completely before it bites u in the bum. Believe me I have that t shirt, try and have an element of control and you’ll be fine , I don’t worry about it anymore I respect it and control it as well as I can , diabetes is a totally individual thing but I’ve been terrible over the years and managed nearly 40 years so there is hope for everyone .
Good luck and stay safe
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52 years since age 4 for me, remember all of those things too Penquin 47210 except needle sharpening, that must have changed to just the disposable 1 inch thick, 2 inches long needles by 1968 when I was diagnosed (felt like ). Been using an insulin pump for the last 8 years and love it, wouldn't want to be without it. Have had just a tiny amount of background retinopathy with no other complications so very lucky compared to some people.
My mantra, which I owe to my parents who were brilliant, has always been, I'm in control of this, it's not in control of me, nothing (up to now) will make this go away so get on with it, live the best life you can and don't waste time bemoaning your fate.
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Ray B

Active Member
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Type 1
Didn't do HBA1c s when I was diagnosed: it was a once a year blood test only. When I was 14 it was 2 blood tests on the same day, one at 11am and 1 at 3pm. I think the HBA1c came about when I had, had diabetes for around 25 years

I was a couple of years at least, not taking my diabetes seriously, from about 17 to 19 years old. This was from 1962-1964. My diabetes specialist told me I would not live another year, if I didn’t change.
As above testing blood sugar levels were crude. We used to drop 5 drops of urine and 10 drops of water into a test tube and add a Clinitest tablet and watch the solution to boil. After a few seconds you would get a coloured liquid. Blue was negative sugar and orange 4 percent or above.
The doctors warning was scary but effective.
I have had Type 1 for 74 years and teach pilates as a little business.
I have managed to stay fit and well, but have just had a vascular by-pass in my left leg.
Hope this helps.
Cheers Ray B
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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I was diagnosed with T1 60 years ago last January. Feeling great with no side effects. I must be one of the luckiest people with diabetes. It has not always been easy, to put it mildly, in fact at times it’s an utter pain.
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