Hba1c 100


Hello everyone, newcomer here.

I am posting on behalf of my mother regarding her recent shock with the hba1c result.

She has been type 2 for 5 years, following many years of questionable sugars following gestational diabetes.

Last christmas she had a blood test following years of good control using max dose metformin, which came back at hba1c of 74. This was no doubt a shock, as she is meticulous with her diet and walk roughly 25 miles a week, and gyms/swims twice/three times a week.
She was put on gliclazide, but had intolerable side effects, and the blood sugar did not go down.
She tried metformin again, to see if it would reactivate, and following a routine pre-op blood test, the hba1c came back at 101!!!! Crazy!

Any advice would be welcome. Will she have to have insulin? The doctors use insulin as a scare tactic at the gp surgery, which I think is unkind. She does have a high bmi despite all the diet and exercise (she is miserable with it) but her bp and cholesterol is fine.

P.s. a random glucose test was 22mmol three hours after food.

Any advice would be surely welcome. We are considering changing gp.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Not being able to eat as many chocolate digestives as I used to.
Hi @Koneko , and welcome to the forums.

The word meticulous doesn't really give us much to go on, can you elaborate on what your mother eats on a typical day.

I'm not sure why think insulin is a scare tactic? If she needs it, she needs it.