Hello - New Here But Not New To The Game

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Hello All & thanks for having me

I was diagnosed with T2 in 1992. So by no means new to the game.

A game that has taken its toll over the years I'm afraid to say.
Alot of this story you've probably heard before.
Not taking the condition seriously in the early days has led to some poor outcomes for me.

Servere Sight Impairment (Registered Blind)
Retinal Myopathy Macular Oedema.
Depression & ANot New nxiety.
Most of the other usual suspects also from not looking after myself...

I'm on MDI + Oral Meds.

Why the renewed spark of interest I hear you say, why now ??

I've just been prescribedribed a New regime.
New to me anyway.
Tresiba Flexpen & Humalog Pen.
Also given a once weekly Pen of Trulicity

On the monitoring front I am being funded by the C.C.G. for a Libre 2 sensor.
Hoping to start using that in the next couple of weeks after the guidelines were updated last year I believe...

Anyway that's me so Hello & looking forward to reading news, stories & your experiences on the forum.

Cheers Andy...