All skinnier than I t2's,
Without sounding like a wise guy, which I want to as is my nature, I have notices one thing that has separated me from a thinner person.
My metabolism is slower due to my inactivity. ( I can't believe I am saying this but) IF you eat bigger meals, but less of them, watch more t.v., (the telly ) and choose worse foods you will gain weight.... drop that salad for a quarter pounder from mcdonalds? get a sandwich with fried chicken and cheeze or blue cheeze instead of that health veggie dish? Extra calories in and less movement= weight gain (excluding any medical causes, of course.)
I honestly did not know t2s were skinny and loosing weight is not anything I have ever seen. If you want you can come to my house in the Usa for a few weeks. I will show you how to pack on the pounds, bros and sisters.
obviously, I am not giving any medical advise... only my experience as to why I put on weight.
Good luck,
I can't wait for everyone to hell at me for not giving healthy