Help with Possible Phishing scam


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Not eating chocolate
Hello all, I got a mail in my junk box and went ahead and opened it. It purported to be from a Diabetics site, from this address :-

From: Diabetic Connect Care Service ([email protected])
Sent: 15 May 2012 19:20:02

and claimed to be giving away free Low Carb recipe books. I clicked on it and was taken to another site which suggested that I was almost "certainly a winner!". Not of any Low Carb recipe book, however. I closed all the windows immediately, but obviosuly if it's a virus, I'll no doubt know about it pretty soon.

Does anyone know anything about this? It's supposed to be from Allianz Health networks, which may well be legit, but I get really good emails from Barclays, PayPal and others where I know they are fakes.

If no one knows anything, perhaps I can just warn members to be careful? I think it's bang out of order either way, I would love to know something to help my health, but I don't like being fooled into doing something I don't want to do.


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Thanks, Mayfly, I'll keep an eye out for it.

I'm getting many supposedly from Amazon at the moment, confirming "cancellation of order". Since I don't have any orders in at the moment, I sent the first off to Amazon to let them know, and deleted the rest unopened. There is a fake order number highlighted for you to click; presumably that lets in the virus or whatever.

I've taken to opening my emails on the BT Yahoo! site and checking them before I download them. Saves trouble - but my inbox is still too full!

Viv 8)

Shame that deleting a spam email doesn't automatically send a Foxtrot Oscar message back to the sender! :lol:


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if in doubt don't open.

Sid Bonkers

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Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Hi Mayfly it sounds from your description like spam to me but if you are still worried download malwarebytes, link below, install it and click the option to update it then run it and delete anything it finds.

Its a very good free program that you can run once a month or so and any time you are concerned.

Download from Cnet here - ... 04572.html


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Viv 8)

Shame that deleting a spam email doesn't automatically send a Foxtrot Oscar message back to the sender! :lol:[/quote]

A while ago i was pestered by banks and bulding sociey "fakes" which all looked good on the first page. of course they all wanted me to "fill in my details" ha ha! I especially liked those from those banks with whom i had never had an account.
I thought I would live dangerously and filled one in. Not with my details of course , but with various Foxrot Oscar-type messages . I had fun fitting them into the boxes. I had had several of hese previously and had just deleted henm all.
Strangely enough this seemed o work. I dont suppose it was the content of he messages but merely he fact hey didnt supply any useful information. I must say it gave me agreat deal of satisfaction though!


Well-Known Member
I get lots of spam from banks and such have had some that look like the are legitimate but try to trust my spam filter. Got a strange one the other day from supposedly the FBI thought it was hilarious when it said I was wanted for some crime and that if I was innocent I need to contact them.


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According to my inbox, lots of people are sending me parcels from the States! I never knew I had so many friends :lol: .

I use 2 banks, and neither of them ever email me 'out of the blue'. The phishing ones are interesting, though - they can never spell properly, so are pretty easy to detect.

Like Unbeliever, I love the ones from banks I've never used :***:

Viv 8)


Active Member
They are even using companies that no longer exist. I had one the other day from Abbey National. They became Santander ages ago, and dropped the 'National' bit a stupidly long time ago as well. Honestly, 0/10 for effort on their part.


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Unbeliever said:
viviennem said:
Viv 8)

Shame that deleting a spam email doesn't automatically send a Foxtrot Oscar message back to the sender! :lol:

A while ago i was pestered by banks and bulding sociey "fakes" which all looked good on the first page. of course they all wanted me to "fill in my details" ha ha! I especially liked those from those banks with whom i had never had an account.
I thought I would live dangerously and filled one in. Not with my details of course , but with various Foxrot Oscar-type messages . I had fun fitting them into the boxes. I had had several of hese previously and had just deleted henm all.
Strangely enough this seemed o work. I dont suppose it was the content of he messages but merely he fact hey didnt supply any useful information. I must say it gave me agreat deal of satisfaction though!

and having clicked on them, you've confirmed that your email address is live and saleable... the spammers get money for email addresses that are real ones.

Those links that you follow have all that gibberish, but the gibberish is merely a hash of both the email address that it was sent to and also the real link the spam was sent for.

chris lowe

Same goes for those annoying text messages telling me I've had an accident and I an claim or the PPI- if you text back STOP it just lets them know that it is an active mobile number.


Well-Known Member
My husband keeps getting random emails from YouTube telling him that his video has made it to the TOP OF YOUTUBE!!!
Which is strange. Because he doesn't have a YouTube account.

I will say, though, as a word of warning...
If you get strange looking emails and click on any links from them you can also open your email address up to lots of nasties.
Usually said nasties are just annoying spam emails. Sometimes it goes to phishing emails but you can also open it up to "hacking".
This "hacking" involves not just your email, but the emails belonging to all of your contacts. What they do is send random, annoying and spammy links to everyone on your list in the hopes that they click on the links inside the email and then it's a domino effect from there.


Well-Known Member
I keep getting calls from companies wanting to do maintenance on my computer. Ohhh it's so tempting to play along and let them think they are getting into my computer. Telling them to 'get lost, it's a scam' works extremely well as they hang up very quickly.

I continually get e mails from the various banks - including my own, who I know never send out e mails. My spam folder getts bigger by the day !


Well-Known Member
chris lowe said:
Same goes for those annoying text messages telling me I've had an accident and I an claim or the PPI- if you text back STOP it just lets them know that it is an active mobile number.

The same apples with your landline. I get on average 1 call a day, it's a man and a woman's voice, always the same two voices. No matter how many times you press 9 to be removed from their system, they keep calling. I have now taken to pressing 5 (to speak to a representative) then putting the phone in the kitchen for a while, until they get tired and hang up. I will do this every single time they call. Their phone bill not mine!


Well-Known Member
Defren said:
chris lowe said:
The same apples with your landline. I get on average 1 call a day, it's a man and a woman's voice, always the same two voices. No matter how many times you press 9 to be removed from their system, they keep calling. I have now taken to pressing 5 (to speak to a representative) then putting the phone in the kitchen for a while, until they get tired and hang up. I will do this every single time they call. Their phone bill not mine!

Try putting the phone next to the loudest, scariest music you own and blast 'em with that :wink:
Disturbed "Down With The Sickness" is popular here.


Well-Known Member
BlindFaith said:
Defren said:
chris lowe said:
The same apples with your landline. I get on average 1 call a day, it's a man and a woman's voice, always the same two voices. No matter how many times you press 9 to be removed from their system, they keep calling. I have now taken to pressing 5 (to speak to a representative) then putting the phone in the kitchen for a while, until they get tired and hang up. I will do this every single time they call. Their phone bill not mine!

Try putting the phone next to the loudest, scariest music you own and blast 'em with that :wink:
Disturbed "Down With The Sickness" is popular here.

That's cruel :lol: I'll just let 'em talk to themselves I think.


Well-Known Member
When we were getting nusance calls My husband whistled down the phone line as there was a moment before the person would start to speak which is the sign of an automatic dialler they had been ringing every day at the same time after he did this they never rang again. I keep a whistle by the phone still it's a great deterrent.


Well-Known Member
Scoop4 said:
When we were getting nusance calls My husband whistled down the phone line as there was a moment before the person would start to speak which is the sign of an automatic dialler they had been ringing every day at the same time after he did this they never rang again. I keep a whistle by the phone still it's a great deterrent.

The calls I get are automated, so it wouldn't work. You press 5 to be connected to an agent, once I press 5 I just put the phone in the kitchen for a while. I am sick of pressing 9 which is supposed to remove you - it doesn't!


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I may have imagined this but someone here probably knows, but I believe there is something about pressing the # key about 5 times in quick succession just as you answer the call that is supposed to cancel your number from their computer system. I'm sure that's what I read in one of those useful stop spam emails a while back.
May be worth a try perhaps?



Well-Known Member
angieG said:
I may have imagined this but someone here probably knows, but I believe there is something about pressing the # key about 5 times in quick succession just as you answer the call that is supposed to cancel your number from their computer system. I'm sure that's what I read in one of those useful stop spam emails a while back.
May be worth a try perhaps?


I've not heard of this, but will certainly give it a go. I was on that list (can't remember what it's called) where your number didn't go onto marketing lists. I don't get many, only (almost) daily ones from this company and sometimes some from abroad. Thanks Angie. :D