HGV licence revoked, what is the procedure?


Hi there,

I have a few questions about the procedure of getting back on wheels as soon as.

I was diagnosed on the 26 of Feb 2021 with diabetes and went on insulin the next day.
Obviously, I have informed the DVLA about this (now thinking the option to pay a £1000 fine would be much better) and they revoked my licence with the explanation that I have to have 3 months of glucose readings.

So I have planned my journey through these months to manage my diabetes and get back to work.
I have planned GP and clinics visits, extra blood tests and a schedule sending my applications.

However, when the time came, my doctor change his mind and said I should first send reapplying form to DVLA.
After that DVLA will send another form to the clinic for a doctor to confirm my management of diabetes.

But DVLA in the last letter stated, they no accept any application without medical confirmation/documentation.

At this point, I am totally confused. Access to NHS is limited. DVLA is shut do strike.

I can not contact DVLA because customer service is shut. I wish to do it right to avoid any delays.

Can you tell me what forms I should send?

If this is from D2 along with medical questionary DIAB1? Should I send my ID/Passport or photo with it again?

Another question is about the readings of glucose itself and the CGM system.
I know that lorry drivers have to use finger prick test still during work. However, at the moment when they revoked driving licence technically, you are not a lorry driver anymore. From 2019 it was approved by DVLA for car/motorbike drivers and at the moment I am the only car driver. I am using the CGM system every day and checking blood only for calibrations or low sugar levels.
The clinic has a system in place and reviewing my results online live. I understand that at this point without an HGV licence DVLA should accept results from CGM.
The clinic and doctors did not say that I should change for finger pricking, only recently nurse was surprised me by asking '' why I don't use strips only, they are for free''.
For me was simple to answer, to better manage my diabetes. Thanks, CGM I could understand the process and manage to get result A1C 6.9 in only 3 months.

Please let me know what do you think.

Best Regards,
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Hi @martin1983 , and welcome to the forum!

I don't know anything about driving in the UK but I'll tag @searley for you, he's a T1 HGV driver as well.

Good luck, I hope you'll manage to get your license back shortly!

Duncan Lord

I’m about a month behind you. As I was diagnosed on 28 March this year following a car accident. DVLA have given me my car license back on Medical Review but have revoked my Class 2 Bus and Coach License due to not having 3 months data on glucose meter(S)
watch out as my meters given from Doctors record 450 results then overwrite. At 7 a day, pre breakfast, 2 hrs after breakfast, pre lunch, 2 hours after lunch, pre tea, 2 hours after tea and pre bed plus extras when driving car last about 7 to 8 weeks. Yes it seems a fight to get this back but they are not going to get rid of me that easily.
let me know how you get on. Duncan


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Thanks @Antje77

@martin1983 and @Duncan Lord im happy to help where i can i drive Class 1 with ADR and often travel under IMDG

this could be long so will keep as short as possible.. as questions if needed

CGM is totally irrelevant to HGV so you must comply with the BG checking rules even on your days off.. 1 missed reading could mean you don't get your license.. make sure you have a meter that can hold 3 months of reading.. many with small memories won't be any good.. again at you 12 month renewal missed reading = no license.. my meter holds 2000 readings

the process will be

apply for your license, you don't have a license at all now, so you'll fill out the same form as you do to get a provisional.. they will probably include a D$ medical form.. if you have a valid D4 you can ignore this... but when you send back the forms include a completed diabetes questionnaire from the DVLA site.... don't send the forms until you have 6 to 8 weeks of BG readings..

once they get the forms back they will send a thank you letter with more forms and medical releases.. complete and return..

at this point they may ask you to see a GP.. they will provide a form.. and you WILL need 3 months bg readings for this appointment

once the accept the GP report.. or if they decide to skip it you will get a letter to attend a DVLA appointed diabetes consultant... you WILL need a full 3 months meter readings for this.. they may draw a chart and list all readings by date.. 1 too little no renewal!!

once the consultant is happy and signs the form your license will arrive within 3 weeks

important notes

1, i can stress how important your meter is.. missed readings or lost meter = no license

2, the GP consultant will ask you if you are hypo aware.. the MUSY be a yes

3, you will be asked if you have had any hypos requiring the help of others this MUST be a no.. (i think they now allow it while asleep)

4, the GP consultant will ask you if you are aware of the signs of being hypos and expect you to list atleast a few of them

5, the will ask you the lower BG levels at which you can drive.. if below 5 don't start to drive without a snack.. you can continue to drive while under 5 but 4 is the absolute lower limit

6 the will ask you what you carry to treat a hypo.. Glucotabs plus something slower like cereal bars

an HGV licence DVLA should accept results from CGM.
they don't fullstop.. put it out your mind.. the law only recently changed to allow car drivers to use them.. turn up without bg readings = no license FULLSTOP

at my last renewal my consultant asked how i treated my diabetes i said pump and cgm... his eyes rolled.... i said don't worry ive got a full 3 months readings on my bg meter.. he said phew.. i failed the guy before you for thinking he could use cgm and have failed several this year
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Thank you for reply,

Unfortunately after starting using GCM I was not checking my glucose using blood meter very often. Only when I have low or high sugar.

Is it 2 readings per day, is it correct?

So it's enough to take one reading in the morning and one in the evening?

It is really frustrating, we have invest our own time and money in licence and they can revoke it so easily.

I have no points and never have any issues with law. It is same responsibility like don't drink alcohol and drive lorry, same for sugars level and hypos. What they think, that we are lunatics trying to kill ourselves?

Best Regards,
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an HGV licence DVLA should accept results from CGM.
Thank you for reply,

Unfortunately after starting using GCM I was not checking my glucose using blood meter very often. Only when I have low or high sugar.

Is it 2 readings per day, is it correct?

So it's enough to take one reading in the morning and one in the evening?

It is really frustrating, we have invest our own time and money in licence and they can revoke it so easily.

I have no points and never have any issues with law. It is same responsibility like don't drink alcohol and drive lorry, same for sugars level and hypos. What they think, that we are lunatics trying to kill ourselves?

Best Regards,

the minimum is 2 a day. so yes one when you get up, one pre bed is ok.... i sometime forget the morning one so do 1 an hour before bed and one when i goto bed... plus tests when driving.. so whilst driving you must have tested within the last 2 hours

in all fairness there is a lot more risk to hgv's than cars... this is why they have to be careful... i carry 40t of explosive gas.. imagine me not checking my bg and crashing.. could kill hundreds.. so while i can sympathise with you i can understand why the rules are there
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Duncan Lord

the minimum is 2 a day. so yes one when you get up, one pre bed is ok.... i sometime forget the morning one so do 1 an hour before bed and one when i goto bed... plus tests when driving.. so whilst driving you must have tested within the last 2 hours

in all fairness there is a lot more risk to hgv's than cars... this is why they have to be careful... i carry 40t of explosive gas.. imagine me not checking my bg and crashing.. could kill hundreds.. so while i can sympathise with you i can understand why the rules are there

Duncan Lord

Thanks for your reply. I was collecting results from day 1 as I knew DVLA can be very iffy.
Yes they have to be careful but I need license back. Seeing consultant at hospital about a week after I have 3 months results so will go with all forms plus data plus plus plus.


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I wonder how fast things go if DVLA is constantly on strike.
i will make it quite clear now, that even when there is no strike its a long process.. of course you have to renew every 12 months.. the renewal often takes 3 months... only once has my license not expired before renewal but atleast with the renewal you can continue to drive on an expired license


I’m a new HGV CLASS1 diabetic and have been on a three year licence for years. Whilst I understand the DVLA requirement for BG testing, has anyone in a similar situation tried to get the new Freestyle Libre3 CGM, (priced the same as the Libre2), from their GP? I had a Dexcom (self paid) before and loved that I could watch my real-time level without the illegality of handling the phone while driving!
Also, as I understand it, my licence renewal will be annually subject to a satisfactory consultant visit … as I currently have an annual ‘diabetes check’ at my surgery with the ‘diabetes nurse specialist’, is this sufficient or is there a specific DVLA-led procedure that I need to follow?


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I use Dexcom and have my bg show on my wrist.. via the Apple Watch so no need to touch phone… and also you’ll still need to do a regular test every 2 hours

However the gp will not give you a libre 3 in place of the libre 2 as they are not allowed

If you use an Android phone you could use an app like xdrip to get the realtime data from the libre 2