hi from across the ocean


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
hi I am from montreal canada. I was diagnosed with prediabetes in 2015 and t2d in 2017. when first diagnosed (pre) I was told to exercise to lose weight and eat whole wheat pasta and brown rice and to reduce the sugars. I went to see a nutritionist who put me on a low fat-calorie counting regiment. obviously I did not lose the weight and I progressed to full blown diabetes a couple of yrs later. obviously I was quite discouraged with the whole thing and I getting real nervous ad to what lied ahead for me. doing some research on the internet I came across denis pollock as well as dr Jason fung both on you tube and both preaching the virtues of low carb lifestyle. I came to find out about this forum through one of Jason fung's lectures. needless to say I embarked on low carb with a passion after reading lots of what members had to say about their experiences n this forum. my a1c has droped from a high of 7.4 to 5.6 taken a few months ago. thanks


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
IF I made a mistake in life it was not moving to Canada. I love the place. Spent 6 months on Rue Cherrier in Montreal in the late 70s, a few doors down from Park La Fontaine. Ah, memories!
Anyhow, enough of that, as far as I can see you're progressing really well.
Low carb is good (I'm T2) if you believe many people on here, which I do.
Exercise helps me.
You on any medication?
Keep going!


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
hi I am from montreal canada. I was diagnosed with prediabetes in 2015 and t2d in 2017. when first diagnosed (pre) I was told to exercise to lose weight and eat whole wheat pasta and brown rice and to reduce the sugars. I went to see a nutritionist who put me on a low fat-calorie counting regiment. obviously I did not lose the weight and I progressed to full blown diabetes a couple of yrs later. obviously I was quite discouraged with the whole thing and I getting real nervous ad to what lied ahead for me. doing some research on the internet I came across denis pollock as well as dr Jason fung both on you tube and both preaching the virtues of low carb lifestyle. I came to find out about this forum through one of Jason fung's lectures. needless to say I embarked on low carb with a passion after reading lots of what members had to say about their experiences n this forum. my a1c has droped from a high of 7.4 to 5.6 taken a few months ago. thanks
Sounds like you got the same advice as I got, over here in the Netherlands. When I ballooned on her high carb, low fat nonsense, the dietician told me I'd just have to get used to being fat, as I was "just one of those people who couldn't lose weight". Not on her diet, I couldn't! (At that point I didn't know my blood sugars were off, nor that she could be quite wrong). Fung and compatriots made all the difference here too. Anyway, welcome, and well done!


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Amazing results on your HbAic, what's it like to be normal again ?


Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Hello and welome

congratulations on a great result- just a shame so many of us get incorrect advice from the medical profession.