Hi type 2


Active Member
Hi I'm Scott,
I was diagnosed as type 2 and put on metformin. I was un-employed at the time and was drinking 2lts of coke and eating junk food which took its toll I had a BSL of 21.

But I refused to take my tablets and cut out coke but haven't cut out treats anyway I have recently done a BSL test and my level was 10 and that was after I had eaten sugary foods.

Don't get me wrong I am cutting them out of my diet gradually but I was wondering if I've reduced my BSL by 10 without any real change apart from coke.

Can diabetes be misdiagnosed ? Thanks


Active Member
Thanks, I just feel so much healthier and when I tried metformin I felt much worse. Coke cola was my sin so too speak I've stopped drinking it and feel great .


Well-Known Member
Scotty84 said:
Thanks, I just feel so much healthier and when I tried metformin I felt much worse. Coke cola was my sin so too speak I've stopped drinking it and feel great .

That's a start
And you should speak to your DN and see if they can change your meds
Next time I go am asking to be changed metformin really doesn't agree with me but I take it cause I don't wanna end up back where I was :)

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Treatment type
Hi. Glad to hear you have given up the standard Coke; Diet Coke should be fine. Your blood sugar readings do show that you are diabetic but can control it thru diet as you are almost certainly insulin resistant. I would recommend you try to have a sensible low-GI carb diet without too much junk food to the extent necessary to bring your blood sugar within recommended levels. If Metformin is giving you problems do ask your GP to change you over to Metformin SR; the Slow Release version. Many people find the standard version settles after a few weeks but the SR version is kinder overall. Metformin is the best drug for insulin resistance so try to stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just back from my first visit to my diabetes Nurse. Feet test done and my fears alayed as problems with tight feeling is water retention. Did the prick test and she felt pulse all fine.
Weight well thats the problem 16 stone not good. Chersterol 5.8 so on low dose statin.
Blood pressure well that was brilliant for me 130/75 pulse 55. Dr will be so pleased. I have to cream my lower legs and have an appointment to have my retinas checked and a blood test in 6 months.
She is pleased i have joined this forum and said i am well informed. Just to keep up the good work. Thank you

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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
People who try to tell me what to do
Hi just wanted to ask what's the difference between metaformin hd and metaformin sr I'm seeing the dn on Monday and she's has been told from a doctor from the hospital to put me on metaformin hd

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Hi Shzz46. I don't think there is such a thing as Metformin HD? If you Google it there are no results.


Active Member
Thanks for the tips. I was wondering though could I have been misdiagnosed ? I had my gall bladder out 2 years ago and felt great afterwards. I feel fantastic best I have felt in years. They keep writting to me about eye tests and Desmond but I know this sounds terrible but I really don't want anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
You definitely should have the eye tests, unless you're happy with the possibility you may go blind. Blindness is my worst fear so I was really keen to attend hospital for the retinopathy test and was relieved to get the all clear afterwards.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Hi. Your blood sugar reading does confirm diabetes but I suspect with the better diet and Metformin your blood sugar will become near normal and your diabetes will still be there but under full control by diet and perhaps the Met. Eye tests are good for anyone and they are simple and useful and carried out every year. I must admit I never had Desmond so don't even know what it offers. If it offers silly NHS dietary advice such as 'have starchy carbs with every meal' politely completely ignore it; hopefully the NHS has now started to offer valid dietary advice for diabetics. BTW many/most T2 diabetics feel fine even with their high blood sugar at diagnosis so don't be fooled by feeling OK. The HBa1C blood test will tell you where you are on the scale.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
People who try to tell me what to do
Hi diabell it's what's on the letter from the hospital it has metaformin 500mg hd

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Hi Scotty,
If you weren't diabetic your sugars wouldn't get up to 10 even if you were eating sugary food. I'm not a doctor but I don't think you have been misdiagnosed. However, you are in a good position to manage with your diet if you want to, but you will need to find different treats. Do you like fruit? Blueberries? Raspberries? Find something you like that won't send your sugars up. 10 is too high. Your doctor will let you stay off meds and control with diet but you'll have to roll up your sleeves and get your sugars right down. Well done for binning the coke, it's a great place to start, how about exercise? That can really help with your sugars. You are gunning for between 4 and 7 before eating, and no higher than 8.5 after eating - (NICE guidelines for type 2 adults). I think it's a brilliant ambition to control your condition without meds, and go for it, but like the good people have said, don't avoid medication if it means leaving your sugars so high, it going to really muck up your life when complications set in. You are probably looking at Metformin if you want to keep your treats, and your health
Go for it Scotty,
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Scotty84 said:
Thanks for the tips. I was wondering though could I have been misdiagnosed ?

Yes we all go through that stage. It doesn't apply to me, they have got it wrong, I'll play along until they realise I am fit and healthy really, I don't need their help, I haven't got time to go to all these appointments, I'll just stop taking sugar in my tea and everything will be fine ............etc.

Then you accept it and you start making progress.


Active Member
Hi I had heard that the eye tests involve eye drops that sting ? Also I have just started a job which is 8-5 mon to Friday I really not keen on taking time out of work. I'm sorry I'm just scared I'm not cocky just scared please if anyone wants to support me I'd be great full. My nearest and dearest are great but are treating me like I'm disabled. I've started too feel old I'm 28 :'( sorry
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Scotty84 said:
Hi I had heard that the eye tests involve eye drops that sting ? Also I have just started a job which is 8-5 mon to Friday I really not keen on taking time out of work. I'm sorry I'm just scared I'm not cocky just scared please if anyone wants to support me I'd be great full. My nearest and dearest are great but are treating me like I'm disabled. I've started too feel old I'm 28 :'( sorry

What is to be sorry for? And there is no need to be scared. Soon you will be eating a little differently, maybe taking some exercise if you didn't already take some and life will feel normal. Don't panic, it gets easier.


Squire is right Scotty, it will take some getting used to, but the shock will wear off, and you'll find food that suits you, get some exercise and you'll be off and running. Your family will stop freaking out too and realise you don't need a wheelchair, they are probably in shock too :) . And once you get your sugars down you will probably feel better than you have in years.
Hang in there Scotty


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
The stinging from the eye drops lasts just a few minutes. Then your pupils dilate and the whole world goes fuzzy. Then they take the photos. The fuzziness in vision lasts anywhere from 2 to 6 hours. Mine was near the upper end. As your eyes can't focus, you mustn't drive yourself home from the hospital.


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Treatment type
A couple of things. First the BD means 'Bi-Daily' similar to OD 'Once Daily). So the prescription is for standard Metformin taken twice a day. Second, I've had eye screening now for about 7 years and my eyes have never stung with the drops. They drop an anaesthetic in first and then the main drop.