High blood pressure?


Active Member
Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but Dr Google hasn't been much of a help and I've been trying over the last four months to better equip myself with knowledge about my health after my T2 diagnosis at the end of June.

Back story: I was diagnosed as a type 2 after a hospital visit to the A&E for what I now know was a gallbladder attack because of undiagnosed gallstones. My hba1c was 13.3 which is shockingly high. My blood pressure in the A & E was 180/90 but they didn't seem too concerned about it because when I asked, they attributed it to stress and pain. All my liver markers were also 11 times higher than what is considered in the normal range. I was discharged under the care of a GP with a script for metformin and to follow through with the removal of my gallbladder, as well as to manage my diabetes. My GP, on my first visit took my blood pressure and it was again still high(155/87). He prescribed me blood pressure tablets based off that number but I was reluctant to take them and I didn't because I truly felt I didn't suffer from high blood pressure and my numbers were a result of anxiety, pain and stress over my health situation.

The week after my visit to my GP, I had another gallbladder attack despite not eating any fatty foods and as advised to me by my GP, I presented at A&E because of the possibility of a gallstone blocking a bile duct as result of their size. My blood pressure was again extremely high on admission but during my hospital stay, surgery and recovery, my four hourly obs being done by the nurses noted consistently that my blood pressure was in normal range. So from that I suspected my theory of stress and anxiety was the cause of my elevated blood pressure during my A&E and previous GP visit. I then went back to my GP several times since my original T2 diagnosis and surgery and honestly I start to feel stress and anxiety just driving to his practice and he takes my blood pressure and again, every time it is high. I discussed my theory about it with him as well as my observations whilst in hospital and he seemed dubious but was willing to give me another month before insisting I take meds for it.

Nobody in hospital, not even my GP had thought to get me to have a blood test done for cholesterol, ldl, hdl in the last four months so on my last visit to my GP, I insisted for a whole panel of work being done including, liver, thyroid, cholesterol, kidney function as well as iron and other markers because we want to try to conceive soon and I wanted to know where I am at. All my results came through today, bar my hba1c (which will be in on Monday) and my doctor is thrilled as everything is in normal range including cholesterol/ldl/hdl and my lab fasting blood glucose level is within non diabetic range at 4.7mmol. He thinks based off my last hba1c result done 6 weeks after diagnosis which was 7.3 and my fasting blood glucose levels from this last test done at 4 months past diagnosis, that my hba1c will likely read as non diabetic when it comes in on monday. I've lost 12kg, joined a gym, cut my carbs to less than 80g a day at most but mainly sit at less than 50g on most days.

My GP didn't raise the issue of my blood pressure today or even take it like he normally does and it got me wondering if now that my blood markers and cholesterol panel all came back normal, he no longer thinks I have high blood pressure. I'm still a little worried about it being a possibility because of my consistent high numbers on visits to my GP. I'm second guessing my insistence on not taking the medication for BP he prescribed on my first visit. I am wondering if it is medically probable or even possible to have high blood pressure but to have normal numbers with things like cholesterol etc?

Again it's likely a very ignorant question and its probably got a very obvious answer but unfortunately, I was terrible at science but a talented humanities student and I thought you knowledgeable, all knowing science buffs could answer my question!

Also,I want to say thanks to you all for your help. I haven't posted much but your expertise and advice has been extremely valuable to someone like me who was overwhelmed at their diagnosis. I don't think I would have been able to achieve the types of results I have in these short four months without your amazing advice. I'm very much a 'trust science' type and not following the direct advice given by medically approved diabetes groups, spouting the 'eatwell plate' info felt very scary to me but I'm glad I did jump off the cliff and take this medically unauthorised low carb path! I've got a referral for a diabetic pregnancy counseling service in the next few weeks so hopefully my hba1c will come back in normal range on Monday and I'll get the go ahead to start trying for a baby very soon. Thanks again!
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exercise, phone calls
Hi @Deediabetic
Congratulations on your recent results. It is well known that a low carb way of eating not only reduces Blood Glucose and weight, but also normalises Blood Pressure such that the most prominent low carb GP in the UK (Dr David Unwin) had to de-prescribe Hypertension medication for himself and many of his patients because the medication together with the Low Carb was making it too low at times.


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Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Hi, @Deediabetic .

BP is nothing to take lightly. I recommend talking to your doctor and asking about a home blood pressure monitor, an upper-arm model. I have White Coat Syndrome so mine tends to be high at the doc's office, and even when I check it at home on my own monitor, if I start thinking and worrying about it. It can change 10 points within 15 minutes; I take it 3 times, 5 minutes apart, and record the average. Mine did come down when I tried LCHF eating a couple of years ago, because I lost a lot of weight, but my cholesterol went too high on that diet.

I have mitral valve prolapse syndrome dysautonomia (a nervous system disorder) so my BP is all over the place, but I've finally got it in a better range now that I'm on 2 different BP pills and a patch.

Good luck! :)


Well-Known Member
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Type 2
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The term “new normal “
I had high BP at diagnosis and was put on two medications to bring it down. Since losing weight the medication has been reduced significantly. I hope to come off them my next appointment.

protect your kidneys at all costs. So yeah, I recommend chatting with doc to get under control. I test with a home machine as I have white coat


Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Sorry if this sounds like a dumb question but Dr Google hasn't been much of a help and I've been trying over the last four months to better equip myself with knowledge about my health after my T2 diagnosis at the end of June.

Back story: I was diagnosed as a type 2 after a hospital visit to the A&E for what I now know was a gallbladder attack because of undiagnosed gallstones. My hba1c was 13.3 which is shockingly high. My blood pressure in the A & E was 180/90 but they didn't seem too concerned about it because when I asked, they attributed it to stress and pain. All my liver markers were also 11 times higher than what is considered in the normal range. I was discharged under the care of a GP with a script for metformin and to follow through with the removal of my gallbladder, as well as to manage my diabetes. My GP, on my first visit took my blood pressure and it was again still high(155/87). He prescribed me blood pressure tablets based off that number but I was reluctant to take them and I didn't because I truly felt I didn't suffer from high blood pressure and my numbers were a result of anxiety, pain and stress over my health situation.

The week after my visit to my GP, I had another gallbladder attack despite not eating any fatty foods and as advised to me by my GP, I presented at A&E because of the possibility of a gallstone blocking a bile duct as result of their size. My blood pressure was again extremely high on admission but during my hospital stay, surgery and recovery, my four hourly obs being done by the nurses noted consistently that my blood pressure was in normal range. So from that I suspected my theory of stress and anxiety was the cause of my elevated blood pressure during my A&E and previous GP visit. I then went back to my GP several times since my original T2 diagnosis and surgery and honestly I start to feel stress and anxiety just driving to his practice and he takes my blood pressure and again, every time it is high. I discussed my theory about it with him as well as my observations whilst in hospital and he seemed dubious but was willing to give me another month before insisting I take meds for it.

Nobody in hospital, not even my GP had thought to get me to have a blood test done for cholesterol, ldl, hdl in the last four months so on my last visit to my GP, I insisted for a whole panel of work being done including, liver, thyroid, cholesterol, kidney function as well as iron and other markers because we want to try to conceive soon and I wanted to know where I am at. All my results came through today, bar my hba1c (which will be in on Monday) and my doctor is thrilled as everything is in normal range including cholesterol/ldl/hdl and my lab fasting blood glucose level is within non diabetic range at 4.7mmol. He thinks based off my last hba1c result done 6 weeks after diagnosis which was 7.3 and my fasting blood glucose levels from this last test done at 4 months past diagnosis, that my hba1c will likely read as non diabetic when it comes in on monday. I've lost 12kg, joined a gym, cut my carbs to less than 80g a day at most but mainly sit at less than 50g on most days.

My GP didn't raise the issue of my blood pressure today or even take it like he normally does and it got me wondering if now that my blood markers and cholesterol panel all came back normal, he no longer thinks I have high blood pressure. I'm still a little worried about it being a possibility because of my consistent high numbers on visits to my GP. I'm second guessing my insistence on not taking the medication for BP he prescribed on my first visit. I am wondering if it is medically probable or even possible to have high blood pressure but to have normal numbers with things like cholesterol etc?

Again it's likely a very ignorant question and its probably got a very obvious answer but unfortunately, I was terrible at science but a talented humanities student and I thought you knowledgeable, all knowing science buffs could answer my question!

Also,I want to say thanks to you all for your help. I haven't posted much but your expertise and advice has been extremely valuable to someone like me who was overwhelmed at their diagnosis. I don't think I would have been able to achieve the types of results I have in these short four months without your amazing advice. I'm very much a 'trust science' type and not following the direct advice given by medically approved diabetes groups, spouting the 'eatwell plate' info felt very scary to me but I'm glad I did jump off the cliff and take this medically unauthorised low carb path! I've got a referral for a diabetic pregnancy counseling service in the next few weeks so hopefully my hba1c will come back in normal range on Monday and I'll get the go ahead to start trying for a baby very soon. Thanks again!
Does sound quite a bit like White Coat Syndrome could be at play here. I really would get a home meter before starting on any medication, especially since going low carb'll probably bring your blood pressure down as it is. (Mine was normal, now I actually have to add in extra salt not to get light-headed!). Test three times in a row, and take the average of those readings.


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Type 1
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@Deediabetic, like others, my blood pressure is higher when recorded at the Drs, they sit there saying 'relax, we'll take it again in a minute' and then start talking about statins or something! I had a private ambulatory test done (a monitor is strapped to your arm for 24hrs and takes readings every 15 minutes). It showed that for 22 of those hours my BP was in normal range and fell even lower at night. That meant if they had prescribed tablets on the strength of one off tests my BP would have gone too low causing all sorts of problems. Like anything else, if they want me to take strong medication, there has to be a tangible reason for it, not a 'just to be on the safe side as far as they are concerned' approach. As mentioned, get yourself a BP machine and record some data yourself. If they insist on meds, then you must insist on an ambulatory test.


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Diet only
Available fast foods in Supermarkets
My self experimentation has resulted in a 118 / 70 from 130 plus / over 70 something. I don't know specifically what is working, but I have a whole food animal based ketovore diet. I resistance train moderately hard for a short time supplemented by circa 12-15 k steps. I use hand grips, beetroot and real garlic.

By way of comparison my 16.5 year old daughter who resembles an athlete had her BP measured a couple of weeks ago at 106 / 60.


Active Member
Hi everyone

Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the info. I definitely suspected it was a case of white coat. I've purchased a monitor for at home and I'm getting normal numbers like when I was having my 4 hourly obs done in hospital during those 4 days I was in for my surgery.

I've gotten my hba1c back and its come in at 5.6% or at 38mmol/mol for you uk people! I'm absolutely thrilled that I was able to lower it in 4 months from 13.3%! It was all thanks to you guys with your information on here. My aim was to get myself into normal range now my aim is to maintain it - which seems daunting!


Staff Member
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Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Hi everyone
I've gotten my hba1c back and its come in at 5.6% or at 38mmol/mol for you uk people! I'm absolutely thrilled that I was able to lower it in 4 months from 13.3%! It was all thanks to you guys with your information on here. My aim was to get myself into normal range now my aim is to maintain it - which seems daunting!
Maintenance is relatively easy if you used a sustainable method to lower your BG (and weight) in the first place. However if you used a more drastic approach (such as very Low Calorie Diet) then it will be tough. However if you did Low Carb Higher Protein Medium (traditional) Fat then you should be able to maintain by doing one of the following:
1. Eat a few more calories (i.e. a little more of exactly what you have been eating to get BG and weight down in the first place.
2. Add the same, but with slightly more of one macro nutrient. more Protein or more Fat (or if eating to your meter you can even add a few more Carbs).


Active Member
Maintenance is relatively easy if you used a sustainable method to lower your BG (and weight) in the first place. However if you used a more drastic approach (such as very Low Calorie Diet) then it will be tough. However if you did Low Carb Higher Protein Medium (traditional) Fat then you should be able to maintain by doing one of the following:
1. Eat a few more calories (i.e. a little more of exactly what you have been eating to get BG and weight down in the first place.
2. Add the same, but with slightly more of one macro nutrient. more Protein or more Fat (or if eating to your meter you can even add a few more Carbs).

Thanks for that. I've been eating about 1200 to 1300 calories a day and keeping my carbs at around 20-30%, protein 25% and fat intake at 50-55%. I've been doing pilates or body balance classes a few times a week as well as two gym session where I burn 550 calories on the treadmill and then do some weights. I've also been eating out a few times a week but sticking to low carb options. It is feeling very sustainable and more and more like a regular routine but I still worry that I'll suddenly lose the motivation or I'll make one slip and allow it to then spiral as I know I can be a very 'all or nothing' type person. My health is important so I guess I'm going to have to be an 'all' person from now on! ;)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
suddenly lose the motivation or I'll make one slip and allow it to then spiral as I know I can be a very 'all or nothing' type person
Slips can happen unknowingly...I thought a drink I had last night was sugarfree, the server said it was, but I swear blind there was something sweet in it. However I didnt crumple or blame myself, I've just been extra active and good today.
It's not the falling off the horse that's the issue, it's how quickly you get back on, and by the sound of it you are the type who would get straight back on. If you tell yourself you'd stay down, then yes you would stay down. Its more in the mind than in the food.
And there's always someone here to support

Edited for typo
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