High blood sugars


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I'm T2, diagnosed Nov 2020, just started low carb eating again after 18 + months of doing nothing for my diabetes, I've started back on alogliptin but finding my blood sugar is not really coming down very much at all, both today and yesterday I tested after a 16 hour fast, yesterday was 9.7 and today was 10.1. I have to admit I was really fed up after that this morning and also not seeing any weight coming off despite really trying with the lower carb diet, so I made myself a roll with bacon, first thing I've had like that in over 4 weeks, tested after 2 hours and bloods had gone up to 16.1! That's the highest I've ever seen my readings and it's scared the life out of me. How high is too high? I don't have any strips to test ketone levels, should I be investing in these? DN prescribed me Dapaglifozin a few weeks ago when I saw her and I didn't take them because the side effects looked quite bad, I just stuck to the alogliptin but wondering now if I should be taking these to see if they help reduce these levels. Thanks.



Staff Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
exercise, phone calls
Was it a special low carb roll? If not. you may be better to just eat the bacon or perhaps with eggs, mushrooms, cheese. The first things that should be cut down on with Low Carb are bread, cakes, biscuits, breakfast cereals, rice, pasta, potato sweet drinks including fruit juice, tropical fruit.
If you haven't already read the 'nutritional thingy', here is a link. That was what got me on the right track to T2D remission (nearly 4yrs remission so far):

We are all different, so some (like me) have to cut down on carbs much more than others need to.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As a type 2 myself, that is the sort of level I'd see eating just about anything with grain.
I eat at 12 hour intervals and that keeps my levels as even as they are going to get, from what my meter tells me.


Well-Known Member
Weight wise, it didn't start coming off for at least 6 weeks for me.
Dropping to very low carb will impact fairly quickly but if you were very high then it'll take a little while for the overall bg to come down, at least that's what I found. After 3 weeks of low carb I'm still only seeing 6s and 7s in the morning but my overall readings are definitely better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies, the roll I had yesterday wasn't a low carb roll, and I won't be in a hurry to have it again with that spike in blood sugar! lol Tested again yesterday after 2 hours and bloods had come down to 8.7 so at least it did come down, my numbers are still remaining high though. Think maybe another conversation with the DN will have to be had to see if my medication has to be increased, although I think she'll probably advise me to wait until my next HBA1C in April. I'm just going to keep sticking to the low carb and testing to see how these different foods are affecting me, don't really think I can do much else. Thanks again for the replies and advice.
