High in early pregnancy

Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi all,

I'm type 1 and this is my second pregnancy, I'm about 7 weeks. This one wasn't quite as planned as the first, but my hba1c was still good at 45 and I had been taking folic acid for a couple of months because we were going to start trying for baby no.2 in a few months...

My bgs have been pretty good, however, the other night my libre told me I was 2.9 and going down, so I had my usual orange juice, fell asleep, then woke up in the night at nearly 20! I spent the next few hours desperately trying to get it back down, which it did eventually, but it was out of range for about 5 hrs.

I feel completely guilty, and really I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that others have had a big spike in early pregnancy and have still been okay.
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It sounds like it was a compression low @orangejuicesavedmylife The advice is always to do a finger prick blood test when Libre is lower than 4 or higher than 10, or if how you feel doesn't match Libre reading.

Please don't feel guilty, I'm sure many, if not all diabetics have had a big spike and baby has been fine. Pre home glucose monitoring people wouldn't even have known.

I hope all goes well for you going forward.


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Oh bless you, I've had 3 healthy babies, the first part I always ran too low (lost hypo awareness) then in the later stages I had a few spikes, I took so much insulin to keep it down. I did finger prick tests about every 3 hours I was so anxious, thankfully these days we have the monitors to help us with those anxieties, I would still back up with finger prick tests though before treating highs/lows. Don't beat yourself ip about a few spikes, you're aware of them and sorting them out, you're not running high over a course of days. Try to enjoy your pregnancy and congratulations!
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Ps meant to say your bg control pre pregnancy was very good and I'm sure that's an important part 9f giving your baby a healthy start so we'll done!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi all,

I'm type 1 and this is my second pregnancy, I'm about 7 weeks. This one wasn't quite as planned as the first, but my hba1c was still good at 45 and I had been taking folic acid for a couple of months because we were going to start trying for baby no.2 in a few months...

My bgs have been pretty good, however, the other night my libre told me I was 2.9 and going down, so I had my usual orange juice, fell asleep, then woke up in the night at nearly 20! I spent the next few hours desperately trying to get it back down, which it did eventually, but it was out of range for about 5 hrs.

I feel completely guilty, and really I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that others have had a big spike in early pregnancy and have still been okay.
hi i'v had 3 healthy babies with type 1 with many spikes throughout especially at the beginnings but as long as you dont stay up there forever youll be fine chin up and don t let fear control your pregnancy you've done it before and you'll do it again. good luck!
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi all,
I am a type 1 diabetic and this is my first pregnancy. I'm 7 weeks along. Got an A1c of 5.8. I seem to be achieving good sugar level control but am battling with spikes each night, sometimes 3 in a row..when these spikes occur I become insulin resistant and all my insulin injected stacks up until it is all used at once and I hit a hypo. Is this normal in pregnancy for type 1 diabetes? Im on tresiba and Novorapid..I have to drink huge amounts of water to try lower my blood sugar, even though my post meal blood sugar is in range. I am stuck on 8 or 9 most of the night sometimes and just can't bring my sugar into range, despite multiple injections to try bring it down! Is there anything I can do to control these sugar spikes and keep my sugar in range at night? So exhausted ..is is damaging for the baby, given that it is most likely hormone based?


Hi all,
I am a type 1 diabetic and this is my first pregnancy. I'm 7 weeks along. Got an A1c of 5.8. I seem to be achieving good sugar level control but am battling with spikes each night, sometimes 3 in a row..when these spikes occur I become insulin resistant and all my insulin injected stacks up until it is all used at once and I hit a hypo. Is this normal in pregnancy for type 1 diabetes? Im on tresiba and Novorapid..I have to drink huge amounts of water to try lower my blood sugar, even though my post meal blood sugar is in range. I am stuck on 8 or 9 most of the night sometimes and just can't bring my sugar into range, despite multiple injections to try bring it down! Is there anything I can do to control these sugar spikes and keep my sugar in range at night? So exhausted ..is is damaging for the baby, given that it is most likely hormone based?
I'm interested to see peoples responses as I too am experiencing exactly the same as you. It's awful and I constantly am constantly having anxiety trying to bring my BS down all the time, especially at night :-(


I'm interested to see peoples responses as I too am experiencing exactly the same as you. It's awful and I constantly am constantly having anxiety trying to bring my BS down all the time, especially at night :-(
Is it the hormones????


Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi, I’m at the 7 week mark too and my levels have been out of control this past week. So frustrating and it’s all happened so suddenly. I’ve increased my basal but also having spikes at night too which take forever to come down. Waking up feeling rubbish and exhausted due to high sugars while I sleep. First pregnancy so this is all new to me. Hope things get better for us.
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hypos and forum bugs
Hi, I’m at the 7 week mark too and my levels have been out of control this past week. So frustrating and it’s all happened so suddenly. I’ve increased my basal but also having spikes at night too which take forever to come down. Waking up feeling rubbish and exhausted due to high sugars while I sleep. First pregnancy so this is all new to me. Hope things get better for us.
Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Are your diabetic team giving you any help? In your position I'd be contacting them for urgent advice on adjusting your doses.

(I live in New Zealand now and quite a few T1s here get put on an insulin pump for their pregnancies, though I have nothing but praise for my UK antenatal care thirty years ago, pre pumps and cgms.)

Good luck and I hope your team helps you with your levels soon.


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Congratulations on your pregnancy.

Are your diabetic team giving you any help? In your position I'd be contacting them for urgent advice on adjusting your doses.

(I live in New Zealand now and quite a few T1s here get put on an insulin pump for their pregnancies, though I have nothing but praise for my UK antenatal care thirty years ago, pre pumps and cgms.)

Good luck and I hope your team helps you with your levels soon.
Thank you, that's so sweet of you!

I've been reaching out to my DSN via text. I increased my basal by two units last week and then another two units after speaking to my nurse. It does seem to have helped but I've been running high these past few days. As I'm on pens, the sensible thing to do would be to split-bolus and this is something my DSN has suggested but I'm getting burnt out from all the injections.

I'm in the UK and they've started offering pumps to 'high-priority- patients which I'm guessing is a category I would fall into? I'm going to ask if I can switch to an Omnipod during my next follow-up. The main reason why I've never considered switching to a pump is due to the tubing. An Omnipod sounds ideal for me as like my CGM, I can just insert it and get on with my day!

My levels are better today but I'm keeping and extra eye on them.
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Hi all,

I'm type 1 and this is my second pregnancy, I'm about 7 weeks. This one wasn't quite as planned as the first, but my hba1c was still good at 45 and I had been taking folic acid for a couple of months because we were going to start trying for baby no.2 in a few months...

My bgs have been pretty good, however, the other night my libre told me I was 2.9 and going down, so I had my usual orange juice, fell asleep, then woke up in the night at nearly 20! I spent the next few hours desperately trying to get it back down, which it did eventually, but it was out of range for about 5 hrs.

I feel completely guilty, and really I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that others have had a big spike in early pregnancy and have still been okay.
I just wanted to update this post for anyone else who needs reassurance. I went on to have some more nighttime spikes in early pregnancy, but everything was fine at the 20 week scan, and we had another healthy baby girl last month.

(mod edit to correct formatting)
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Well-Known Member
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Congratulations @orangejuicesavedmylife that's such lovely news. Thanks for posting an update, which I'm sure will reassure others, and it's great to hear that you went on to have a healthy baby. Now the worry is over, just enjoy your daughter. Congratulations again and hugs xx