High readings teen diabetic


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Morning all.

My daughter meg who is 13 and been a diabetic for a year and a half. She has never had great control but this was due to her not injecting when she was suppose to and not checking her levels we did seem to get this under control but lately they appear to be slowly rising again . She is carb counting using the Accu chek expert meter and is on nova rapid in the day and levimer at night 36 units . I am going to post last weeks readings so you can see what her levels are like
Morning 15.7
Lunch 16.1
Tea 18.4
Bed 18.7 20.0

Morning 8.9
Lunch 12.8
Tea 8.3 4.9
Bed 17.9

Morning 10.3
Lunch 14.2
Tea 11.9
Bed 14.9 13.8

Morning 15.6
Lunch 10.7 12.3 9.8
Tea 10.3 9.8
Bed 17.8

Morning 13.8
Lunch 15.9 8.7
Tea 8.3
Bed 13.7

Morning 13.7
Lunch 14.9
Tea 15.6
Bed 19.8

Morning 17.7
Lunch 20.0 14.2
Tea 15.4

Any advice would be greatly appreciated . I email her readings off every week to her diabetic nurse and her insulin would be adjusted accordingly but I still can't understand where the high readings are coming from?

Megs mum

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Active Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Hi, I am Type 2 on medication and recently have changed Doctors and now only get 1 test strip a week, needless to say I bought a code free meter and test once a day.
But this made me look again at my diet.
If you or your daughter have an iPhone or iPad then I would recommend you try that 'myfitnesspal' application. My daily allowance is based on a well man check I had recently.
My Daily allowance. 2 Shredded wheat 2 weetabix

Calories. 2542. 214g. 218g
Carbohydrates 349 36g 37g
Fat. 85g 3g 3g
Protein. 95g 9g. 9g
Sodium. 2500mg. 10mg. 135g
Sugar. 50g 5g 7g

Of course I do not know how active your daughter is, I am retired and originally choose a sedatory lifestyle, ( and i lost weight which was not the object of the exercise in my case) and then activities, if I put in
Say 3 hours of gardening my daily allowance will increase.
Recently I use the figures recommended after an essential male health check and with that I am maintaining my weight AND have very good control.

Do I use my fitness pal all the time answer is no not every day but most days, if i have a takaway or go to a restaurant then i cannot accurately record the food so i do not bother that dat. but i used it for a couple of months and learned what I can eat when first using it, and have cut out certain things like Dolce Gusto Cappachino, and too many potatoes too late at night...

It is very good to help you avoid foods that contain too much sugar and carbohydrates which raise blood sugar levels, with this and injecting your daughter may be able to maintain better control.

Best of luck it must be very worrying for you.

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Active Member
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Type 1
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I have just started using an app to record my sugar levels & also decided to take carb counting more seriously in an attempt to tighten control. Found fitness pal app very useful as it shows carbs for all meals, adding them up for you and things you eat regularly, like favourite breakfasts, are kept at the top of the food lists so very quick to enter & check carbs to adjust bolus injections.

Chas C

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Hi Megs mum

Most of us have been through the teens with IDD, how is your daughter with testing would she be able to test before food and two hours afterwards as this would give much better view on how the insulin is reacting to the food. Also as mentioned above the food type can also have an short impact too (few hrs plus).

I would be feeling really grumpy and not very nice to deal with if my levels were that high for as long as your daughter.


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Retired Moderator
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
hi megs mum
you are right that your daughter is not having a great time with her bloods right now.

as chas suggested it would seem to me to sort of go back to basics

test at morning - then insulin and breakfast , test 2 hours post meal and another pre lunch
insulin and lunch ( pre packed by you with an agreed amount of carbs) to lessen complicating things
test at 2 hours post meal
test before tea then insulin and tea - test 2 hours post meal and then another test before bed.
right now the testing needs to be pretty constant to get a grip on what is happening.

your daughter's BG's are really high and maybe the DSN could let you borrow a CGM to see more.

has the DSN suggested going back to the very beginning and doing basal testing again ?

another thought is she may be requiring more insulin as her "honeymoon" phase may be ending
or it could be hormonal changes playing their part as well.

you are in the right place though and we'll all do our best to help:)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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even without official training in carb counting and dose adjustment its not too difficult to learn how to adjust both the basal and bolus doses........

first thing I would recommend is testing the levemir dose.....you would be looking to test overnight first to see what is needed overnight..........when the blood sugar stays within 1 - 2 mmol overnight the dose is pretty much correct.......

it would be worth inquiring about splitting that 36 dose also, making it easier to fine tune the dose between day and night......

are these things you could get started do you think?