
Type of diabetes
I was told I was fine with my first A1C of 5.7. I did my research and found this is pre-diabetic level. I decided to take action and hired a nutritionist. 5 months later I got my second A1C of 6.0. Decided not to follow my nutritionist advice anymore and started my own diet... mainly fresh vegetables and meat. After one month I tested and got an A1C of 5.1. Today I ate a slice of pizza rather big... about the size equivalent to 1/6 of a whole large pizza (about 50g carbs). Pizza hut supreme with cheese inside crust's edge. My reading is...
84 fasting about 10 minutes before eating
112 1h
129 2h
139 3h
102 4h
100 5h
76 6h

My mother who was diagnosed diabetic at an A1C of 6.5 ate a smaller slice about 1/8 of the same pizza and her results were (I think) better than mine

Why it took me so long to go back to normal??? Do healthy people always peak at 1h postprandial and get back to normal faster? What do you think of my results???


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There is a "thing"called the pizza effect often noted by Type 1's. Because pizza is pretty fatty the spike caused by the carbs is often reduced in intensity but extended in time so you get a longer lower spike rather than the short sharp spike you would get from say eating a pizza base (or something with equivalent carbs) in isolation. Your mum ate a smaller piece so reacted less.
Eating pizza is probably not the best way to test your glucose response to food.. or to maintain lower levels of blood sugars.. but I'm guessing you know that already.
You have obviously heard of the benefits of a low carb diet so I'll just say hello and welcome to the forum.
There is a huge amount of information available here so have a good read around and feel free to come back with any questions.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
There are recommendations as to how high you should not be at the two hour mark (140) but very little is mentioned about further along in the day. I find that if I track the entire spike as you did then I too take hours for it to come down to the base line.

The timing of the spike is because not all foods are absorbed at the same rate. Not even all carbs are absorbed at the same rate and some have a very low GI number. Other items like protein can take even longer. If a meal consists of a variety of items then it is the overall effect of that meal that you will see and not just one simple graph.

I see that neither you or your Mother broke through the 140 ceiling so you are both doing well.
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