How confusing


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I feel really confused with medical advice, does anyone else ? I was diagnosed T2 about 17 years ago. I was very much overweight. As lockdown took hold & retirement so did boredom and I started eating things I shouldn’t. Weight went up to 22.2 stones & my my HBA1C reading went up to 120 OUCH. My Metformin was raised from 1 to 2 tablets & I became angry with myself for letting it happen. I came across a fantastic book & studied it in great detail being a former advanced First Aid teacher gave me a good base to understand it to be fair. Anyway, within six months my HBA1C was at 38, I’ve lost 4.5 stones & taken off of all Diabetes medication and feel great. My blood pressure has dropped and my Ramipril dose has been halved & under review to be stopped Yay . I’ve put this on here before but now my confusion starts. I’m now waiting to see a Haematologist because apparently my red blood count is slightly up but I’m told not to worry because it’s been like that for years. SERIOUSLY!!! I’ve always declined statins & always will but now my confusion really kicks in because a recent US report states that all persons over 50 should take statins and definitely persons with Diabetes. Now I see another report stating that Metformin is a wonder drug and it should be available to everyone. What on Earth is going on. I was so proud of myself for kicking Metformin but was I really stupid for doing so ? I did look up what could be the reason for my increased red blood count & wasn’t pleased with what I read as it stressed me out a bit. I mentioned this to my DN who said not to go online & search for symptoms but didn’t correct that when I told her it was the NHS App. Now I’m really confused but the good thing is at 67 (almost) I’m looking good


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First of all - many congratulations for getting hold of this and working towards such great results.

Second of all - "research" is not necessarily gospel truth, tough it can be, so it helps to read as much as you can about the subject while casting a critical eye over it for flaws. It's quite addictive! Today's "scientific fact" becomes tomorrow's "we used to think". Read through the posts here and you will learn much that is not generally made available or is presented in a biased way in order to stampede people into prescribing/taking extra/different/more medicine. Put every piece of information through your logic filter. Remember that we are all different so one size does not fit all whether with illness or treatment.

Finally - "Follow the money". Whenever you read information involving what "we all" should be doing, ask yourself "Qui Bono" "Who benefits?". Sometimes big organisations/legislation/individual budgets tend to put profit before service.

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes
I spoke to my endocrinologist about statins, as a locum once suggested statins after my diagnosis of RH.

Before that, when I was prediabetic, I was put on them because of family members having heart issues, but I have family without heart issues including myself. Anyway I had side effects of cramp in my legs (common)!
I was told the same thing!

Anyway my endocrinologist told me that statins should be used, if you do have heart issues after having heart issues before.

Another heart doctor in hospital asked me about it, I told him I didn't need them, according to my last blood panel, then told him about the state that I was in after a decade of following the doctors advice.
Hence my history with elevated everything.

The inflammation that they worry about is according to some reports and papers I have read comes directly from carbs.
A low carb diet sorted me out!
Not statins!
Follow the money! And why do GP's recommend them?
By the way, other than wear and tear, arthritis, I am fit! Aged 68 years soon!

Keep safe.


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Thank you both so very much. I do try to follow “the science” and always try to look closely at new research. The big thing I learnt is that this site is fantastic with some great people willing to help & offer advice and for that I’m very grateful. I do tackle things in my own way & whilst I realise that type2 is very nasty I still have to deal with it in my own way. I see some poor people on here that are really struggling & on loads of medication and I try to ensure my posts are constructive rather than appearing trifling. I’m very strict with myself but won’t be pushed about & that includes T2. I meet up with my best friend once a month for breakfast & allow myself a slice of fried bread. This is the only time I ever eat bread, it’s with this particular friend and if the cafe doesn’t do fb I don’t substitute it with toast. Mind you, I had breakfast with a friend this Friday & it was £29.45 so we both decided this is far too much. From now on it’s a black coffee & bacon roll in Greggs . Thank you so much again


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With respect can I ask if anyone has any information regarding stage 3a CKD. I haven’t been told about this by any health professional but looking at my notes on the NHS App it’s on there - Chronic Kidney Disease 3a. When I try looking at this on Dr Google (mistake I know) it doesn’t make good reading and certainly doesn’t look as if I’ll make it to a ripe old age but I can’t understand why the health service hasn’t spoken to me ??? Research tells me I should be on statins but I’m refusing them unlessI have no alternative. I’m controlling my type 2 with gentle exercise, low carb eating (occasional treat), and intermittent fasting. All resulting to date with a drop in weight of 4.5 stones and I feel good but the notes of CKD has shaken me up a bit. Any information would be greatly appreciated


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I think I would be asking my Dr why I hadn't been told and what treatment I needed
A quick Google revealed this,
I hope it gives you a little glimmer of hope
Wow, thank you so much & it has certainly made me feel a lot better. Recently I was told I really should be on statins because of my diabetes, my cholesterol is high, I’m overweight, & I’m 67 in July. When I carried out further research I found that the scoring system for cholesterol is very old & very outdated. Most believe that it’s no longer a realistic check


Well-Known Member
Wow, thank you so much & it has certainly made me feel a lot better. Recently I was told I really should be on statins because of my diabetes, my cholesterol is high, I’m overweight, & I’m 67 in July. When I carried out further research I found that the scoring system for cholesterol is very old & very outdated. Most believe that it’s no longer a realistic check
I too refused statins. My GP said my cholesterol has always been high even pre diabetes and looking at my diet thinks it may be hereditary high cholesterol. There has been research in to the role of Niacin in getting it down naturally. I consulted a nutritionist and she has put me on a supplement called Omega 3 support by NHP ( natural health practice). Its supposed to improve lipid profile, burn fat, be anti inflammatory, and help with insulin sensitivity. I started yesterday taking 2 a day and will be interested to see if there is any difference at my next HBA1c in a months time ( possibly too soon to tell but who knows). You have done great with your weight loss etc. I need to do similar. I hope you get the answers you want re your kidneys but you should have been told. I get my kidney function checked because I am on meds for hypertension and I always ask my DN for a printout of all my results so I can read them for myself. My nutritionist said she works with different markers than drs too to diagnose issues.
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I too refused statins. My GP said my cholesterol has always been high even pre diabetes and looking at my diet thinks it may be hereditary high cholesterol. There has been research in to the role of Niacin in getting it down naturally. I consulted a nutritionist and she has put me on a supplement called Omega 3 support by NHP ( natural health practice). Its supposed to improve lipid profile, burn fat, be anti inflammatory, and help with insulin sensitivity. I started yesterday taking 2 a day and will be interested to see if there is any difference at my next HBA1c in a months time ( possibly too soon to tell but who knows). You have done great with your weight loss etc. I need to do similar. I hope you get the answers you want re your kidneys but you should have been told. I get my kidney function checked because I am on meds for hypertension and I always ask my DN for a printout of all my results so I can read them for myself. My nutritionist said she works with different markers than drs too to diagnose issues.
I hope everything works out for you, you’ve got this . In January 2022 I was 22.2 stones & at the moment I’m 17.9. I am a keen gardener & have just bought myself a vibration plate which really helps. I play musical instruments which helps my mental health & the Xbox . I believe I have a good diet and very little stress but when I see the notes I saw today it really upset me but when that happens I. Know to come to this amazingly supportive site to help me get my head around what I sometimes believe to be signs of lights out. I know that sounds daft but it’s how it gets inside my head. Thank you for your great reply
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I hope everything works out for you, you’ve got this . In January 2022 I was 22.2 stones & at the moment I’m 17.9. I am a keen gardener & have just bought myself a vibration plate which really helps. I play musical instruments which helps my mental health & the Xbox . I believe I have a good diet and very little stress but when I see the notes I saw today it really upset me but when that happens I. Know to come to this amazingly supportive site to help me get my head around what I sometimes believe to be signs of lights out. I know that sounds daft but it’s how it gets inside my head. Thank you for your great reply
Nice to have some good news for a change, just had my blood results back, cholesterol levels have dropped back into the normal range, renal reading has stabilised AC1HB readings are still under diabetes levels 41 (up slightly but no worries), blood pressure is excellent 121/76. I’m thrilled with these results. All being done by diet & exercise which is now the vibration plate


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Reality tv
Great news, you must be chuffed, I'm really pleased for you
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Great news, you must be chuffed, I'm really pleased for you
Thank you so much. Please don’t think I’m patronising but instead of handing out pills the NHS should direct people to this site. I can’t even begin to explain how much comfort & support I’ve received since being diagnosed. This site & Dr Fungs book is what’s made these dramatic improvements for me


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Tablets (oral)
I agree all new diagnosis should be pointed here, BUT, the advice given here doesn't follow the NICE guidelines. So that's not going to happen, there are a few enlightened medical staff around, but the vast majority think they are gods, and the reason there way fails is we're to weak, and don't follow it properly.
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I agree all new diagnosis should be pointed here, BUT, the advice given here doesn't follow the NICE guidelines. So that's not going to happen, there are a few enlightened medical staff around, but the vast majority think they are gods, and the reason there way fails is we're to weak, and don't follow it properly.
Agree 100%. I’m lucky because I’ve just been appointed a new DN & she’s amazing. She works with me rather than telling me what to do. It was her who took me off medication. I always request a particular person to take my bloods as well because she’s amazing
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I was on statins for years before i was diagnosed with T2 in November 2013 aged 71, and as I understand that they can raise glucose levels I finally refused to take them any longer a few years after my diagnosis. In retrospect I believe that they were partly a cause of my diabetes and I certainly saw a small improvement in my glucose levels after stopping them.

I've eaten a low carb/ketogenic style diet since diagnosis (my GP having originally suggested Atkins to me for weight loss) , and am no longer taking metformin after he finally decided I could manage without it. as my HbA!1cs have been at generally low pre-diabetic levels since early 2014. I'm still somewhat overweight, but no longer very active now partly due to recently diagnosed arthritic hips.


Staff Member
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Diet only
I agree all new diagnosis should be pointed here, BUT, the advice given here doesn't follow the NICE guidelines. So that's not going to happen, there are a few enlightened medical staff around, but the vast majority think they are gods, and the reason there way fails is we're to weak, and don't follow it properly.
It's how they were trained. I have found that newly trained staff tend to be much better informed about the benefits of reducing carbs.

The problem is that most of the textbooks haven't caught up and the older and longer-serving staff will all have been trained since the 1980s under the "fat bad, carbs good" model. I pick up textbooks (eg Bilous and Donnelly and Scobie) when I see them in second hand bookshops and it's remarkable how they consistently correctly identify T2s as having a problem with metabolising and managing glucose, advise reducing sugar, and then (inexplicably, to me anyway) advocate a high carb/low fat diet.
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I was on statins for years before i was diagnosed with T2 in November 2013 aged 71, and as I understand that they can raise glucose levels I finally refused to take them any longer a few years after my diagnosis. In retrospect I believe that they were partly a cause of my diabetes and I certainly saw a small improvement in my glucose levels after stopping them.

I've eaten a low carb/ketogenic style diet since diagnosis (my GP having originally suggested Atkins to me for weight loss) , and am no longer taking metformin after he finally decided I could manage without it. as my HbA!1cs have been at generally low pre-diabetic levels since early 2014. I'm still somewhat overweight, but no longer very active now partly due to recently diagnosed arthritic hips.
What a fantastic reading this is, it’s made my day. Thank you so much for contributing


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It's how they were trained. I have found that newly trained staff tend to be much better informed about the benefits of reducing carbs.

The problem is that most of the textbooks haven't caught up and the older and longer-serving staff will all have been trained since the 1980s under the "fat bad, carbs good" model. I pick up textbooks (eg Bilous and Donnelly and Scobie) when I see them in second hand bookshops and it's remarkable how they consistently correctly identify T2s as having a problem with metabolising and managing glucose, advise reducing sugar, and then (inexplicably, to me anyway) advocate a high carb/low fat diet.
Thank you so much for contributing this information. I stand by my statement that anyone newly diagnosed should be guided towards this site. Mind you, others that believe the medical profession is always right should be guided here as well.
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Nai nai

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Type 1
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I too refused statins. My GP said my cholesterol has always been high even pre diabetes and looking at my diet thinks it may be hereditary high cholesterol. There has been research in to the role of Niacin in getting it down naturally. I consulted a nutritionist and she has put me on a supplement called Omega 3 support by NHP ( natural health practice). Its supposed to improve lipid profile, burn fat, be anti inflammatory, and help with insulin sensitivity. I started yesterday taking 2 a day and will be interested to see if there is any difference at my next HBA1c in a months time ( possibly too soon to tell but who knows). You have done great with your weight loss etc. I need to do similar. I hope you get the answers you want re your kidneys but you should have been told. I get my kidney function checked because I am on meds for hypertension and I always ask my DN for a printout of all my results so I can read them for myself. My nutritionist said she works with different markers than drs too to diagnose issues.
Omega 3 tablets are another buls#$t creation from big pharma.

The oil within them is oxidised and creates health issues just like seed oil, which depending on how much is consumed can be worse for you than carbohydrates.

But yes, do not take statins, they are another multi billion dollar big pharma lie that do nothing but cause more health issues.