How do I know if my diabetes is "REVERSED"?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I believe HBA1C is not the right mean of saying diabetes is "REVERSED but UNDER CONTROL".

I am beginning to believe that if we are able to believe diabetes is "REVERSED", T2s should have a week or 2-week check points for about 6 months and do the tests, including but not limited to, listed below in the order of their importance.

CPT1. Insulin resistance test.
CPT2. Liptin resistance test.
CPT3. Cortisol resistance test.
CPT5. Lipid profile.

Weekly check points help us in 2 ways:
- results help us understanding if we are going in right or wrong direction
- help us boost the confidence of patient

After 6 months, if we see consistent and/or enhanced results in the above tests, then we can confidently say t2dm is "REVERSED". Also, please refer to my diabetes reversal protocol version 1.0 (need some tweaking though).



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I have been told my diabetes has reversed because my hba1c has been in normal range for 3 years last reading 39 I am diet controlled.
Though I am not a doctor, based on my research, it is not that hard to realize that HBA1C, undoubtedly, is not the right mean of saying diabetes is "REVERSED but, perhaps, UNDER CONTROL".

I am beginning to believe that if we are able to believe diabetes is "REVERSED", T2s should have a week or 2-week check points for about 6 months and do the tests, including but not limited to, listed below in the order of their importance.

CPT1. Insulin resistance test.
CPT2. Insulin sensitivity test.
CPT3. Liptin resistance test.
CPT4. Cortisol resistance test.
CPT6. Lipid profile.

Weekly check points help us in 2 ways:
- results help us understanding if we are going in right or wrong direction
- help us boost the confidence of patient

If these tests have not been developed yet, then we might be in code red and heading towards another ice age kind of stuff. On a side note, it is high time to take "diabetesm" as seriously as terrorism.

After 6 months, if we see consistent and/or enhanced results in the above tests, then we can confidently say t2dm is "REVERSED". Also, please refer to my diabetes reversal protocol version 1.0 (need some tweaking though).

However, there is more research needs to be done on this.


Art Of Flowers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
My definition of diabetes reversal is when HbA1C is below 42 or 6% and off all diabetes medication. Diabetes remission is when you can eat high carb foods without spiking your blood sugar. Remission requires getting normal beta cell function and that involves burning off the fat around the liver and pancreas via ketosis. This can be done via intermittent fasting or very low calorie diets.

Roughly 80% of people with type 2 are obese or overweight. This is typically due to many years of excessive consumption of carbohydrates, especially sugar. In the short term people with type 2 need to get rid of the excess weight through diet and fasting and get to a BMI below 25. In the long term they need a diet where they can maintain a healthy weight and low HbA1C and that means restricting carbohydrates.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I have been told my diabetes has reversed because my hba1c has been in normal range for 3 years last reading 39 I am diet controlled.
My definition of diabetes reversal is when HbA1C is below 42 or 6% and off all diabetes medication. Diabetes remission is when you can eat high carb foods without spiking your blood sugar. Remission requires getting normal beta cell function and that involves burning off the fat around the liver and pancreas via ketosis. This can be done via intermittent fasting or very low calorie diets.

Roughly 80% of people with type 2 are obese or overweight. This is typically due to many years of excessive consumption of carbohydrates, especially sugar. In the short term people with type 2 need to get rid of the excess weight through diet and fasting and get to a BMI below 25. In the long term they need a diet where they can maintain a healthy weight and low HbA1C and that means restricting carbohydrates.
In my view, reversal is like programming your body back to the age where your body was 100% insulin sensitive so that even starting eating high carbs again (though nobody recommends this) for another 10-15 years may not be a threat (this is remission as per your writings above).

Remission is you are good at HBA1C because you might be on low carbs but not sure about insulin sensitivity.

OK. Let us not worry about these terms for now, though they are extremely important. I have a basic question:

A. I got my HBA1C good enough (< 5 %).
B. My fasting and post fasting glucose levels are right below 100 & 140 respectively.
C. I then start eating high carb foods but do exercise every day.

Question#F : So, with the balancing act of high carb diet and good exercise, what is the chance of getting diabetes again?



Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Question#F : So, with the balancing act of high carb diet and good exercise, what is the chance of getting diabetes again?

How long is a piece of string, and what happens if circumstances prevent you from exercising?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
How long is a piece of string, and what happens if circumstances prevent you from exercising?
Off course, high carbs are a little limited or reduced. Exercise is a must. No exercise. No eating. As simple as that :)

How do I know and get alerted when I started developing insulin resistance without checking my glucose levels every day?

I think we should find a technology for this real soon.


Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Off course, high carbs are a little limited or reduced. Exercise is a must. No exercise. No eating. As simple as that :)

How do I know and get alerted when I started developing insulin resistance without checking my glucose levels every day?

I think we should find a technology for this real soon.

I am very curious by your statements in this thread.

Living as I do in the UK, my doctor's surgery would laugh at me if I demanded the testing you suggest:
CPT1. Insulin resistance test.
CPT2. Insulin sensitivity test.
CPT3. Liptin resistance test.
CPT4. Cortisol resistance test.
CPT6. Lipid profile.
Very few doctors even know that an insulin resistance test is available!

I appreciate that this is what you may want to happen, and that you may be willing to pay for these tests privately in order to self monitor, but no NHS doc that I have ever encountered would consider them necessary or appropriate to monitor an already diagnosed type 2 diabetic, on the timescales you suggest. An HbA1c and a basic lipid profile are about all I would expect unless there were clear symptoms of other issues that needed investigation.

In fact, from what I have experienced and seen posted on the forum, most surgeries are very happy to downgrade the frequency of testing from 3 or 6 months to annually at the first sign of stable HbA1c results. And some doctors happily declare a person non-diabetic after a single HbA1c below 42.


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
As I started eating low carb the moment I was diagnosed and went from Hba1c of 91 to 47 in 80 days, it would probably have shown that trend if I'd had a second test after two weeks - but it was not thought necessary to do one - the diagnosis was considered to be full blown diabetes and I only had the test done at 80 days so the result was available for the third 'education' session - where it and how I'd done it were emphatically side tracked.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
As I started eating low carb the moment I was diagnosed and went from Hba1c of 91 to 47 in 80 days, it would probably have shown that trend if I'd had a second test after two weeks - but it was not thought necessary to do one - the diagnosis was considered to be full blown diabetes and I only had the test done at 80 days so the result was available for the third 'education' session - where it and how I'd done it were emphatically side tracked.
I am beginning to believe that we need tons of research to be done on diabetes and have no clue on the basic questions. With all the respect to the medical professionals, no offense please. I think it is high time for all the victims to get united and start an organization and do something serious failing we will no longer be able to see our next generations.


No one seems to have commented that HbA1C provides an average BG over about 3 months.
I don't understand the meaning or value of another HbA1C after 2 weeks - most of what you are measuring is the same as previously.
And in the darkness, a lone voice spoke out.
This chap's posts very quickly turned from 'Wow' to '$$$$'


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
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Tablets (oral)
Current American Presidents.
I raised the question of of your anonymity in an answer to your blog where you were rather more open in your quest to lead the world in a lifestyle change against diabetes. (Anonymity is your right on this forum though rash pseudo-medical jargonism is not). You side stepped a reasonable question as to where you live - I too wonder where in the world fortnightly HbA1c testing is not only available , but is practised, and I'm concerned about your rapid journey from diagnosis to "reversal", based on a sketchy diet/exercise claim. There are real people on this forum who are fighting real battles and it would be a shame if a charlatan selling snake-oil were to offer false hope. Can you clarify why you think you reversed your diabetes in "a couple of weeks"?

A member raised a query about the tests you recommend - the "Cortisol Resistance" and the "Liptin Resistance" (Leptin!). What exactly is cortisol resistance and why would you test it?

More worrying is your mission statement: "If these tests have not been developed yet, then we might be in code red and heading towards another ice age kind of stuff. On a side note, it is high time to take "diabetesm" as seriously as terrorism".



Well-Known Member
Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
@Sean01 and @helensaramay have hit the nail on the head

who would speak of diabetes reversal after 2 HbA1c tests 2 weeks apart.

Diabetes ( and potentially controlling it to no meds ) is a marathon -- not a sprint

@bandas - my advice to you would be to carry on with your low carb diet and report back to us with your next HbA1c result in 6 months:)


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
'A couple of weeks'? Sorry, but I have had infections that have lasted longer than that.

Well done in lowering your numbers and for doing the research but after such a short period a comparitive pattern cannot be made. You also said that you tested after breakfast but made no mention of other readings or experiences of dawn phenomena etc etc. It occurs that your diet with intermittent fasting and excercise would, for me, be unsustainable as my circumstances are different to yours but (and it is a big but) there seem to be multiple causes of diabetes so your approach would not work for someone else who would at, first glance, be very similar to you.

It would be interesting if there were studies into the effects of diet alone approaches to 'reversal' in the disabled who are severely restricted re excercise. Myself? I am a wheelchair user so my only approach is through diet. I think you said that 'no excercise no reversal' but please correct me if I have misunderstood, does this mean that I have no hope other than control? even though the cause of my diabetes is different to yours?

You say you have lost a great deal of weight, again, well done, was this also done in 'a couple of weeks'?


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I raised the question of of your anonymity in an answer to your blog where you were rather more open in your quest to lead the world in a lifestyle change against diabetes. (Anonymity is your right on this forum though rash pseudo-medical jargonism is not). You side stepped a reasonable question as to where you live - I too wonder where in the world fortnightly HbA1c testing is not only available , but is practised, and I'm concerned about your rapid journey from diagnosis to "reversal", based on a sketchy diet/exercise claim. There are real people on this forum who are fighting real battles and it would be a shame if a charlatan selling snake-oil were to offer false hope. Can you clarify why you think you reversed your diabetes in "a couple of weeks"?

A member raised a query about the tests you recommend - the "Cortisol Resistance" and the "Liptin Resistance" (Leptin!). What exactly is cortisol resistance and why would you test it?

More worrying is your mission statement: "If these tests have not been developed yet, then we might be in code red and heading towards another ice age kind of stuff. On a side note, it is high time to take "diabetesm" as seriously as terrorism".

Thanks a lot sir/mam for your questions/assumptions. Let me do make 1 thing extremely clearer to to everybody on this forum, with all the respect. "Do question. Do NOT assume." :) Now, let me answer your queries.

1. May I know what made you think that I said "I reversed my diabetes"? Did I write so anywhere? If I did so, forgive my English. Please take a real quick look at the heading of this thread.
2. However, I do believe I made some progress in the last 2-3 weeks and wants to see if I "reversed my diabetes. If yes, how much?". Hope this helps.
3. Now, how do I do point #2 above? Everybody says, through HbA1C. As I have been saying repeatedly, though I am not a medical professional and with all the respect to the medical professionals, A1C may not be the right, but perhaps a supporting, mean of tracking your diabetes. After eating food, I want to understand how my "insulin" spikes but "NOT glucose". But little or no doctors focus on this. That's my point.
4. I never been rude to any body but a bit disappointed with the approach we took and are still taking to fight diabetes. As of today, diabetes treatment is "reactive" instead of "preventive". After diagnosed, the medical system starts. But we know that the actual stage (insulin resistance) for diabetes sets up years or decades ago. Then why do/did not we focus on developing tools and technologies to detect insulin resistance and alert us even before getting into (pre)diabetes stage?
5. At least with the proper research and team work, we can get rid of this disease at least in the next 15-20 years. Otherwise, what do you think is going to happen? Do you know that according to CNN, as of 5/27/2017, there are about 400 million people in the world suffering? This is more than the sum of all the diseases we got from 400 BC. Check these out, if you have not already. &
Many medical experts already made it clearer that "diabetes is an epidemic". If you still do not take this "seriously", that's ok :) It's your opinion and I respect it. But get up and do your research.
6. I am not here to sell any false hope but trying to see "if we are going in the right direction to fight diabetes and fix it, if we are not".
7. Cortisol is one of the very important hormones that gets triggered if you give stress to your body. Please note that your body reacts the way you communicate with it. More stress -> More cortisol -> More cortisol resistance -> More insulin resistance -> Prediabetes -> Diabetes. That's how it works, at least in my research.

Hope I answered all your questions and this helps.

Edited to remove trivialising comment
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
@Sean01 and @helensaramay have hit the nail on the head

who would speak of diabetes reversal after 2 HbA1c tests 2 weeks apart.

Diabetes ( and potentially controlling it to no meds ) is a marathon -- not a sprint

@bandas - my advice to you would be to carry on with your low carb diet and report back to us with your next HbA1c result in 6 months:)
Thanks a lot for your inputs sir and I really appreciate it. Here are some points.

1. I agree that we may not be able to talk about "reversing" t2 in 2 weeks as we may NOT have better tools and technologies today. But I can also say that diabetes may/can not be reversed even after 1000 HBA1Cs. Reversing t2 could be all about "making your blood cells more insulin sensitive again" but "NOT looking at your average glucose levels for the past x number of months". As I said earlier too, "you may have an extremely good A1C scores for years but your blood cells may still be insulin resistant and vice versa". Think logically and you should get it :)
2. Diabetes need not always be a marathon but could turn out to be a sprint as well. Perhaps, it may take a decade or two to prove this point. It all depends on how committed the fighter is and how quickly he/she can re-program his/her body.
3. Thanks a lot for your advise and sure, will do.



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
'A couple of weeks'? Sorry, but I have had infections that have lasted longer than that.

Well done in lowering your numbers and for doing the research but after such a short period a comparitive pattern cannot be made. You also said that you tested after breakfast but made no mention of other readings or experiences of dawn phenomena etc etc. It occurs that your diet with intermittent fasting and excercise would, for me, be unsustainable as my circumstances are different to yours but (and it is a big but) there seem to be multiple causes of diabetes so your approach would not work for someone else who would at, first glance, be very similar to you.

It would be interesting if there were studies into the effects of diet alone approaches to 'reversal' in the disabled who are severely restricted re excercise. Myself? I am a wheelchair user so my only approach is through diet. I think you said that 'no excercise no reversal' but please correct me if I have misunderstood, does this mean that I have no hope other than control? even though the cause of my diabetes is different to yours?

You say you have lost a great deal of weight, again, well done, was this also done in 'a couple of weeks'?
Yes sir/mam. I would say 2 and a half weeks. But I never mentioned that "I did reverse my diabetes" because there is no mean of finding that out as of this writing though "reversing t2 in 2 weeks in some cases might be possible".

1. I watched hundreds of videos and spent several hours thinking about the logic in the videos and it is just not jumping into the conclusions without any logic.
2. My glucose levels are completely under control now without any meds and I could lower my insulin level also to 10.13 in the last 2 and a half weeks (target is 5 though). A1C came down to 7.8 from 8.9 in 2 and a half weeks. Fasting and post fasting glucose levels are right under control. Actually, I am beginning to decreasingly worrying about my glucose levels now but instead increasingly worrying about my "insulin functioning behavior".
3. Extremely strict low carb diet, 1 meal a day, no stress at all (I am a mobile app developer and but not doing any development for the past 3 weeks. In fact I forgot about my app), extremely nice 7 hour long sleep, long hours of exercise (I was a fantastic cricketer and martial arts fighter when I was in college but others must check with their doctor before doing such intense exercises). In short, I am now giving my body exactly the reverse inputs than those I was giving for the past 10 years and looks like it's responding pretty well. But again, please check with your doctor before altering your body inputs.
4. First of all I am sorry for your condition but no worries. You can come out of it. Exercises need not be like going out and running or playing soccer or something like that but can be done from your wheel chair also. All you need is get rid of your waist size for an inch or two. If you do not think I am promoting yoga, try it. You can do it from your wheel chair too. It worked for me. Again, this is just my personal opinion based on my success story but please consult your doctor for the exercises that fit your condition the best. I hope we all see you doing much better in coming weeks. Wish you all the best :)
5. At any point of time, please ask me any questions and I would love to answer your questions because I know how much it takes to live a life with little or no moving. Am sorry if I got a bit emotional but I mean it.

Thanks and hope this helps. take good care

Edited to remove incorrect comment that might offend
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Mike d

Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
idiots who will not learn
Sub continent I assume? Don't buy any of it ... especially the self adoration about your cricketing prowess
Last edited:


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Poor grammar, bullying and drunks.
Yes sir/mam. I would say 2 and a half weeks. But I never mentioned that "I did reverse my diabetes" because there is no mean of finding that out as of this writing though "reversing t2 in 2 weeks in some cases might be possible".

1. I watched hundreds of videos and spent several hours thinking about the logic in the videos and it is just not jumping into the conclusions without any logic.
2. My glucose levels are completely under control now without any meds and I could lower my insulin level also to 10.13 in the last 2 and a half weeks (target is 5 though). A1C came down to 7.8 from 8.9 in 2 and a half weeks. Fasting and post fasting glucose levels are right under control. Actually, I am beginning to decreasingly worrying about my glucose levels now but instead increasingly worrying about my "insulin functioning behavior".
3. Extremely strict low carb diet, 1 meal a day, no stress at all (I am a mobile app developer and but not doing any development for the past 3 weeks. In fact I forgot about my app), extremely nice 7 hour long sleep, long hours of exercise (I was a fantastic cricketer and martial arts fighter when I was in college but others must check with their doctor before doing such intense exercises). In short, I am now giving my body exactly the reverse inputs than those I was giving for the past 10 years and looks like it's responding pretty well. But again, please check with your doctor before altering your body inputs.
4. First of all I am sorry for your condition but no worries. You can come out of it. Exercises need not be like going out and running or playing soccer or something like that but can be done from your wheel chair also. All you need is get rid of your waist size for an inch or two. If you do not think I am promoting yoga, try it. You can do it from your wheel chair too. It worked for me. Again, this is just my personal opinion based on my success story but please consult your doctor for the exercises that fit your condition the best. I hope we all see you doing much better in coming weeks. Wish you all the best :)
5. Though I do not know your condition and have not seen you at all, let me tell you one last thing with a great confidence, though you are in wheel chair now - YOU CAN REVERSE IT. NOT JUST CONTROLLING. REVERSING IS ALL ABOUT YOUR MIND AND WILL POWER BUT NOT PHYSICAL POWER.
6. At any point of time, please ask me any questions and I would love to answer your questions because I know how much it takes to live a life with little or no moving. Am sorry if I got a bit emotional but I mean it.

Thanks and hope this helps. take good care
There is nothing wrong with my waste size or my weight. I was diagnosed with a high of 98 and with changes to diet alone reduced that number to 73 within a month. No excercise, no fasting. I was not overweight at dx but lost a stone in that time and have continued to lose weight to the point that I am becoming concerned about it. My point is that what works for you may not work for everyone and not everyone can fit in all the activities you seem able to.
You seem to be convinced that you are reversed, what happens when your bg rises due to illness, stress, heat or a myriad of other reasons? You may have to rethink. Having said that, I hope your success continues and wish you all the best.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Sub continent I assume? Don't buy any of it ... especially the self adoration about your cricketing prowess
Oh. does my location bothering you guys instead of my eagerness to save some lives? great. may be I should ignore this kind of posts going forward. no offense please. no worries. you do not have to assume. Yes, I am in India right now but how does it matter here?



Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
There is nothing wrong with my waste size or my weight. I was diagnosed with a high of 98 and with changes to diet alone reduced that number to 73 within a month. No excercise, no fasting. I was not overweight at dx but lost a stone in that time and have continued to lose weight to the point that I am becoming concerned about it. My point is that what works for you may not work for everyone and not everyone can fit in all the activities you seem able to.
You seem to be convinced that you are reversed, what happens when your bg rises due to illness, stress, heat or a myriad of other reasons? You may have to rethink. Having said that, I hope your success continues and wish you all the best.
cool. looks like your numbers are getting better and way to go and wish you all the best too:)
Nope. I am not convinced that mine is reversed but a bit of confused because there is no way testing my insulin sensitivity, at least in my knowledge. Therefore, working on a insulin sensitivity work around. Thanks for your support though.
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