How do you keep cool and stable in the 'heat' ?


Well-Known Member
Been away for a bit. 37degrees, 32 in the shade. Really humid too. Lots of showers, lots of water, factor 50. I was expecting problems, especially as i didn't sleep for more than 7 hrs total, in nearly five days. (A roommate with a REALLY bad snoring problem and 78 hormonal teenagers who kept finding themselves "accidentally" on the wrong floor.) We spent so much time walking that everything stayed pretty stable. Was also extremely careful with what I ate.

Must say, I love that its raining right now.

I am also seriously loving my bed.

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Thanks for your concern Damonfrog. Apart from the bruising and concussion I'm doing ok now. My sugar levels have improved the last couple of days too - upping the Lantus and lowering the fast acting seems to have done the job xxx