How long have you been living with Type 2 diabetes and have you always managed to control it well?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
Glad to hear it. It divides opinion in our circles, but no matter what some of the “protein deniers” (;)) might say, it can and does affect some individuals in excess. For what it’s worth I think it becomes far less of a factor as insulin sensitivity greatly improves. Or at least that is my experience.

Thanks @Jim Lahey. It’s been another piece of the puzzle. I’ve reduced my protein dramatically so have my eggs for breakfast, salad without protein for lunch and dinner has a small amount of protein. That and walking a lot rather than the gym has seen a dramatic reduction I my levels in the last week or so. Oh, and no snacking if possible. Very happy. Thanks so much.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Just wanted to know how long you good people have been living with and managing your type 2 diabetes?
Hi Luke,
I was diagnosed in November 2012 with HbA1c of 116. I was put onto Metformin 500 mg 1x daily for the first week, increasing weekly up to 4 x daily. At 4 weeks I had my first Dr appointment, followed by the diabetic nurse. I had heard of the Newcastle Diet and told my Dr that I wanted to try it. He told me very firmly that it would never work in my case. So much for support! The DN was little better....
That day was the last day I took any medication. I put myself on a 'crash diet' and lost 7 kg. My wife bought me a glucose monitor and I began to test daily. I changed doctor (we moved house) and my new doctor was more supportive - although hesitant.
So here we are over six years later and I am still in remission (ot reversal?) and I feel very healthy! I'm 62, I take no medication at all. I limit my carb intake to less than 30 grams/day. I am seldom hungry and enjoy life.

The 'Experts' tell me that I am putting myself at risk from the (relatively) high fat diet. I asked how can all my healthy indicators suggest that I am healthy when my diet is not? Would you prefer I revert to my previous 'healthy' diet - which made me diabetic in the first place?

Benefits (for me)
HbA1c returned to normal levels
Blood Pressure to below 120/80
Reduction in retinopathy
Cholesterol levels in healthy range - triglycerides excellent!

THANKS TO LOW CARB PROGRAM! It is superb, easy to follow and while it makes no promises, IT DELIVERS!

Good Luck!
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Thanks @Jim Lahey. It’s been another piece of the puzzle. I’ve reduced my protein dramatically so have my eggs for breakfast, salad without protein for lunch and dinner has a small amount of protein. That and walking a lot rather than the gym has seen a dramatic reduction I my levels in the last week or so. Oh, and no snacking if possible. Very happy. Thanks so much.

Please be very careful that you are eating enough protein. It is an essential nutrient for repair and strength. Every cell in our body needs protein. I suggest you measure how much you are eating and check it is enough in your circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Please be very careful that you are eating enough protein. It is an essential nutrient for repair and strength. Every cell in our body needs protein. I suggest you measure how much you are eating and check it is enough in your circumstances.

Don’t worry I am very clued up on nutrition and do measure. Most people eat far more than required. It’s amazing how it all adds up from things you assume don’t have much or any protein in it.
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Stephen Lewis

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Hypocrites, liars, donald trump (no capitals for emphasis)
Diagnosed as pre-diabetic 13 years ago as part of a statin/metformin research project. Only quarterly A1C testing until last February. The bg level gradually increased over 12 years just as the medication increased. Still not sure what was the cause and what the effect. Put on insulin in Feb 2018 and my weight increased as the insulin dose increased and the bg levels increased - I was testing 4 times a day. Last July I started on the low carb diet, restarted strenuous exercising (after a couple of operations) and whenever possible use CGM. I stopped the insulin in December and my medication has been cut in half. My A1Cs dropped from 9.7 in Feb 2018 down to 6.9 in Feb 2019 and my 24/7 continuous average on the Freestyle libre is down to 7.0. I am not cured, I am not in remission but with diet, exercise and prayer at Church I got my body back under control at a much lower carb intake level. I am now working on my severe neuropathy which is also improving. I understand from this forum that I need to get my A1C down into the 5.x range. We should all keep working on it as it seems that the drug companies do not want a cure.
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Active Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Just wanted to know how long you good people have been living with and managing your type 2 diabetes?
I was diagnosed in 1998, at which time my blood sugar was over 30! (in old money). I was on the usual mix of glicazide/ metformin & advised to eat high carb/low fat. This is the case until a couple of years ago when medics finally recognised the opposite is needed. I appealed to the NHS dietician and GPs for many years about low carb and was dismissed, now I get admonished for not being strict enough low carb & reversing my T2D. I've tried different meds over the years, including rosi/pio glitizone – brilliant at controlling blood sugar, but led to fractures and danger of osteoporosis. Weight & bloods were creeping up & I was at risk of going onto insulin. Then Dapagliflozin helped me lose a lot of weight & HBA1c dropped, but I had a couple of funny turns, possibly due to electrolytes out of balance from rapid weight loss. Now I'm back on the old gliclazide/metformin (slow release). With low carbs I'm maintaining my weight which is over 6kilos lower than my maximum & I've managed to keep my HBA1c pretty stable.
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Diagnosed T2 in 2007 and put on metformin and pioglitazone straight away. More or less ignored diabetes for 11 years as the DN said I was well controlled. Discovered last year my HbA1c averaged 55 for the past 10 years. Started low carb in April 2018 and now holding around 42 and lost over 3 stone.
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Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Diagnosed T2 in 2007 and put on metformin and pioglitazone straight away. More or less ignored diabetes for 11 years as the DN said I was well controlled. Discovered last year my HbA1c averaged 55 for the past 10 years. Started low carb in April 2018 and now holding around 42 and lost over 3 stone.

Yet more evidence that we should never take a health professional's word for anything. See the results in black and white and decide for ourselves whether we are in a good place or not.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
NICE guidelines in reference to nutrition
I was diagnosed around 2007 and put on Metformin. I have no idea of my numbers and to be honest did nothing regarding lifestyle or diet and continued as normal. The information I was given was minimal and i'm sure the usual low fat drivel. I found it impossible to control my BS with the information available so just got on with my life. In 2015 my doctor said its time for insulin as my BS was so out of control. I told the doctor that was not happening and that led me to do my research. On June 15th 2015 I started Keto. The rest as they say is history!
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
The trouble is that the staff on the frontline have to follow the prescribed responses. I was previously in the camp of trusting the NHS staff implicitly, now I have seen with my own blood glucose monitor the shortcomings of their advice. The lesson for me was to own your own destiny and not rely on others.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Diagnised 2012 with hba1c of 48 which increased to 54 due to statins - came of statins in 2013 and normal hba1c readings since 2014.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Tablets (oral)
spammers, off topic posters, side effects of a stroke
Diagnosed 17 years ago, when I was in the emergency room after a stroke.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
The trouble is that the staff on the frontline have to follow the prescribed responses. I was previously in the camp of trusting the NHS staff implicitly, now I have seen with my own blood glucose monitor the shortcomings of their advice. The lesson for me was to own your own destiny and not rely on others.

solid advice


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Diagnosed 10 months ago after big toe amputation

I now see it as a blessing(the diagnosis NOT the missing tootsie) which led me to research and some lifestyle changes(nothing drastic-just reined everything in a bit).
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
Meat, meat substitutes and fish
2 years ago with HbA1C of 78, went down to 42 and then 37, put on statins and now at 45 ☹️