How low to go regarding BG levels


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Sid Bonkers said:
Ive never heard of brown basmati rice TBH Carol and always eat white basmati rice, always have as I like the texture and lack of stickyness (starch) when prepared properly.

Nope just checked the packet ASDA BROWN basmati rice "a healthy alternative to white...."

'tis labelled 21g / 100g but that's cooked. Even so it's by far the least carby rice we've found. ASDA also do a couple of tri colour pasta's that seem less carbs than other peoples.

Yes know Pilau is a style it is the fact it's fried rice that seems to make the difference. Will have the same carbs but it behaves rather like boiled versus roast potatoes. Now if the local Indian did brown fried rice that would be ideal!


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Undeserving authority figures of all kinds and idiots.
Grazer said:
xyzzy said:
Now if the local Indian did brown fried rice that would be ideal!

Take your own in and ask him to? Say you'll pay the same? Bet he would.

But then I'd actually have to get up from the settee. At the moment I just have to do that when the door bell rings :D

Maybe I'll ask him to add it as an option to the menu and tell him it's "good for diabetics"

helen louise

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BG's in the 10's the last two mornings so normal service has def resumed!

God knows what I did to get a 4.2 on weds am! perhaps i took up sleep running the night before or something :roll:


Active Member
I'm on 500mg metformin give daily, I usually am between 5.5 and 7.5 throught the day. Personally I find if I go below about 4.4 I start feeling a bit wobbly, and concentration gets a bit shady, so I have a small something to eat. Similarly above 7.5 I feel a but rank and I get super thirsty so I know to watch out