How much fat?


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I need to lose weight. And reduce hyperinsulin and insulin resistance. After a week, I ve got the carbs under control (50-75%) but I need to know how much fat per day? I'm on 50g, is that not enough or too much.



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9 calories per gram of fat so that is 450 calories.
there are 4 calories per gram of carb and protein so why not work out how many calories you are eating and work out if you are having enough

Lamont D

Type of diabetes
Reactive hypoglycemia
Treatment type
I do not have diabetes

I need to lose weight. And reduce hyperinsulin and insulin resistance. After a week, I ve got the carbs under control (50-75%) but I need to know how much fat per day? I'm on 50g, is that not enough or too much.


It's not about how much full fat, but you need the fat to supplement your dietary needs, just eat more! If you have been eating spreads use butter instead, eat the skin off chicken, have some avocado, instead of skimmed milk in your tea/coffee, have cream or full fat milk, have a couple of spoonfuls of full fat yoghurt with some from fruit (berries) for your breakfast, I have some before bed as my last meal of the day.
I can't remember wether you are vegan, but if you're not, eat the fat off your meat.
Use natural animal fats when cooking instead of vegetable oils.

If you are doing really low carb, as I am, don't forget to drink plenty of water and add some salt to some meals, especially if it's hot, I know the weather is not so good, but get used to seasoning your food as sodium is vital to your health.

Hope this helps.


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In my opinion if you are trying to lose weight your body will burn your body fat for fuel so you don't need to eat it in excess. I eat reasonable normal amounts. Eating fat is not going to cause weight loss and fat, especially saturated causes insulin resistance. Aren't you trying to become more insulin sensative? I certainly eat some fat with all meals but I dress a salad with a reasonable amount of olive oil, I eat 1/2-1 avocado a day with celery and I will put mayo on chicken/ turkey egg salad etc but I don't eat fistfuls of nuts. Cheese/ dairy can be a huge weight staller as well as create insulin resistance.
These are my experiences and YMMV....


Well-Known Member
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Thanks Kristen. I gave up dairy. Bad reactions to it now. My digestive system is in havoc

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Thanks Kristen. I gave up dairy. Bad reactions to it now. My digestive system is in havoc

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I hear you on that. This shall pass soon.
Just eat normal meals and don't put the carbs on your plate.
Low carb, moderate protein and enough fat to satisfy. As I stated eating fat does not cause weight loss. It is meant to replace the carb calories but it does have twice as many calorie. I eat 5% carbs 15% protein and 80% fat. However a few handfuls of salad greens topped with a few ounces of protein and a normal amount of salad dressing gets you to 5/15/80. I don't eat lots of bacon, butter, grease, chicken skin, dairy , etc. I eat an avocado a day, a FEW nuts or seeds, some mayo or Evoo and whatever fat comes with my protein but I try to keep it on the lean side. Some people do well with saturated fat but it raise my BS as well as my CHO.


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The only problem with that for me is my gallbladder!! My holistic team of therapists believe thats the problem, and fat will trigger an attack and terrible inflammation! But avocado, smoked or fresh salmon (50g), olive oil are ok, nuts with salad - I need to figure out a way of managing insulin resistance, hyperinsulin and gallbladder! 65g carbs, 74g proteins and 35g fat. It's really trial and error!!! Thanks for your input

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The only problem with that for me is my gallbladder!! My holistic team of therapists believe thats the problem, and fat will trigger an attack and terrible inflammation! But avocado, smoked or fresh salmon (50g), olive oil are ok, nuts with salad - I need to figure out a way of managing insulin resistance, hyperinsulin and gallbladder! 65g carbs, 74g proteins and 35g fat. It's really trial and error!!! Thanks for your input

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Do you eat smaller meals ? I think that takes a load off everything. I eat maybe an ounce of nuts a day but I only eat a few at a time. I space them out. Most days I don't even eat that many. I roast pumpkin seeds and eat a pinch at a time or 2 or 3 pistachios. I eat 1/4-1/3 avocado at each meal. And most meals have about a tablespoon of mayo. So not huge amounts of fat but higher calorie. I only eat about 4 oz of protein a day between 3 meals and some salad greens, celery, radish, purple onion and scallions but it's only about 1 -1.5 cups of food.

How much fat do they recommend you stay under? I imagine you can tell if it's too much or the wrong kind
Have a mentioned ox bile? Very good for processing fat or you could try an enzyme high in lipase. That will help break it down before it gets to your gallbladder. I used enzymatica. Available on Amazon.


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Thats a great idea, to divide up the fats, Thanks for your update

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Well-Known Member
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The only problem with that for me is my gallbladder!! My holistic team of therapists believe thats the problem, and fat will trigger an attack and terrible inflammation! But avocado, smoked or fresh salmon (50g), olive oil are ok, nuts with salad - I need to figure out a way of managing insulin resistance, hyperinsulin and gallbladder! 65g carbs, 74g proteins and 35g fat. It's really trial and error!!! Thanks for your input

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Years of trying to diet with extremely low fat caused me to develop gallstones. The gallbladder stores bile made in the liver and releases it into your digestive system when you eat fat. If it just sits there and does nothing because you are not eating any fat the bile will eventually form stones. When you do eat fat and the gallbladder contracts to release bile the stones plug up the ducts resulting in sometimes extreme pain. I no longer have my gallbladder because of this. If the blockage gets bad enough serious complications up to and including gangrene can happen. It is only my opinion and I am not a doctor but I do think you should go see your medical doctor and get an ultrasound done. Many many people have lost their gallbladder due to low fat dieting.
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Hi, the ultrasound was done and MRI too, next endoscopic ultrasound which is the best tests. Brown urine today, i know its the gallbladder but getting a diagnosis is a night mare. The alternative would be an Early pancreatic cancer but the EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) has a 97% for ruling that out. Test on 6th July. Fingers crossed. Im dexoting at the moment... I ve always been a medical mystery. I thought it was my insulin resistance But its been there for years, if i Check my medical records. Lets see... I ll report back on 7th.

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