Hungry All The Time

Lily 2

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
hi there
Can anyone shed some light on this please, I seem to be hungry all the time, like starving hungry even a hour after a meal and it’s mainly for bad food ( sweets ) but I would probably eat anything ( I don’t eat anything) I am eating between 30-80g of carbs a day and take 1000mg of metformin a day. I have been fine with all this and lost 2 stone in the first few months my appetite was fine but this last month had been so difficult bouncing around the same weight and always so hungry, my blood sugar is always between 5-6. Thank you for any advice. I don’t give in to these cravings and allow myself one small square of 80% dark chocolate every other day.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
I am not sure I can shed any light, but I can definitely sympathise. Even an a lowish carb diet, I can get fairly hungry...and will usually give in to my longings. I can only say it improves with time. I haven't done intermittent fasting for a while, but it helped redefine hungry for me. It was a good experiment, I lost weight with it, but usually put it back on. But diets, like Diabetes are a marathon. The accumulation of lots of small changes and redefining the new normal. I wish you luck.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
hi there
Can anyone shed some light on this please, I seem to be hungry all the time, like starving hungry even a hour after a meal and it’s mainly for bad food ( sweets ) but I would probably eat anything ( I don’t eat anything) I am eating between 30-80g of carbs a day and take 1000mg of metformin a day. I have been fine with all this and lost 2 stone in the first few months my appetite was fine but this last month had been so difficult bouncing around the same weight and always so hungry, my blood sugar is always between 5-6. Thank you for any advice. I don’t give in to these cravings and allow myself one small square of 80% dark chocolate every other day.
Have you made a calculation of how many calories you are eating in a day? Maybe you are just not getting enough food in general. Another possibility is that you maybe confusing hunger and thirst, next time you are hungry drink some water to see if that helps.


Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
can you give us an idea of a typical days eating please? Maybe we can suggest something which might help?

I personally found I needed to up the amount of fats I had.

Lily 2

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
I do follow a lchf style diet, today iv had a protein pancake this was made with protein powder and egg and blueberries, for dinner I had a tin of tuna with mayonnaise and mackerel for tea i have had meatballs ( home Meade, mince, egg ) stuffed with cheese in a home made tomato sauce ( pepper, garlic, tinned tomato, onion) all cooked in olive oil I had that with cauliflower I’m probably eating around 1500 cals a day give or take. I will definitely up my water as I know I probably don’t drink enough anyway. Thank you
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Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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One reason could be too many carbs.. Insulin causes you to store fat and crave more carbohydrate.. If you lower your cab intake so you stop burning sugar for energy but instead burn fat you will find you are a lot less hungry.