I can't do it anymore


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hypos and forum bugs
I've had enough. Giving up
Please don't give up. it's still very early days yet. I am sure you will learn to manage this (having working alarms would help, and worst case I believe the dexcom G6 is an option in Australia).

What is your blood sugar right now?

Virtual hugs.
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I done nothing different today from any other day and yet I drop from 7.6 to 2.3 in 30 minutes. (finger prick confirmed). I just want to cry


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4.9. Maybe I hit a muscle with the big needle because there are no 4-6 mm needles available in AU at the moment


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4.9 is good. Is this just after your lantus?
Yes. I had it at 9:15 instead of 9:00PM but that should not have made a difference I don't think

Edit: BSL just went straight down. I have no explanation, but there was blood which is not normal so maybe muscle? It's ok now 5.1 (so probably the same as 4.9). But #%#&*% that's a fast drop. At least the alarm went off


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It's going to go down again isn't it? This glucose doesn't last long. Bread


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OK, it's supposed to be very very rare (happened to me twice in 15 years) but if you hit a blood vessel the lantus can act super fast (supposedly, not all doctors believe in it).

When it happened to me it seemed to act much faster than my humalog and I had to keep munching the glucose tablets till it went back up. It was scary, and is one of the reasons why I now split my lantus .

Having said that, it is extremely rare, and you seem to have had this happen more than once after your lantus. I am a little skeptical. Time to talk to your DN again I suspect. There are other basal insulins.

But I thought you had reduced your lantus dose right down?
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I'm ok now. I'm eating toast with honey

My lantus/glargline is as low as the DN wants me on glargine/lantus. When I was in hospital, few weeks ago, I was on zero units. Also zero novorapid but I wasn't eating either except for clear broth, diet lemonade and the drip in my arm (hartmann's solution I think it was called which I don't think contains glucose) Edit: I think that's wrong now I googled it, it probably does contain glucose although it does seem to vary by country so I'm not really sure
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I've had enough. Giving up
Don't give up. Fight back instead. Good times may be just 'round the corner. Sorry if I'm asking a question you have already answered; but what is your insulin to carb ratio? I was wildly out of control at the beginning when I was on a fixed Novarapid dosage(set by the endo).
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Hope you are feeling better this morning @plantae . I have no idea what is causing your hypos but I strongly urge you to push for your DN to consider all possibilities.

If that means you need to change to a different basal, a different cgm or even a pump, so be it. (Not a recommendation to do any of those, just a sample of some of many possible changes that could be made). Is it safe to assume that you are under an endocrinologist that is experienced with T3C???
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Am I right in thinking that you only started the glucose tubes only 3 minutes before this reading? Normally nothing will take effect for at least 20 minutes, sometimes longer. It is very easy to panic and keep shovelling glucose/sugar in until a reading changes. By that time you could have taken more than necessary.
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I do not have diabetes
Intolerance, selfishness, rice pudding
The cleaning staff know my name! This is embarrasing
Don't be embarrassed - you have probably brought light into their life. You have every right to be in hospital when faced with such problems. I know the names of 3 phlebotomists and we exchange news like being in a club! There has to be some good in medical experiences :)


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Am I right in thinking that you only started the glucose tubes only 3 minutes before this reading? Normally nothing will take effect for at least 20 minutes, sometimes longer. It is very easy to panic and keep shovelling glucose/sugar in until a reading changes. By that time you could have taken more than necessary.
You're right that I started the glucose immediately (before I even posted that post if I rememeber correctly) and yes I took too much again (I had jelly beans as well after I was above 6 because they take longer to work than the gel, and I had way too much last time this happened as well. I need to stay calmer and take a more... dunno the word... "controlled?" approach instead of just guzzling gel wanting it to go up in 30 seconds and having more). The gel generally works within 15 minutes for me, but jelly beans much longer and orange juice sometimes not at all (which is why I bought the glucose gel). Peaked at 14 but I didn't check that with a finger prick so it might have been a bit lower or higher. Ooops. It didn't take long to drop again though, but not hypo levels. Edit: looking at my graph after midnight everything was oscillating between 5 and low 6s without my normal 3AM low (I have a low at 3AM most nights... not severe (3.9 usually)... and it's always at 3AM and doesn't last long so my pancreas or liver must be doing something at that time). The main problem with the regularity of that 3AM low is that I can now turn off the alarm without really waking up :/ so I don't always finger prick or even scan... I basically sleep through it so it's fortunate that it has always, touch wood, corrects itself quickly
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