

Well-Known Member
Hi guys

Feeling very sorry for myself as I've come down with a bad case of man flu which I'm debating with my wife on being much worse than being just man flu (which is bad enough anyway). Feel totally awful and bloods are higher than they have been over the last two weeks. Temporary basal on as per instructions. What to do with my diet? What to do with ketones? I'm really craving carbs and feel so energy less. Tbh getting out of bed to cook or prep food is a real struggle as I'm feeling that rough.

Do I increase carbs? What do others do when ill? I'm two weeks in on the diet and have lost a ton of weight so don't want to put it all back on.

Any suggestions based on experience are very welcome


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Hi Dom.

Sorry to hear you are feeling so rough.
I will bump your post up in the hope that someone can help.

Take care.