In you experience does Metformin cause you pancreatitis? Odd situation combo type 3c + type 2?


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Thankyou very much for all your replies.

@JohhnyHachoo - interesting about the liver - see below

@etmsreec - Thankyou for that info about the metformin and the gut. Yes, we decided to approach it with a lot of caution. I actually had no digestive side effects apart from a bit of wind, but then there were further developments - see below. I appreciate the difficult patient advice, and yes, the likelihood is that I will now be dealt with until stable by the specialist, then managed day to day by the local team/ under my own steam, until something else crops up and then back to the specialist. Also yes - I think I will need to look into better monitoring with recent developments - see below.

- thankyou for your honesty:) - believe me I would stop drinking if that was a factor, unfortunately/fortunately I don't drink essentially at all - maybe one drink every three years, and I so wish it was a magic lever I could pull to help make this situation better. Sugary snacks however is something that I can decrease and have started to.

@Claire Lak - Thankyou very much for that information. I had done the test already, but very useful information for the future, and also reassuring that out of sheer luck, it was as it needed to be.

Unfortunate Update:

I had a phonecall this evening from the Doctor. Its not a good thing to get a phonecall in the evening from a medical professional:(

I had a blood test done today at lunchtime and the results came through really fast.
My liver enzymes are up quite a bit, and in a short time too. I have to stop metformin. Even if the numbers stabilised I was not on a treatment level dose ( I was on 250mg, twice a day) and increasing to a treatment level dose would be a bad idea.

On the slight positive side, and crossed fingers that I get through the night ok, we may have avoided another bout of pancreatitis.

As I am seeing the specialist tomorrow, the Doctor has said to discuss it with her, but he gently suggested that I might have to go on insulin.

I'm gutted. Extremely disappointed. I have been on insulin for gestational diabetes twice, so I have an idea of what is involved.
I also took reassurance from the idea of the potential reduction in pancreatic cancer risk that the metformin has attached with it.

Does anyone know of any other treatment options?

Considering writing to Santa to ask for new Pancreas:)

Thankyou again to all for your help, suggestion and patience.

There is nothing quite like having others walk the path with you who know the journey and the pitfalls, and the tips and tricks.
Saves ones partner from having to deal with a few meltdowns.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 3c
Treatment type
Saw Endocrinologist today.
She agrees that the picture is complicated and that we need to figure out whats going on. Is doing testing for type 1, and 3c. If those come back without answers then test for genetic ones.

Unfortunately onto insulin. Long acting to start and go from there. Will start monday once I get home and get prescription filled. may retry metformin on top once we understand whats going on.
Starting on glucose monitoring trial today - libre2? I think - I see that there is a section for monitoring so will dive into that later. I will have to cover the cost of this myself.

She was sceptical that the metformin caused the liver numbers to go up, but we can cross that river down the track.

She was very kind, communicated well and was thorough, which is all I can hope for in a specialist really, and made the appt much easier to handle.
She looked back through all my blood sugar testing even back to my first gestational diabetes 10 years ago.

She was a bit sceptical about the hba1c not matching the day to day numbers, but she did want to see my finger prick records and that did convince her.

So yes, a disappointing day, but thankfully met with kindness.
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Non-insulin injectable medication (incretin mimetics)
Thankyou. Another good point. I realised that I should also let my gastroenterologist know I suppose as he is the one who does my pancreas ERCP's. Brain is definitely not working at the moment. :rolleyes:
There’s a type 3c diabetes. Sorry I’m new to this forum. ERCP’s I’ll google. I’m on metformin for 6 months and ozempic now. I have very high glucose levels and low. Is that odd or normal? I'm in a pickle cuz I’m changing my insurance. I’m not sure how many hoops ima have to jump through to be covered again. But I’d like to know more 3C?