Infusion set help


Well-Known Member
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Type 1
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I have just been told I can expect to get my first pump in September but I am a bit worried about the infusion set. I have needle phobia, after years of problems and pain, and currently inject using the Penmate. I am also blind in one eye and reduced vision in the other. I am going to choose the Animas 2020 pump as it is by far the clearest screen for me to read. However I am very scared of which infusion set to choose and wondered of people could advise.

I need one that fires the needle in for me and that my reduced sight wont cause any issues with. I am also worried about pain, although I suppose this is individual.


Well-Known Member

You cant get a much easier set to put in than the Inset II. Animas will supply you with them. They have a self contained spring so dont need a separate inserter. All you have to do is undo the wrapping, remove the dome lid, unwind the tubing, remove the adhesive backing paper, pull off the needle cover and then **** the spring by pulling the white plastic spring housing at the back of the plastic dome and until it clicks. Once cocked, hold the dome against yr skin and then press the sides of the dome inwards with your hand and bingo the introducer needle is fired into yr skin quicker than you can blink your eye. Its very quick and virtually painless. Once inserted, you then pull the dome housing away from the set which is stuck to your skin and the introducer needle will also come away leaving the cannula inside you.

Have a quick look at Unomedical's site
and click on the visual guide (in red) on the bottom of the webpage for Inset II.

Dont worry, infusion sets are more or less a doddle to use.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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iHS thank you so much!! I'm probably fretting over nothing but I do feel much better now having seen that guide and know what to expect :)


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Hi - I also use the Animas 2020 and after a little experimentation I am now happily using the Inset 30 infusion sets. With this variety the cannula is angled to the skin and like the Inset II comes with a automatic loader which is very easy to use as described by iHs. With the Inset 30 I like the fact I can see the cannula going into my skin through a clear patch in the adhesive. :)


hey :) I'm not on the insulin pump you are referring to; I use the medtronic minimed. However, I completely understand the feeling of being nervous. From personal experience, I prefer the sets where the tube is not at an angle. The quick-set, where the tube goes straight in - I barely feel it. It is also much easier to insert because once you've inserted the set you don't have to do anything, whereas with the side-set you have to stick the plaster to hold it in place afterwards. So yes I would reccommend the straight-in sets, but different people wil have different experiences. Good luck with the insulin pump; it is amazing and helped my BM control so much. x