Is my varying blood sugar a risk? Eye measure up today, for cataract surgery on 14th Jan 2019


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had experience of having cataract surgery while their BG is all over the place. I’m in hospital today for a measure up for my right eye. Having got my Hba1c down to 51 at the end of October my BG levels have been all over the shop for the last month. My libre says my average is 8.6 and I regularly have peaks of 12, though they are peaks. My nighttime figures were in the 6s but for the past few weeks have drifted up to 9 and even 10 for no reason, in the middle of the night.
If anybody has experience good or otherwise re lenses when the assessment was based on variable BG, I’d love to hear.
Btw, I’m down on less than 30g carbs per day and skinny so not much scope for cutting/changing food to solve the problem.


Type of diabetes
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Diet only
Tripe and Onions
May be nobody really knows or at least in 2016 they didn't.

As a result of the low risk nature of cataract surgery under loco-regional anaesthesia techniques, stringent criteria for blood glucose concentrations that trigger surgery postponement may not be warranted, albeit robust clinical evidence remains lacking. In the same vein, tight intraoperative glucose control may likewise not be beneficial in mitigating surgical complications. There is a loud undeniable clarion call for well-designed studies to answer these important questions pertaining to glycaemic control during cataract surgery – for currently we are truly none the wiser."


Type of diabetes
Type 2
sorry i don't understand the rely to this question . as i am going to have cataract surgery next and need to know how low my bg needs to be. sorry if i'm being a bit thick


Type of diabetes
Treatment type
Diet only
Tripe and Onions
I think it means that according to the article blood sugar levels are not considered a critical factor in the case of cataract surgery but that it is uncertain as to up to the time the article was written not enough research has been done so that it is hard to define acceptable blood sugar levels for this particular op so the best thing to do is to inquire with the doctors as to what you should be aiming for as it will probably vary from hospital to hospital and between surgical teams.

And you are not being in any way thick it is not so easy to understand I am not 100% sure I have got the proper take on it my self.:)
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Type of diabetes
Type 1
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Foodwise Nuts & Mushrooms (Vomit)
My levels have been all over the place recently

Like you I had a cataract in the right eye

I had surgery last month and now I can see clearly with my right eye

Good luck for your op
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Deleted member 308541

I have had cataract surgery done on both eyes, but I was borderline T2 so nothing really bad was happening with respect to the eyes.

Basically I had eye tests at the ophthalmologists for the correct IOL for each eye, and was then booked into the day surgery at the Mater within a month to get the first eye done. She retested my other eye to see if any changes had occured, but all good. So was ok for the next eye to be done.

Four years ago I had a Yag laser capsulotomy in the first eye done to remove the cloudiness that occured.
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
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Has anyone had experience of having cataract surgery while their BG is all over the place.

I had a cataract operation (private) with slightly elevated BG, not exactly all over the place. The NHS seem to be more likely to cancel an operation because of elevated BG. I think the motives are different, the NHS seem to have high demand, so any excuse to reduce the numbers, whereas private medecine want your insurer's money.
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Well-Known Member
Thanks @JohnEGreen @miltondogs
@Cumberland @Tipetoo
@DavidGrahamJones for the replies. Sorry for my tardy reply. @Cumberland , I’ve noticed the random levels you’ve posted over the months so that’s made me feel optimistic, and @JohnEGreen s post about the fact that nobody seems to know whether high/fluctuating blood sugar should stop a cataract op’ or not means there’s not much point in worrying.
@miltondogs My conclusion is, have the op’ no point in worrying! Good luck with your op’
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Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
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black jelly beans
Having had cataract surgery in 2011 and 2012, the only issue regarding BSLs is that neither the surgeon or the anaesthetist wants you to have a hypo during the surgery !!!
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