Just had my first results after diagnosis...more meds :(



I just had my first HBA1C since being diagnosed in aug, about 1.5 months ago

At the time in Aug, these were my reading
Fasting Glucose - 15.9
HBA1C - wasnt measured
Cholesterol - 5.6
BP was within guidelines

Results today
Fasting Glucose - 6.2
HBA1C - 8.9
Cholesterol - 5.3
BP was within guidelines

Not too happy about the HBA1C, there is more work to do. I have been low carbing since beginning of sep, i estimate under 50g /day. I am already taking 1000g of metformin a day, and the doctor wanted to add some Gliclazide to it. I refused that and asked to see how the numbers are on the next review in Dec.

However he did prescribe me 2.5g of Lisinopril a day. He said my kidney functions and blood pressure is fine, but by taking the tablets it will help protect my kidneys. I dont really want to take any extra medication if i dont it!! Has anyone had experience with Lisinopril especially in these circumstances where your kidney and BP readings are fine? Im not sure whether i should take them or not...




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mau wrote
Not too happy about the HBA1C, there is more work to do.

Can't disagree David, but in the absence of a previous figure for comparison, don't be too hard on yourself.
Have you been testing, and if so been happy with your readings ?

Your next HbA1c will reflect all your effort with the low-carbing, so just stay with it.



Well-Known Member
2.5 mg is a low dose, I take 10 mg of Ramipril, a similar ACE inhibitor without any side effects.

I think you should carry on taking them, they offer the protection already mentioned and they can reduce BGs when used with diabetic oral medication.

I am ten years on Ramipril and a T2. I also take Simvastatin and Asprin, both for protective purposes, and it seems to be working so far.

Doctors don't always know best, but in my opinion, yours has got it right on this point, 2.5mg is such a low dose you will not get side effects and the benefits could save you from serious complications in the future.

Your Bgs are coming down but they need to come down some more, I am sure you know this, but if you stick to a lowish carb diet and do at least 20 mins excercise each day they will come down some more. It takes time, months in fact, to see the BG reduction you are looking for.



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That is excellent progress Mau. Remember hBA1c measures the average over the last three months so expect another drop the next time you get one done. If you are hitting FBG's around 6 after 6 weeks that is an excellent result and shows all your efforts are working well. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thank you all for the encouragement.

I will start taking the Lisinopril tonight. I have a colleague who also takes it for high blood pressure who is on 40mg a day, and when i told him about my worry of 2.5mg he just laughed at me :lol:

I have been testing my BG levels a lot over the last month, my pre meal readings are usually between 6 and 7 and post meal +2hrs tend to be between 7 and 9. I have been in the 5s a couple of times. I am using an SD codefree which a few people have found it gives slightly higher readings compared to other meters, or at least i hope thats true! Exercising a bit more now, but it tends to be an intense gym session every couple of days rather than an ongoing daily routine. i think i need to try workout some light exercise when at home or the office.

On a separate note, my wife commented on how supportive the people on this forum are and i totally agree with her. I find it lucky that i can have access to such a large resource of support and knowledge that has made dealing with this condition so much easier. Thank you all :thumbup:



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mau said:
Thank you all for the encouragement.

I will start taking the Lisinopril tonight. I have a colleague who also takes it for high blood pressure who is on 40mg a day, and when i told him about my worry of 2.5mg he just laughed at me :lol:

Exercising a bit more now, but it tends to be an intense gym session every couple of days rather than an ongoing daily routine. i think i need to try workout some light exercise when at home or the office.

On a separate note, my wife commented on how supportive the people on this forum are and i totally agree with her. I find it lucky that i can have access to such a large resource of support and knowledge that has made dealing with this condition so much easier. Thank you all :thumbup:


I just bought myself an aerobic step so that every time the adverts come on or I get up to go to the kitchen or the bathroom, I do a few hops and jumps on it.


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I take 2.5mg Lisinopril every day (bed-time) and 500mg of Metformin 3 times daily - around mealtimes. I don't have side effects with either. I did try stopping the Lisinopril but my BP went up a tiny bit, and my GP persuaded me that it gives some protection from kidney damage in diabetics. I'd rather not have kidney damage, even though my present readings are fine, so I'm back on the Lisinopril.

Personally I wouldn't want the Gliclazide (sp?) - because I have no problems with Metformin I'd rather go up to the limit on that, which is 2000mg per day. It gives some protection against heart disease/stroke, there are indications that it may protect against some cancers, and it helps some people with weight loss - a great benefit for me! :D

Let us know how you get on.

Viv 8)


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My BG was 7.2 this morning, I had 1 rasher of bacon and a bit of liver for breakfast. Did just over 1 hour's swimming, following which I had a pork pie from Waterfields. Straight after the pork pie I did a one hour walk in the park. Felt OK after the swim but began to feel tired, sleepy and breathless after the pork pie/walk, came home and tested and my BG is 9.2. Will test again in an hour and see if it's come down.

I did enjoy that pork pie though :wink: but not the after effects. :think:


Well-Known Member
mau said:
Thank you all for the encouragement.

I will start taking the Lisinopril tonight. I have a colleague who also takes it for high blood pressure who is on 40mg a day, and when i told him about my worry of 2.5mg he just laughed at me :lol:

I have been testing my BG levels a lot over the last month, my pre meal readings are usually between 6 and 7 and post meal +2hrs tend to be between 7 and 9. I have been in the 5s a couple of times. I am using an SD codefree which a few people have found it gives slightly higher readings compared to other meters, or at least i hope thats true! Exercising a bit more now, but it tends to be an intense gym session every couple of days rather than an ongoing daily routine. i think i need to try workout some light exercise when at home or the office.

On a separate note, my wife commented on how supportive the people on this forum are and i totally agree with her. I find it lucky that i can have access to such a large resource of support and knowledge that has made dealing with this condition so much easier. Thank you all :thumbup:


Hi David,

The Codefree does seem to test a bit high, but it's an ideal meter when you really want to test reactions to food. Don't beat yourself up over your HbA1c, your next one will be a complete test since you started low carbing. Your reduction so far is looking good. I'm sure by December you will be posting excellent results, so don't worry, just keep doing what you're doing. :clap: :clap: :clap:


Just an update on my levels as i just got my latest test results

Fasting Glucose - 15.9
HBA1C - wasnt measured
Cholesterol - 5.6

Fasting Glucose - 6.2
HBA1C - 8.9
Cholesterol - 5.3 (LDL 31, HDL 1.74)

Fasting Glucose - 6.0
HBA1C - 5.9!!!
Cholesterol - 5.0 (LDL 3.1, HDL 2.08)

I am so pleased about the 5.9!! Mostly i must thank all the low carb advice i have been receiving on this forum, it has really helped the change in lifestyle, as well as educating myself on food and nutrition.

I still have a niggle at the back of my mind though. I know that during the past few months i would still occasionally eat something that would send by levels to 10-15 2hrs post meal, but this usually settles down after a while. i suspect the HBA1C does not highlight these spikes as most of the time my levels are lowish, and i guess the damage done would go unnoticed to the GP who is just reading the above numbers.

Looking forward to meeting the GP to talk about the results! :D