Just one of them days


Aaarggh!! It's been one of those weeks. Test levels refuse to drop below 8 and hovers around 12, no matter what I eat. Will cutting out carbs in total be the answer? I've been working late, so no real exercise, could this be the reason? :?

Anyhow, off to walk a few miles right now, if not for hoping the levels come down, then for keeping my sanity!!


Well-Known Member
Tomatoes, Rude people, Bees!
Just a few ideas before you cut out the carbs completely and walk so far you can' find your way home! :lol:

If your working late maybe your stressed which could affect your BG's?

Maybe your coming down with a cold or something so you might be running a little higher than normal because of that?

Didnt want to leave your post unanswered so i hope you feel better after a good walk and manage to find an answer/solution.


Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Sorry to hear you are a bit down at the moment LeeLou, but tomorrow is another day as they say :)

Ebony is right it may not just be the food that is causing your highs right now.

As far as your diet is concerned do you know roughly how many carbs you are eating a day, they have a knack of hiding in all sorts of places its not just the obvious ones like bread, rice, potatoes and pasta you need to cut back on. Do you have a Collins Carb Counter or Collins GI book, there relatively inexpensive at about £4 each and list the carb content of just about every type of food, I may be preaching to the converted but thought it was worth mentioning :D


Thanks guys! The walk certaily brought the levels down from 11 to 8 and restored my sanity! :lol:
I've had a bout of the flu, which is probably the reason why it's gone all haywire.

I live in SA and could not get the Collins reference anywhere, so I went on a mission to get info and managed to get the South African Glycemic Index & Load Guide which look to be a nifty guide for managing BS levels. Hopefully I'll soon be on top of it all!! :)

Sid Bonkers

Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Diet only
Customer helplines that use recorded menus that promise to put me through to the right person but never do - and being ill. Oh, and did I mention customer helplines :)
Your cold/flu would almost certainly work against your best efforts at good control LeeLou. Glad things are getting better for you now.

The book you found sounds just the job but if you are interested in any UK books could you not order them off Amazon UK or even the Ebay UK site? You would no doubt have to pay extra for shipping to SA but it may be worth having a look, just a thought :D