keto plan


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i was trying to make a sample day of
keto eating to see if i could meet the
macros suggested in one of the online
calculators but i cant even come close.
i made it ok for the carbs being under 30 grams
but the calories and fat were too low and
protein too high.
but i dont know what to eat for meals that
dont bring the protein over.
i put bacon, eggs, cream cheese, peanut
butter, ground beef, coconut oil,
butter, heavy cream in an online food tool.
i think it was fitness pal.
what can i eat for more fat and less protein?
for meals?


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Diet only
At its simplest a keto way of eating is fewer than 20g of carbs - moderate protein and fat to satiety. The actual macros will vary from person to person. I usually go way over on the protein because I am basically a carnivore but try for fatty cuts like pork belly or beef short ribs as well as bacon. I sometimes have been known to have a slice of cheese with butter on it if feeling a bit peckish..
When I calculate my dailies I usually get something like 70% fat 27% protein and 3% carbs.
As an example here's yesterdays
Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 09.21.43.png

For lunch I had eggs and some ham that needed eating.
Dinner was chicken thighs with cauliflower and spinach cooked in the chicken fat from the trimmings off the thighs.
Had cheese for pud but then saw the unsweetened yoghurt needed eating too so added some double cream to it.
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I’m very keto and keep my carbs below 20 and protein around 40g. Then I fill the fast in with fat. My macros are 80% carb, 15% protein and 5% TOTAL carb, to net.

A sample day for me is
Bf 8 am- thin slice turkey/ chicken on a lettuce wrap with a wedge of avocDo smashed in and a cup of broth with a tsp ghee/ butter

Lunch is divided into two snacks, noon and 3. 15 G protein and a big wedge of avocado and generally some chopped veggies like celery, green onion and radish

5pm. An ounce of cheese melted with butter toasted pecans and I little butter or garlic oil

Dinner 6:30. 10-12 G protein, wedge of avocado ( whatever’s left)

I also have another broth with ghee in the afternoon and I snack on macadamia, pecans. Olives.
My proteins usually get a dose of fat, either olive oil, mayo, or butter.

I NEVER count calories. I just make sure my carbs and protein are at my goals and then I eat enough fat to satisfy. I still weigh my protein as I cook it in bulk and freeze in ‘my size’ baggies. Protein is very insulinogenic and spikes me so I keep it restricted. I use protein more as a condiment. Being keto naturally reduces meal size as fat doesn’t take up much room. I use appetizer plates.

Good luck! I love keto.
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the other problem is that even though i am
self adjusting the insulin for the keto
it doesnt seem fast enough because it takes a few
days for our bodies to adjust to insulin changes
so i keep having to treat the lows with carbs
how am i ever going to stop craving them when
i keep having to eat some?
ive reduced the rapid to nearly 0 (because i need some
to be able to eat with high carb family) and reduced
some lantus
do i need to accelerate the reduction?


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the other problem is that even though i am
self adjusting the insulin for the keto
it doesnt seem fast enough because it takes a few
days for our bodies to adjust to insulin changes
so i keep having to treat the lows with carbs
how am i ever going to stop craving them when
i keep having to eat some?
ive reduced the rapid to nearly 0 (because i need some
to be able to eat with high carb family) and reduced
some lantus
do i need to accelerate the reduction?
I needed to reduce insulin a LOT. Having lows was unfortunately the part of MY process so I kept reducing insulin until the lows stopped. On a note, in the absence of carbs protein can turn to bg via gluconeogenisis so I bolus for half my protein as if it were a carb. But I don’t eat a lot of protein at one time and I only eat about 5 oz per day divided through the day.

So to answer your question, I would keep reducing insulin until the lows stop. You can always add more if you need to and it’s safer. I hate feeding insulin.
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is it possible that when im done getting so many hypos and the
carbs are down to 20 or less that i will need to use insulin for
fat or protein?
gosh i was cutting out carbs in the hopes of maybe just needing a
little basal insulin.
are there alot of people having to bolus for protein and fat?


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is it ok just to eat fat and protein
with whatever carbs occur naturally?
such as what might be in an egg or
ounce of cheese? which i think is 1?


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I still need to bolus for protein but MUCH less and I’m better with a few carb slike avocado. The fat and fiber slow the protein and the protein slows the carbs. IN MY experience just protein and fat raise me slightly more than if a had a FEW carbs with fiber. (2-3 ). I tested very often. No carbs is a bit worse than a few. Just to bridge the gap between insulin, bs and gluconeogenisis
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getting a little better now with more fat
but still high on the protein
would it work to eat my protein goal
amount first then fill in the rest of the day
with the fat?
spreading out the few carbs if i can


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getting a little better now with more fat
but still high on the protein
would it work to eat my protein goal
amount first then fill in the rest of the day
with the fat?
spreading out the few carbs if i can
I think spreading your protein out through the day is the best bet. If you eat it all at once you’ll get a much bigger spike.

I pre cook large amounts of proteins and freeze in my own desired portions (2oz) and eat one with each meal. Simplifies theming so much. I don’t season them until I defrost them in water. Then I can do whatever I want.

I THINK I’m discovering a tsp or so of butter before meals in addition to my other fats is giving me lower numbers.

What are your macro goals?
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Snide people
i was trying to make a sample day of
keto eating to see if i could meet the
macros suggested in one of the online
calculators but i cant even come close.
i made it ok for the carbs being under 30 grams
but the calories and fat were too low and
protein too high.
but i dont know what to eat for meals that
dont bring the protein over.
i put bacon, eggs, cream cheese, peanut
butter, ground beef, coconut oil,
butter, heavy cream in an online food tool.
i think it was fitness pal.
what can i eat for more fat and less protein?
for meals?
Hi @cdpm
When I was setting up my macros for keto, I had the same problem. What I found useful was to add foods that had a high fat to protein ratio (of course, low carb). So I eat things like salami, chorizo, soft cheeses, pate, which I put into salads with my own olive oil dressing recipe. I also have butter, cream and full-fat Greek yoghurt. Unfortunately I am very susceptible to excess protein, so fish, meat and eggs have to be eaten in moderation, even though they contain quite a lot of fat.
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I think spreading your protein out through the day is the best bet. If you eat it all at once you’ll get a much bigger spike.

I pre cook large amounts of proteins and freeze in my own desired portions (2oz) and eat one with each meal. Simplifies theming so much. I don’t season them until I defrost them in water. Then I can do whatever I want.

I THINK I’m discovering a tsp or so of butter before meals in addition to my other fats is giving me lower numbers.

What are your macro goals?

i want them to be 80%fat 15%protein and 5% carbs


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i want them to be 80%fat 15%protein and 5% carbs
That’s what I am. Exactly.
I use the recommended .8 g per kg LEAN body mass for protien as protein really spikes me. Then 20 total carbs, not net and mostly from avocado, nuts and a few random lc veg

Fats are mostly from a whole avocado, 2 oz or so of Macs and pecans, mayo, and butter / ghee. I make sure my carbs and protein never go over and I eat fat until satisfied. Recently adding a little butter before meals as it really seems to slow the carbs and protein but not sure if I’ll sigest it all.

Bf is one ounce organic deli turkey or chicken with avo smashed in and wrapped in a piece of Boston lettuce

Lunch is 2 oz protein and 2 oz avo. Dinner same as lunch but with a few veg like asp, broccoli or brussel sprout

Snacks are nuts or olives. A bite of cheese.

I also have two cups of hot broth with a tsp of ghee and some sea salt.

Between lunch and dinner I have an ounce of melted Brie with butter roasted pecans and a little butter.

I have horrid digestion and it hates carbs so keto works for me. But all food can mess my stomach up. I eat very small frequent meals and that helps. It also allows me to take very small doses of insulin
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What does your meal plan look like ? Maybe I can spot something glaring.

im fairly new at it so nothing regular yet
and depends on the specials
but it is alot of ground beef and sausages and fat bombs
with cream cheese and hot chocolate and heavy cream carbs
some bacon
when i logged in myfitnesspal i was over on the protein
and carbs and under on fat
its been the fat thats the hardest to get eating
sometimes i end up eating cream cheese just off the spoon


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im fairly new at it so nothing regular yet
and depends on the specials
but it is alot of ground beef and sausages and fat bombs
with cream cheese and hot chocolate and heavy cream carbs
some bacon
when i logged in myfitnesspal i was over on the protein
and carbs and under on fat
its been the fat thats the hardest to get eating
sometimes i end up eating cream cheese just off the spoon
I love a hunk of cream cheese. Nothing else requires. I eat butter off a spoon. That seems more ridiculous. I personally don’t believe in calorie counting. Keto naturally makes us less hungry. I can’t even get close to any of the calorie calculator recommendations. I believe in quality over quantity. These days people are over fed. Fasting is huge now and don’t tell me people are eating loads of calories at OMAD and staying low carb. I concentrate on the carbs and protein and then eat whatever fat I feel I need. I don’t jam it down to the point I don’t feel good.
I would recommend first get your carbs and protein right. Tak your desired protein and divide it into 3 meals. Tak your desired carbs and eat a few less with bf and a few more with dinner. We are most insulin sensative later in ththe day.
Then find your fats until you feel good. Just make sure to eat some with every meal. It slows protein and carbs. The types of fat matter. Fatty beef and pork hand out way too long for me and I rise hours later. Avocado and mayo and a few nuts are much better. Now a tsp butter before meals is slowing the protein and carbs. Not sure how this will play out. I enjoy my Brie but don’t consider it a health food so I keep dairy low.

Long story short. Plan your proteins and carbs and fill in with fats making sure to add some to all meals and snacks. The amounts will vary at different times of day. I tend to need the lowest carb and protein bf and th most fats. Then at my last meal I can have more carbs and less fat.

Getting keto right does take pre planning and not always convenient. Through loads of testing I know my macros at each time of day and my doses. I’d rather do this than random eat and guess and be all over the place.

It takes time to find your balance but once you do it’s smooth sailing
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so maybe something like--
1 or 2 eggs for breakfast protein
a few ounces meat for lunch
and a few ounces meat for supper
with maybe cheese protein for snacks
and the rest of the food fat of whatever sort?
with the carbs mixed in spread out?
and choosing high fat protein choices?


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so maybe something like--
1 or 2 eggs for breakfast protein
a few ounces meat for lunch
and a few ounces meat for supper
with maybe cheese protein for snacks
and the rest of the food fat of whatever sort?
with the carbs mixed in spread out?
and choosing high fat protein choices?
Yup. That sounds just right. I recently found a little spoonful of butter before bed is helping my DP.
I don’t eat high fat proteins. They raise me higher and I stay higher longer. I mostly use mono fats like avocado, mayo, nuts , olives.
I have recently started eating more butter but it’s a MCT as opposed to just fat off a steak or chicken skin, bacon etc. And there’s good nutrients in grass fed butter. A better omega 3/6 ratio.
I also started drinking broth in the morning with a tsp of ghee as a replacement for coffee and my morning insulin works better and lasts longer.

Small amounts of cheese and nuts or olives make good snacks. We probably shouldn’t snack but it’s not always that easy. Having avocado with each meal definitely helps to not snack. The fat and fiber keep everything slow. Actually butter seems to be doing that too. I use about a tsp, maybe a little more.

Butter doesn’t not spike insulin.