Level going up since mother taken ill


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

I normally have a fairly normal blood level between 5.0 and 6.5, but recently I am struggleling to keep it in the 8.0's.

This seems to be coincidental with the fact that my Mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's..

She lives 30 miles away, and I spend a lot of time driving there and back, and sorting things out, and time on the phone talking to her... I am not complaining about this as it's not a problem, but was wondering if the added "stress" of providing this care for her is causing my my blood levels to go up, and while doing this I may need more or different meds or something else to help me control my levels ....



Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Disrespectful people
Yes stress can cause bg to rise and it's understandable that yours has risen given the pressure you are under at the moment. As a type 1 I inject extra insulin to offset the rise, however as your a type 2 on meds then I would suggest you discuss your options with your gp/diabetes nurse.

Good luck and sorry about your mum's diagnosis.

alby tross

I'm so sorry to hear about your mum's diagnosis. My grandfather had Alzheimer's so I understand the stress that you are under. Add to that, the possibility of you being over-tired due to all the driving, and I can well believe that your readings have gone up. If possible, try to take it easy whenever you can. Good luck!


Active Member
greybags said:
Hi All

I normally have a fairly normal blood level between 5.0 and 6.5, but recently I am struggleling to keep it in the 8.0's.

This seems to be coincidental with the fact that my Mother has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's..

She lives 30 miles away, and I spend a lot of time driving there and back, and sorting things out, and time on the phone talking to her... I am not complaining about this as it's not a problem, but was wondering if the added "stress" of providing this care for her is causing my my blood levels to go up, and while doing this I may need more or different meds or something else to help me control my levels ....


Hi Grahame,
There are a number of factors here that are causing your blood spikes and trouble controlling it.
firstly the immense stress you are under, don't for a single minute think that its any less than it is. you may think you are coping but believe me, from experience with looking after my father for 6 months while he was dying of cancer i know that the stress did more damage than i thought.
secondly, Your eating pattern will be off, grabbing something "quick" maybe junk food or more carbs than you would usually eat, eating at irregular times because you are driving or on the phone etc...this all causes issues, you may think you have only done it once or twice but think back, its probably more than you thought.
And lastly lack of sleep, this really screws with your blood glucose levels, being a shift worker i know this better than most.

go and talk to your GP before you end up in double figures, although the folks here are very friendly and very helpful, we are not doctors. your GP will have some idea of what you are going through and may be able to prescribe you something else.

you haven't said what you are taking, I guess its meformin as that's the usual drug prescribed. it could be that you need to dose increased if you are on a low dose or it could be that you need the slow release tablets like i have rather than the standard ones.

Speak to your GP and good luck


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

Thanks for the support, it does confirm what I thought was happening, and a visit to the GP is now to be arranged ..

Hopefully between me and the Dr we will be able to settle the levels back down again ...

Again, thanks for the confirmation
