LIdl Rolls


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The LivLife bread is a good alternative, the only other bread that doesn’t affect my BG. But only Waitrose sell it, and I have to travel miles to get to one...

LivLife does seem to be much lower in carbs than most competitors. 14.6g of carbs per 100g. Or 3.8g per slice (presumably small slices?)

Looks promising, I'll be seeing if I can find any next time I'm passing my Waitrose. I have a Waitrose about 7 miles away but it's hard to get to. Well hard to park near as it's in town. But it stays open till 10pm, so I might try driving by when it's much quieter.


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You need to get the message over to Lidl that without the protein rolls you will have no reason to visit them, therefore they will lose all of your trade.


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LivLife does seem to be much lower in carbs than most competitors. 14.6g of carbs per 100g. Or 3.8g per slice (presumably small slices?)

Looks promising, I'll be seeing if I can find any next time I'm passing my Waitrose. I have a Waitrose about 7 miles away but it's hard to get to. Well hard to park near as it's in town. But it stays open till 10pm, so I might try driving by when it's much quieter.
They are quite small slices, but suprisingly satisfying! I’ve found my appetite is much, much smaller since ditching most carbs, so a toastie made with two slices, half a tin of sardines and a tablespoon or two of butter keeps me satisfied for hours. I’d never have thought it possible, to be honest, I could eat a massive bowl of pasta before and go back for dessert before making the change.
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A note of caution re Waitrose. It might be worth phoning them before setting out - there's a small Waitrose in the next town and they have never had LivLife. My nearest large store is about 15 miles away and I'm not sure the cost of petrol, parking etc v LivLife is worth it.
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A note of caution re Waitrose. It might be worth phoning them before setting out - there's a small Waitrose in the next town and they have never had LivLife. My nearest large store is about 15 miles away and I'm not sure the cost of petrol, parking etc v LivLife is worth it.

I've been thinking about how much effort I'm willing to put in to getting hold of bread-like substances :)

I visit my sister roughly once a week, she's at the other side of town, and I think what I'll do is take a route that goes through town, especially if it's late at night. There's often some parking spaces near the Waitrose there when it's late.
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My nearest Lidl (12 miles) has stopped baking them "for ever," I was told by a woman at the store with a clipboard (executive level?)
I went to a different LIDL near me yesterday, and there were no High Protein rolls. The baking guy was putting out some other bread products so I asked him if they were still being sold, and he said they were 'discontinued'.


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I am going to my daughters in southern Ireland and I usually take enough protein rolls to last ,some go into her freezer as soon as we get there because they don't sell them over there .Has my one any idea what I can eat over there ? I am already under weight and don't want to be blown off the ferry on the way home !!


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I've been thinking about how much effort I'm willing to put in to getting hold of bread-like substances :)

I visit my sister roughly once a week, she's at the other side of town, and I think what I'll do is take a route that goes through town, especially if it's late at night. There's often some parking spaces near the Waitrose there when it's late.
If your as much of a lazy s*d as me, be aware that ocado deliver livlife, Hilo and carb zone breads - nice and convenient and I find I save a shedload of money getting the shopping delivered - none of those ‘ I might need one of those” impulse buys that always meant I would go into supermarkets intending to buy 1 item and come out having spent at least £25
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If your as much of a lazy s*d as me, be aware that ocado deliver livlife, Hilo and carb zone breads - nice and convenient and I find I save a shedload of money getting the shopping delivered - none of those ‘ I might need one of those” impulse buys that always meant I would go into supermarkets intending to buy 1 item and come out having spent at least £25

Haha! I know what you mean about coming out of supermarkets with all sorts of stuff you don't need :) Also, it seems that I'll need to travel over 20 miles to get hold of this LivLife bread, so getting it delivered may well be the best option, especially if I can find other stuff I want from Ocado. I've never looked into Ocado, this should be fun, thanks for the tip.

I've just got back now from my local Waitrose and they don't stock it. So I went about 15 miles further to a much bigger Waitrose and they had 6 loaves of LivLife. Past tense - now they are all out and I need to re-arrange my freezer space :)

Just tried toasting it to have it with pate. I'd say it's much better for toasting than the Lidl High Protein Rolls. Very nice.
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If your as much of a lazy s*d as me, be aware that ocado deliver livlife, Hilo and carb zone breads - nice and convenient and I find I save a shedload of money getting the shopping delivered - none of those ‘ I might need one of those” impulse buys that always meant I would go into supermarkets intending to buy 1 item and come out having spent at least £25
Ocado don't deliver to my area! I may as well live on Alpha Centauri, the luck I'm having. I did notice in Morrisons that Ryvita has brought out a new cripsbread - Protein Crunchy Rye Breads Red Quinoa & Sesame and Linseed & Nigella Seed. I think the carbs per slice were about 5.9g. Might make a change from nutty crackers. I tried out a keto roll recipe backalong but just produced that weird gunk @DeejayR mentioned.

I've just realised how many times I've posted on this thread, never mind other HPR threads. I'm really not obsessed by them. Honestly.
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They had High Protein rolls on sale at my local LIDL yesterday. Still the smaller size at 29p each. I bought half a dozen.
That was very restrained, only buying 6, @Prem51. I would have just tipped the contents of the basket into my trolley.... I am beginning to think it's an Out in the Backwaters of the UK supply problem or rather certain Backwaters like here, because it's odd that they are still in stock in some areas. I might go back through the thread to see where members are still buying them. On the other hand that might lead to a serious 'expotition' somewhere exotic. ;)
I went back to that LIDL yesterday, and they don't have them now. You are right @Sue192 , I should have grabbed the lot!