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Today I was jogging down the track with my dogs to catch up with someone, and had to stop and pull up my jeans, because they were FALLING DOWN. And I don't mean just slipping a bit, I mean they would have ended up round my ankles :D
Not buying new ones yet though, still got a long way to go!
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I reversed my Type 2
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It's worked for me, but it wasn't just low carb. I cut out all grains, rice, sugar, starchy veg, grain/veg oils, and factory processed food. This made me lose weight and feel better to the point where I started exercising a lot more. I'm now in the best shape of my life! And my type 2 diabetes was reversed.
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Yep, I've cut the lot out too - still working on portion control mind you. I have an big appetite for virtually everything fun.
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Tablets (oral)
there isn't much I dislike maybe rude and aggressive people
When I started the LCHF I didn't have a clue what I was doing and I still need to learn a lot more! But it was urgent that I got to grips with my diabetes 2, my weight had ballooned to 16 stone as weighed at the hospital my blood sugar was around 18.
Well, Its day 51 of the new lifestyle, and while at the hospital today they weighed me and I was 15 stone 7 Lbs so I was delighted with a 7 lbs loss and my blood sugar was 7.7 what a difference and what a great diet I am eating like a King.
PS My latest fasting reading was 6.4 so needless to say I am delighted
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I had my annual review today. Started lower carbing mid-March and a few days later started on insulin - I've increased the dose today and we hope that this might be the final level until I maybe lose more weight or get fitter with increasing exercise and can hopefully reduce it again.

I've dropped 13lbs since March. I was hoping for more, but considering I started on insulin and we've been titrating my dose upwards, I'm happy not to have gained weight.

My HbA1c was down to 64 (7.9%) - I was hoping for anything under 70, it was upper 70s last time.
Cholesterol 4.0 (was 4.6)
HDL 0.92 (was 0.75)
LDL 2.5 (was 2.9)
Ratio 4.3 (was 6.1)
Trigs 1.17 (was 2.02)

I knew the glucose was coming down, but the lipid stuff you just can't guess at until you have bloods done. So I'm especially and unexpectedly pleased with those.
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Diet only
I had my annual review today. Started lower carbing mid-March and a few days later started on insulin - I've increased the dose today and we hope that this might be the final level until I maybe lose more weight or get fitter with increasing exercise and can hopefully reduce it again.

I've dropped 13lbs since March. I was hoping for more, but considering I started on insulin and we've been titrating my dose upwards, I'm happy not to have gained weight.

My HbA1c was down to 64 (7.9%) - I was hoping for anything under 70, it was upper 70s last time.
Cholesterol 4.0 (was 4.6)
HDL 0.92 (was 0.75)
LDL 2.5 (was 2.9)
Ratio 4.3 (was 6.1)
Trigs 1.17 (was 2.02)

I knew the glucose was coming down, but the lipid stuff you just can't guess at until you have bloods done. So I'm especially and unexpectedly pleased with those.

That is a very good lipid panel BooJewels!! As you said, difficult to predict with any certainty how it will go after starting LCHF & weight loss. My panel is all over the place & the more research I do, the more complicated & conflicting the data/opinions.

Anyway, just to share, i recently re-introduced 4 eggs into my daily diet after about a 6 week break or thereabouts. In one month, I had a 25% increase in HDL. In isolation, this snapshot would indicate massive improvement but in context, who knows? Just figured you might want to try that if you haven't already.

Cheerio & Well done!!
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Anyway, just to share, i recently re-introduced 4 eggs into my daily diet after about a 6 week break or thereabouts. In one month, I had a 25% increase in HDL. In isolation, this snapshot would indicate massive improvement but in context, who knows? Just figured you might want to try that if you haven't already.
Many thanks msmi1970 - I haven't eaten eggs for well over 20 years - whole as a food that is - I've eaten them in things like batter etc.after having my gallbladder removed, I couldn't tolerate them. So I reintroduced them gently to see how I went on and find that I am now fine with them, so I am now eating at least one a day and will increase that probably over time.

I will try most foods, I don't consider myself fussy, but I'm just not keen on fish and I'm sure I'd get the HDL number up if I ate more salmon and the like, so I need to work on that. I've had it the odd time, but there's other things I'd rather have.
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Three weeks into low carbing and 15lbs are gone! BG average daily readings back in normal range at 5.5 - 6.5. )actually that took only 4 days) Was on 1mg Glimepiride now off it. Annual review later this month. Feeling pretty good except for a nasty hay fever rash on my face!
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Three weeks into low carbing and 15lbs are gone! BG average daily readings back in normal range at 5.5 - 6.5. )actually that took only 4 days) Was on 1mg Glimepiride now off it. Annual review later this month. Feeling pretty good except for a nasty hay fever rash on my face!
Well done! Your weight loss is impressive in that time scale. I'm finding it rather slower, but I went onto insulin at the same time.

I bet your DN will be impressed at the review. Keep up the good work, it's obviously a method that's working for you.
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there isn't much I dislike maybe rude and aggressive people
I went to see my DN this morning 57 days after my last visit and she was very pleased with the results of my blood tests it was 57 days ago I started a LCHF diet she told me the results of the last test indicated I may have had to go on insulin but she didn't tell me that then with my latest results that is now not on the table thankfully so really good news
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
I am one very happy bunny. January my diabetes went out of whack. Sky high readings. 11 %, thereafter strong meds which drive it down too fast leaving me groggy with reactive hypoglycaemia. :(
After some research I found the Lchf approach to managing diabetes, the advice which used to be given to diabetics back in the day and is now practiced in Sweden. It is not Atkins as it isn't high protein.
Most energy in the diet comes from fat, modest protein and very limited carbs.
This condemns me to a life of bacon, butter, cheese and double cream, avocado dark chocolate etc.
lost lots of weight and never feel hungry or deprived.
Been to see GP after three months 'to see how I got on.' Here are the results.
HbA1C 5.6 (38)
LDL (bad) cholesterol is down to normal
HDL (good) cholesterol is up and above the floor limit
Triglycerides are normal too.
I have been taken off the sulphonylureas as my control is so good.
I am my own case study. Now convinced, as are many others,current NHS for type two diabetics is wrong.
This is my future now
# I believe I can fry

That's great , I had the same success and I know how great it feels.
I think medical thinking is slowly coming round to low carb as there is more evidence.
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
I have just tried shredded carrot and courgette instead of pasta with my bolognese sauce , it was great . No need for any pasta now
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Cruelty to humans and animals.
Just joined your forum. Desperate lower my sugar levels as I cannot control them. I am obese, disabled and I cannot take Metformin. My health is on a downward spiral. Am considering your low carb diet even though always claim it's dangerous. I also have high blood pressure and take sinvastatins for cholesterol. Help!!!!

As far as I know, the low carb diet is not dangerous especially if you start off just reducing the amount of carbs you eat and then progress to eating only a small amount each day. I've lost quite a bit of weight and have taken my BG levels down significantly since I was diagnosed in January of this year. Many other members have also found this way of eating not only not dangerous but positively healthy.

If you re-post this in the Greetings and Introductions thread I'll tag a lady who'll give you some really good information and advice and other more experienced members will answer any questions you have and help you take control.
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Tablets (oral)
As far as I know, the low carb diet is not dangerous especially if you start off just reducing the amount of carbs you eat and then progress to eating only a small amount each day. I've lost quite a bit of weight and have taken my BG levels down significantly since I was diagnosed in January of this year. Many other members have also found this way of eating not only not dangerous but positively healthy.

If you re-post this in the Greetings and Introductions thread I'll tag a lady who'll give you some really good information and advice and other more experienced members will answer any questions you have and help you take control.
Just started the LCH diet myself a few days ago, and lost 2 kg, plus I feel like new:)
I can't believe the changes. I also started swimming:-D
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Type of diabetes
Type 2
Treatment type
Tablets (oral)
old injury hinders most exercises, even swimming
I just wanted to say thank you to all you prolific forumites, an humungous thank you. I've been dipping in and out of here for a good while trying to keep up to date.... Just a few reads every now and again. I was diagnosed db 22 years ago. I did have brilliant control with the help of various meds including rosiglitazone! Since that was withdrawn I have struggled constantly with different meds to find something that would work but control gradually worsened and with averages over 8 insulin was the only option. Not fearful of needles as I inject every day anyway but more the fear of life changes and the feeling of having lost the battle.

I read some posts about low carb and the results and not believing it could be that simple I decided to give it a go. In three weeks my average has dropped to 5.9! I've bored everyone silly as I'm so thrilled, on rosiglitazone the best was 6.6! I'm probably overdoing the protein at the moment but I am trying to get confident with a menu that gives no more than 10g of carbs per meal and no snacks! I know there is a way to go to make it a lifestyle but I feel so confident now.

Sorry for boring the pants off you but I really did want you to know your entries and comments really have been life changing for me.

Thank you, take care now
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Well-Known Member
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Garlic bread
Walking up steep hills
I just wanted to say thank you to all you prolific forumites, an humungous thank you. I've been dipping in and out of here for a good while trying to keep up to date.... Just a few reads every now and again. I was diagnosed db 22 years ago. I did have brilliant control with the help of various meds including rosiglitazone! Since that was withdrawn I have struggled constantly with different meds to find something that would work but control gradually worsened and with averages over 8 insulin was the only option. Not fearful of needles as I inject every day anyway but more the fear of life changes and the feeling of having lost the battle.

I read some posts about low carb and the results and not believing it could be that simple I decided to give it a go. In three weeks my average has dropped to 5.9! I've bored everyone silly as I'm so thrilled, on rosiglitazone the best was 6.6! I'm probably overdoing the protein at the moment but I am trying to get confident with a menu that gives no more than 10g of carbs per meal and no snacks! I know there is a way to go to make it a lifestyle but I feel so confident now.

Sorry for boring the pants off you but I really did want you to know your entries and comments really have been life changing for me.

Thank you, take care now

It's amazing isn't it . I tell everyone about it .
People keep telling me I look great too.
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Diet only
Hi! I've lurked around this forum for a long time. I was diagnosed with prediabetes last year after 3 A1C test results of over 6.0. I was told to eat whole grains and low fat to prevent it progressing into diabetes. I am glad that I did some research and found this forum. At the time, I was ~280 lbs. I decided to to commit to try to lose some weight and try to prevent progression into diabetes by eating low carb. Over the last year, I have lost ~50 lbs and lowered my A1C to below 5.0!! I just wanted to post and say thank you all for posting your success stories! It really helped me!
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Retired Moderator
Type of diabetes
I reversed my Type 2
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Diet only
Hi! I've lurked around this forum for a long time. I was diagnosed with prediabetes last year after 3 A1C test results of over 6.0. I was told to eat whole grains and low fat to prevent it progressing into diabetes. I am glad that I did some research and found this forum. At the time, I was ~280 lbs. I decided to to commit to try to lose some weight and try to prevent progression into diabetes by eating low carb. Over the last year, I have lost ~50 lbs and lowered my A1C to below 5.0!! I just wanted to post and say thank you all for posting your success stories! It really helped me!

Wow! that's quite a success story. From what I have seen, not toooooo many folks come in under 5.

Well done.
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