Lows whilst running/walking no matter what I do! HELP!


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I’m having a recurring problem where sugars are good before a run or long walk, I eat a snack maybe a banana or similar, then 15 minutes into run/walk I’m dropping low then I spend the run/walk chomping on jelly babies but I’m low the whole time! Then of course when I stop boom they rise quickly!! It’s driving me insane... this didn’t used to happen?! Is anyone else experiencing the same?
Any tips greatly appreciated! Or can anyone recommend a diabetes fitness expert to contact?
Thaaaaaanks :)


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I should probably add I’m TTC so having to keep a super tight range..... it’s exhausting!!!
I had this problem years back but I was on Novomix which was absolute rubbish for me, it would dip when I exercised and like you said not long after I've treated it it would shoot up! Maybe it's something to do with your insulin maybe but that's the only idea I have!
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This is something your consultant should be able to advise you on. I recommend starting to run before breakfast, just on long-acting, which means you don't have to snack. After that, you should be able to run at other times as long as you wait two hours after taking fast-acting. My consultant suggested that I half my fast-acting dose for lunch if I'm running in the afternoon, and also reduce my split dose night Levemir.

I don't snack while running as I'm trying to try my body to burn fat. I'm currently in Cornwall, running the SW Coastal Path. I ran 16 km yesterday (3000 ft climbing) before breakfast, just with coffee and cream and long-acting. My BS sat on 4.5.

The most difficult run for me is a 10 pm run, an old favourite of mine, as I'm really insulin sensitive later in the day. It requires planning, in taking a lot less fast-acting insulin at lunch and none at dinner. I have to accept higher than my usual blood sugars during that time, which is the difficult part.

I wear a Libre and carry jelly babies, glucose gels and a blood test kit on all my runs for safety.
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@Type1of25years+ our bodies are a pest, aren’t they?
A few things help me avoid exercise hypos
- making sure I have no fast acting insulin on board. This means not exercising for about 4 hours after blousing. This could be exercising first thing in the morning, as @ert suggests (I struggle with this due to dawn phenomenon which raises my blood sugars to a level which makes exercise challenging ) or later in the afternoon if you have lunch early.
- if you are not able to exercise in that way (we don’t always have a choice when to walk to the supermarket, for example), reducing your bolus before eating can help.
- taking on carbs whilst exercising. If you drink water whilst running/walking, you could add some juice or squash to your bottle for a dilute drink. Not all of us are exercising to lose weight (I do it to feel good), so avoiding carbs is not always counterintuitive.

As for the post exercise high, unfortunately, the only option i have found is to take a corrective bolus. Over time, you may learn how much your blood sugar rises by and know how much to bolus as soon as you finish exercise.

Finally, the thing that sorted it out for me was an insulin pump which allows me to suspend my basal before exercise and temporarily raise it as I finish. Unusually, this was the reason I qualified for a pump.


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Hi, I don’t run but walk a lot and have the same issues - my nurse said I’m very sensitive to exercise and insulin so I have to have a jelly baby every 10 minutes of my walk or I have a hypo. It’s not very relaxing, constantly scanning, and I find it easier to only go for my long walks in the afternoon now after a low carb lunch with no bolus


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Not having good chocolate, and not cycling
I will wager that the issue is with your basal insulin. Don’t know if you’re pumping or doing mdi. But if you’re pumping you might have a better chance to change the basal rate so that you don’t have to “feed the insulin” while you’re trying to exercise. For MDI you will have to give up the tighter control so that you can run- the hard part about a long term injected basal insulin is that once it’s in there it cannot be changed.

I do commend you for trying to hold control to conceive. That’s a very smart move- be strong!
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Definatly look at tweaking you basal.

I have to admit. If I'm grafting (paid exersise variety.) & my basal is more than I need for the day. (Lantus.) there will be recuring lows.
I could be necking or drinking fast acting carbs every 40 minutes.. Longer acting carbs as a follow up can help stop a recurrence.
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So helpful everyone thank you. I’m on Novorapid at meals (although prob 5/6 times a day really for small correction doses to manage the pre-pregnancy planning tightly) and Levermir 18 in the morning and 3.5 at night (which also always makes me low at night but 3 isn’t enough!!)

I don’t think I’m a big fan of Levermir but can’t use Lantus TTC. I don’t want to switch to a pump now in the middle of trying as managed to keep HBA1Cs all in range but would if I tried again. TTC I have never felt so diabetic in my life, it’s an all-consuming nightmare!

I do think when I run it makes any Novorapid on board suddenly do its thing, so waiting 4 hours is a good suggestion. I used to run with diluted Ribena so maybe should try that again, thanks.

Getting a standard bolus after running is a good idea - it’s just a pain having ANOTHER tail coming later on! Also I often run 6/7pm just before dinner.

My family all have low blood pressure in the mornings - we are not morning people sadly!!

So jealous of a run with sugars staying at 4.5 - the dream!! I’d like them to stay that way for 20 mins sitting!!! I swear they’re just so sensitive non-stop! Evening wearing a hat makes them drop!!

Thank you lots everyone
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Well-Known Member
I’m having a recurring problem where sugars are good before a run or long walk, I eat a snack maybe a banana or similar, then 15 minutes into run/walk I’m dropping low then I spend the run/walk chomping on jelly babies but I’m low the whole time! Then of course when I stop boom they rise quickly!! It’s driving me insane... this didn’t used to happen?! Is anyone else experiencing the same?
Any tips greatly appreciated! Or can anyone recommend a diabetes fitness expert to contact?
Thaaaaaanks :)

Sounds to me like a basal issue. But the question is, if you have a sedentary day sitting at home, do you get hypos by just sitting, if so then it’s a basal issue


Active Member
Sounds to me like a basal issue. But the question is, if you have a sedentary day sitting at home, do you get hypos by just sitting, if so then it’s a basal issue
No my basal is spot on at the moment I think. I have to change it by 0.5 every few days but pretty sure it’s good. My basal is odd because I have to split it and give 18 daytime and 4.5 nighttime as it just doesn’t last 24 hours for me and more at either time just sends me low!


Well-Known Member
No my basal is spot on at the moment I think. I have to change it by 0.5 every few days but pretty sure it’s good. My basal is odd because I have to split it and give 18 daytime and 4.5 nighttime as it just doesn’t last 24 hours for me and more at either time just sends me low!

Perhaps consider switching to Tresiba which lasts longer and will definitely last you the whole 24 hours so you can do a once daily injection