Making lightweight


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1

I have basically set myself the challenge of becoming a lightweight rower in a year. I'm taking a year out to work before returning to uni to do my masters, hopefully on the lightweight rowing team. I have been off sport for ages with injuries, and now am trying a threefold measure of tightening my diabetes control, losing weight and getting fit with a clear deadline and aim in sight. Has anyone else done something like this or has any advice for any aspect of this? It will all be appreciated! ( to make lightweight I need to lose about 6kg)


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Cutting back on carbs will decrease your need for insulin and will make you lose weight at the same time. You will most likely go through and adjustment period where you need to fiddle with your insulin as you are cutting back on carbs (food in general) and up your activity level. Hypos could occur more often but after a couple of weeks you should get the hang of it.

On the losing 6 kg part ... it really depends on your current BF%, as i'm assuming that's what you want to lose. If you're already skinny or even around 10-12% losing that 6 kg will be more challenging, Basically the higher your current BF the "easier" it is. I've lost about 5 kg in six months and am currently around 7-8% BF, which for me is a bit hard to sustain, around 10% for me is easier to sustain. When you first start out exercising again a good tip i can give you is to measure certain circumferences (belly, upper arms, chest, shoulders) as you will most likely put on some muscle and lose some fat so the scale is not the best device for measuring progress in the beginning.