Memory / Speech problems


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Sorry to keep asking questions.

Ive noticed over the past year or so my memory isnt as great as it used to be and more prominently my speaking is bad. I often slur words or use words that are similar but not quite right, ie earlier I said "can you pass me that bowl?" When I meant "cup".
Ive also noticed I do it at work, im web developer and I often get the languages muddled up.

Basically, my question is.. is this diabetic related?

Its really frustrating, especially as I give quite long presentations every Monday and its annoying when I get confused about things I know a lot about..
Worried im going insane.
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Diet only
Well I had the problem when I was not yet diagnosed. It's been better for the last 3 years or so. I used to make up words to keep the fluency in my speech because I just couldn't remember the right words. I believe mine was diabetes related. My HbA1c's are OK now and so is my speech, but there could be any number of reasons. I was very worried about it but the problem just seems to have gone away now.
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My hba1c was very high but im trying really hard to lower it. Hopefully that will help it pass!
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Hi @Lexa_x
Have you seen tour G.P. about this problem?
It could be something like anxiety. You are very young to be saddled with this problem so make an appointment. Whatever it is, you will feel better for knowing rather than imagining the worst.
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By no means an expert but I'd ask the GP for an MRI and a CT scan of the head
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Well-Known Member
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Tablets (oral)
Sorry to keep asking questions.

Ive noticed over the past year or so my memory isnt as great as it used to be and more prominently my speaking is bad. I often slur words or use words that are similar but not quite right, ie earlier I said "can you pass me that bowl?" When I meant "cup".
Ive also noticed I do it at work, im web developer and I often get the languages muddled up.

Basically, my question is.. is this diabetic related?

Its really frustrating, especially as I give quite long presentations every Monday and its annoying when I get confused about things I know a lot about..
Worried im going insane.

Not necessarily: I've had similar problems for quite a while, and I do mean before diagnosis. I do suffer from Aspergers, though, and that might also be a factor- I stutter, have quite severe blank moments, and my memory is frankly dreadful. :-(
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Hello , you need to find out a bit more yet could be anything ...really it could be one of a 100 things ...
Like b12 or iron problems .....for example

Just sharing info here , for me when I was not diganosed I was very unwell and memory and words were a great problem ...much improved now though wishes and I hope you find the cause soon ..Kat
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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Hi lexa
An unrelated but potentially connected issue.

Do you drink a lot of water / liquids ?

Recommended amount is about 30ml per kg body weight.
I was thinking you could be over hydrating and this can cause vagueness in thought processes.


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Hi lexa
An unrelated but potentially connected issue.

Do you drink a lot of water / liquids ?

Recommended amount is about 30ml per kg body weight.
I was thinking you could be over hydrating and this can cause vagueness in thought processes.

I drink a lot to be honest.. have about 6 teas a day plus a lot of water.. could be a factor x


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mean people , gardening , dishonest people , and war.
why can't everyone get on........
Sorry I didn't offer some reassurance in my first reply.
no -you are not going insane.
Another thought I had was perhaps you have been working too hard.
After all Web development can be pretty intense work.
I also meant to ask if you had felt faint or slightly dizzy.

Main thing is to not worry and just take things one day at a time.
I am sure you will get this all sorted out soon. :)
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No need for reassurance, just need suggestions really :D

I do have a lot on my mind at the moment and quite a mentally straining job. Maybe I just need a holiday!
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Pasta, sorry to me it's vile, yeuch lol (and full of nasty carbs)
Lexa it is called Anomic Aphasia and I have had it before, comes and goes. My initial HbA1c was 112 mmol/mol and had two Testosterone blood tests and both were well below normal. I had difficultly concentrating due to high sugar levels. A very rare sign of low testosterone levels is anomic aphasia ie difficulty finding words (usually nouns) even though you kinda know what to say but the word is lost and your brain usually thows in some related word. Sometimes it can get worse like someone will show you an orange but you know it's am orange but the word evades you. Get your hormone levels checked and maybe ask for a referral to a Neurologist. Hope you are well. :)
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It was 87 I think, off the top of my head. Ordered a meter should be here tomorrow x
I'm not surprised if you experience memory loss and such with levels that high. How do you plan to go about lowering your bg? LCHF has worked extremely well for me.

With a meter you'll be able to judge for yourself what makes your bg go up, but for most of the worst culprits are cereal, bread actually everything with grain it it and potatoes and other starchy roots. And sugar of course.

Memory loss and dysphasia can, as Eddie points out, also have other hormonal reasons. I found my diabetes symptoms similar to many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism for example. Lack of B12 can also be a cause
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Ive been off sugar for 4 weeks and on the lchf for 2 weeks now and im feeling 100% better overall.. memory is still an issue. Ill give it a few more weeks and see how it goes.

When they ran all my bloods they did a hormone test (I also have pcos) and my testosterone results were really low and my estrogen was extremely high.. thought it was odd becuase pcos usually has the reverse symptoms!


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Have you had FSH, LH and prolactin tested?

Or THS, come to that. If your memory doesn't come back soon I think you should ask to have a few more hormones tested. Do you see and endocrinologist or just GP? '

'LCHF seems to be one of the best treatments for PCOS or so I have been told anyway.
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You say you have had this for about a year or so. Can you think of anything that has changed in your environment or diet about that time?

I ask because I've had two periods of ill health, decades apart, one involving "cotton wool head". In each case tests by my GP found nothing. Eventually I managed to work out what was different, and I was able to improve things.

My cotton-wool head was linked to a histamine intolerance, eating lots of histamine rich foods. There are other allergy like symptoms which accompanied that, which you haven't mentioned, so probably this would not explain what's gong on with you.

But the general principle of trying to work out of anything has changed is probably worth thinking about. Good luck.



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Well, had a rough year to be honest my mum is very ill. Out of the worst but is now physically and mentally disabled for the rest of her life. Very stressful but ive come to terms with it now..
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Hi lexa x, as we grow in love and understanding,we learn only to worry about the things we can control ,you sound like a very loving and caring daughter,and i'm sure your mum is proud of you! (((((((( hugs)))))))
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