menstrual cycle and type 1


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Narrow minded people. Selfish people.
I have been diagnosed for over a month now and my first period came a week early, im now on my second and the problem is i felt really strange on the lead up..... :oops: Im on logynon contraceptive pill because i get really major stomach cramps without it :cry:
I felt like i was constantly about to have a hypo but without the usual symptoms like muscle ache,sweats, the tongue thing and the blotchy vision.
I also felt the complete opposite at times, really tired like i was hyper. my levels have all been in the lower part of the normal range.
Is this normal or could it just be my body still trying to adjust to the battle going on within?
I have also found i can slip into a hypo really quickly now during this cycle........ :shock: .......
Can someone help? :?: feeling a little lost


My levels go all over the place when i have my period. My doctor told me this would happen. I have noticed my periods are worse since ive been diagnosed(only diagnosed since feb this year). That could be why your having hypos during you period :)


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
As you are newly diagnosed and we don't really have any proper idea of your BG levels throughout the day I would suggest that you should discuss this with your DSN/GP etc as you might need to adjust your dose of Insulin and/or diet to at least counteract the hypo's, if that is what they were.



Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Narrow minded people. Selfish people.
Thanks guys 8)
my normal levels are normally round about 5.2 to 6.8.
im only on 2 injections a day so is it still possible to change doses frequently with that?


People who are touchy.......feign indignation at the slightest thing. Hypocrites, bullies and cowards.
Logynon is listed as having a caution when used if you have Diabetes. There are also other cautions which may or may not be related to you.....other medications etc. there are also other side effects of this particular drug, leg cramps, skin reactions, and other things too numerous to mention here.

As regards your levels you need to test often, before and 2 hrs after meals and keep a record to show your HCP's. This will help them work out what is going on.

We cannot diagnose and any change in your medication should be discussed, so again I would urge you to discuss this asap with your DSN or GP. By phone if necessary.

We were hoping a T1 Insulin user would be along but it seems it's down to us at the moment. Sorry, we cannot be of more help to you....... :(

Ken / Sue


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
I always find that my bg levels drop during the day immediately prior to my period arriving and are less predictable during my period. I always have to lower my insulin doses, but not by much usually. I think it must be hormone related, and when I raised it with my gp many years ago he seemed to think it was quite normal.

I'm on 5 injections a day so it is very easy for me to adjust when necessary. Perhaps you should raise this with your dsn/consultant if you're finding it hard to adapt? What works for one doesn't necessarily work for another.


Well-Known Member
I'm T2 not T1 but my BG is raised before my period. It goes consistanlty higher and only comes down once my period starts.

Not necessarliy relevant to you I know, but just say yes your menstrul cycle can effect you diabetes, so get advice form the experts.


Well-Known Member
Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type

My BG level always seem to go higher a week before and it seems harder to bring them back down, then as soon as i come on they seem to go back to normal and easier to control.



Well-Known Member
yep, I used to have the same as tracey167, only I would drop quite dramatically as soon as I came on. But in the last few years it seems to have evened out, and my periods don't seem to be affecting my sugars as much as they used to. Maybe the body gets used to it? Who knows.


Well-Known Member
Lack of choice of insulin for newly diagnosed patients.
Dog owners who let their dogs poop in the street-a hazard for most, but worse if you're visually impaired!
Having RP
anniep said:
I'm T2 not T1 but my BG is raised before my period. It goes consistanlty higher and only comes down once my period starts.

Not necessarliy relevant to you I know, but just say yes your menstrul cycle can effect you diabetes, so get advice form the experts.

LOL I'd love to know where these "experts" are! Having suffered worsening pre-mestrual problems over the past few years, I just get passed between my GP who's clueless & prescribed me various contraceptive pills, which I don't think are suitable (as Ken said) for type-1s and particularly as there is a history of heart disease in my family;and my Gynaecologist who's answer is the mirena coil or a hysterectomy! No-one seems to understand or be able to deal with the kind of problems that I'm experiencing and it's soul destroying and frustrating. :cry: Going on the pill did not solve my problems, but made me bleed excessively and turned me into a basket case, more than normal :lol:
Of course diabetes is affected by a woman's menstrual cycle,and hormones are bound to affect control during the time of a women's menstrual period. Personally I also have the same experience of being low for a few days before, and then a rise during, prob due to the body's reaction to the blood loss. It's predictable every month.
MIssy1979, the best thing is to keep a diary of sorts and see if there is definately a pattern with your menstrual cycle and BG changes. It might just be that you will have to adjust your analogue insulin accordingly during this time, but don't expect a doc to understand or acknowledge it!


Type of diabetes
Type 1
Treatment type
Narrow minded people. Selfish people.
It seems to me that the powers that be need to do a little more reaserch into the effects of the oral/internal/injected etc contraceptives with T1 and the relationship between a womans menstrual cycle and her bg levels.
I cant thank you guys enough for all your imput. its really help put me at ease........i didnt know if i was going mental or not :lol:
My levels have gone from an avg of 5.2-around 6 down to what seems like a constant 4.8 with regular hypos :roll:
My cycle has also totally changed to being a normal flow to almost a complete stop :!: omg! That really made me panic.....
I feel for you all with this darn thing. Its very frustrating when you only get half answers from your gp or dsn on the effects!
I was told logynon was perfectly safe and now im learning that its listed as unsuitable. :evil:
We only ask for honest answers and clarification, if our gp doesnt know i just wish they'd just admit it :(