Mental health spending cuts forecast for next years



Mental health spending cuts forecast

If you have seen the news then you should have seen this .... The Diabetic community needs to raise its voice of concern to this disaster waiting to happen.

They foresee a drop and cut of funds across UK by 8%min

It would be a total disaster for anyone trying to have a heathy and balance life after being told of life changing news....
Would this effect your vote if you knew a party would not do so?!?
And what's your thoughts to this ... Another deep cut in after care in your local areas ?!
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mental health where i live has already been cut. beds have been cut from 36 to 14
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Mental health cuts aren't the only ones we'd have to worry about if the cons get back in..
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And that's why we all need to vote!
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Free eye tests and dental will be gone too.
Probably charged between five and ten pounds per doctors visit.
Mobility cars might be gone within three years.

Meanwhile in the real world .... in an economic crisis bankers and investors throw themselves from the twentieth floor to their deaths but in this manufactured crisis across the western world ... luxury yacht manufacturers cannot keep pace.
British tax payers may fund new luxury marinas around the south as Britain becomes more and more of an offshore tax haven for the European elite .... especially if we leave Europe.
Anything north Of Birmingham may well become a wasteland as all economic investment is channelled south.
A fifty billion pound high speed railway may be built for the private train operators out of tax payer money even though the railways were privatised years ago and the average British tax payer who will never ride on the thing will be milked without complaint .....
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
A further twelve billion pounds is promised to be cut from welfare but they refuse to say how and where this side of the election.
Don't you find that very strange and just a little disturbing?
I remember when politicians used to say vote for me and I'll set you free now it's vote for me and I promise to make you poorer!
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A further twelve billion pounds is promised to be cut from welfare but they refuse to say how and where this side of the election.
Don't you find that very strange and just a little disturbing?
I remember when politicians used to say vote for me and I'll set you free now it's vote for me and I promise to make you poorer!
I would say it's very disturbing.
Why isn't anyone talking about the hardships caused to so many by austerity already. Think it's bad now?.............


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Mental health services have been at the heart of the last government's (let's hope it really is the LAST Tory government) frenetic cutbacks for quite some time now and it is east to see why; a broken leg is visible, Parkinsons is visible, paralysis is visible but mental health issues such as major depression, bi polar or schizophrenia are not. I have been involved in the mental health system for over thirty years now and have seen and felt the decline in the services they provide. Social workers these days seem to turn up simply to assist you in a medication review with the psychiatrist and then they disappear. My social worker ought to have come today but did not turn up and when he does he makes it quite clear that his visit would be brief. One social worker I had was instructed to provide me with contact numbers for councelling services and when she telephoned me she asked me to write down numbers she had found. The first one was for the CAB and the second was for the Samaritans! I complained about her and as a result of that she was temporarily suspended. She said that these days we get them in, get them out then get the next lot in...Her main topic of conversation consisted pof her new dog and her sixteen year old daughter she couldn't wait to see the back of. As a result of situations such as these, people seem to be heavily medicated and then left in the community in an effort to find their own way in life. I was sectioned four times in the past yet these days it seems you have to commit murder to get taken into hospital. Three people I know have reached such a low through this kind of treatment they have unfortunately killed themselves. I used to have a support worker who came at least twice a week yet that now simply does not happen. I was diagnosed with diabetes in 2007 and have all the complications that go along with it, eyesight diminished, feet and hand neuropathic pain that the psychiatrist was unaware of - all he has on his monitor is the medication he prescribed and nothing else.I am, like everybody else, simply a human being being human but that seems to count for very little these days. I can remember that when my son went to Australia for a month to see his mother and two brothers - we were divorced and we both applied for Residency of the children and although the Court found in my favour, my ex wife took my two youngest sons to Australia and I have not seen them since - I was taken into hospital for a rest! The crisis team are even worse. Last year I had a pronounced psychotic attack thinking that an old woman was dying before my eyes (there was nothing there, of course) and I was frantically attempting to help her, telephoning for the paramedics who eventually telephoned the police. None of that has been written down in my file. Even though more money has been promised to the mental health services I have no confidence in a change in the way they operate. Rant over!!


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
The bedroom tax will be going .....

Seriously do a Google if you don't believe me.
The people are going to be bled and bled some more to supply those luxury yachts and marinas.

Who's debt was it again?


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Don't be looking for full employment either.
No politicians want to talk about or even know how to talk about the problem of technology.
Technology is moving faster than ever .
Look at ASDA .... half the women gone from checkouts the other half mostly on fewer hours because of automation.
Other supermarkets are racing to keep up.
Banks might be about to be completely unmanned.
Many white and blue collar jobs will be gone in the next five years.
Within ten years even getting a driving job may not be possible as the driverless Google car has been driving around America for months now without mishap.
No remote controller no human.
A first is the fact that the technology is now advancing so fast that it can programme and reprogramme itself and build new models of itself.
Robots are designing and building the next generation of robots as I type.
Nano technology and bioelectronics are something we get to hear little about but the reality is humans are rapidly becoming a problem in this new tech age.
Foxcom in China are planning on replacing one million workers with one million robots and the first ten thousand robots have been installed.
What happens to the million people?
No I am not a Luddite.
What will happen to the million people?
Another problem arises .... robots don't buy goods and services so who will purchase their abundance?
Huge changes are happening and our owners aren't quite sure what to do with us.
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
Sorry I've gone off topic a bit there.
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Retired Moderator
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Don't be looking for full employment either.
No politicians want to talk about or even know how to talk about the problem of technology.
Technology is moving faster than ever .
Look at ASDA .... half the women gone from checkouts the other half mostly on fewer hours because of automation.
Other supermarkets are racing to keep up.
Banks might be about to be completely unmanned.
Many white and blue collar jobs will be gone in the next five years.
Within ten years even getting a driving job may not be possible as the driverless Google car has been driving around America for months now without mishap.
No remote controller no human.
A first is the fact that the technology is now advancing so fast that it can programme and reprogramme itself and build new models of itself.
Robots are designing and building the next generation of robots as I type.
Nano technology and bioelectronics are something we get to hear little about but the reality is humans are rapidly becoming a problem in this new tech age.
Foxcom in China are planning on replacing one million workers with one million robots and the first ten thousand robots have been installed.
What happens to the million people?
No I am not a Luddite.
What will happen to the million people?
Another problem arises .... robots don't buy goods and services so who will purchase their abundance?
Huge changes are happening and our owners aren't quite sure what to do with us.

I was listening to a radio 4 program on this subject a few weeks back... The only jobs safe are hair dressers, gardeners, & masseurs...

Sorry I've gone off topic a bit there.

Just a bit... Though this is relivant...;)



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A further twelve billion pounds is promised to be cut from welfare but they refuse to say how and where this side of the election.
Don't you find that very strange and just a little disturbing?
I remember when politicians used to say vote for me and I'll set you free now it's vote for me and I promise to make you poorer!

"UK living standards fell for all but the richest under coalition – analysis" (See link below)
Yet the middle classes are still being conned into thinking the cons are working for them!
Who got the tax cuts? Millionaires. Who suffered wage freezes? All public sector workers except MPs who gave themsleves a huge wage rise! Who suffered the cuts? The poorest, sickest and most vulnerable. While MPs and the rich still get their expenses and huge tax breaks.
Wake up people, the cons work for one group of people only, the rich!

‘Hitlist’ Of Planned Welfare Cuts Leaked To Guardian

May 6, 2015
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
I was listening to a radio 4 program on this subject a few weeks back... The only jobs safe are hair dressers, gardeners, & masseurs...

Trouble is this is upon us right now not down the road.
We are not prepared.
The entire monetary system we have is built on consumerism .... if we stop consuming the whole thing collapses.
In times past machines have put people out of work only to re employ those people doing different things.
This time it's very different.
Our machines are now intelligent.
The machines can build machines even design the next generation.
The case I quoted in China is a company with a dreadful employment history conditions pay etc.
It employs over a million people assembling electronics but the robots are not bothered about pay and conditions and cost less than fifty grand.
It is quite frightening that robots can replace that million strong workforce and no one in business or politics has an answer to what happens to that million people.
The next phase of supermarket lay off's will start happening this year as smart trolleys and tagged goods come into operation.
You pick a product up check it out put it back on the shelf but .... put it in the trolley and the price is deducted from your bank account there and then .... one item at a time.
If you change your mind and put the product back then you will be immediately refunded your electronic digits.
This is now not some time down the road.
The first unstaffed fast food places will appear this year too.
It's quite disturbing and makes me wonder if this wealth grab .... this looting of the western world by those at the top are connected.
Capitalism has come up against a brick wall.
Back to bed ....


Well-Known Member
Who's debt was it again?

The bankers we must all cry at once. However, what no one wants to talk the fact that the Government were complicit by not regulating the banks, despite being warned in advance of the impending crisis AND the good folk of the UK who kept up with the Jones' by living beyond their means.

"UK living standards fell for all but the richest under coalition – analysis" (See link below)
Yet the middle classes are still being conned into thinking the cons are working for them!/

I can't speak for anyone else and I don't know exactly what class I'd fall into but as a 20% tax payer my living standards have gone anything but down. Partly due to tax threshold increase and partly due to improving my own situation by finding one of the jobs out there that are not zero hours contract and being prepared to travel to do so.

I'm not a huge fan of the current Govt, or any current party for that matter but I do think a bit of balance is sometimes required. Who are the "rich"? Who are the "hard working British families"? The latter is a phrase I detest as hard work is not limited by your income, do the rich not deserve to be classed as hard working? Has hard work not made some of the elite rich? Certainly not in all cases!!

The point I'm coming round to is that what we desperately need is a large dose of balls running this country. Not Ed Balls but someone who will actually stand by a policy, someone who will make an unpopular decision for the good of the country and not pander to every whim going to win the popularity contest This is what it has all boiled down, popularity. The only person who stands up there and says what he believes regardless of how unpopular it may be is Nigel Farage. Don't worry, I'm not voting for him but why does he do it? He has nothing to lose. Unlike Cameron and Milliband. Perhaps that's why, as a percentage, he's on route to be the third biggest party!

I'm sick of hearing campaigns based on slagging the other parties off, especially the SNP's anti-Tory rhetoric and wish someone would just say "yes, we will be raising taxes across the board and making cuts in X Y and Z". Fine. I will decide whether or not to vote for you on that basis, not on a pile of promises of milk and honey and the evils of the other lot.

I don't know about you guys, but I have already voted via post and at the end of the day I had to vote based on who I thought would look after me and my families interests as opposed to the wider community. I've been through manifestos, I've watched them all on TV, read the newspapers (not the Sun!!) and there's not one who inspire me.
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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
The bankers we must all cry at once. However, what no one wants to talk the fact that the Government were complicit by not regulating the banks, despite being warned in advance of the impending crisis AND the good folk of the UK who kept up with the Jones' by living beyond their means.

The same banking families engineered the crash of the thirties.
It is known by historians as the first scientifically engineered economic collapse.
Laws were put in place to prevent them from ever doing it again.
In America the main control was the Glass Steagall act. (Easy to Google)
Clinton and GWB removed all these rules enabling these international bankers to pull of the same scam.
Flood the world with cheap money create bubbles which then collapse and everything falls neatly into their hands.
These people are not stupid.
Quite the opposite in fact.
The rules could only have been removed for one reason only and that was to enable the wealthiest elite of the planet to loot the west again.
Once America removed the banking controls everywhere else in the west had to follow suit or get left out of the game and lose serious money.
This is globalisation ... this is what anti globalists have been warning about and protesting about for years.
The power to create money by banks and banking families is incredible power.
It's a magic trick and a fraud.
All money is borrowed into existence.
If there's no debt there's no money.
Iran are the last place on earth now that creates it's own money free of interest.
Irans money is created as a unit of value ours is created as a unit of debt.
When you borrow a hundred grand off the bank they create that hundred grand out of thin air.
The hundred grand is then destroyed but the interest remains.
So we are paying interest to bankers on something that didn't exist ... something they didn't have and something that no longer exists because they have destroyed it.
Do a little research into living in a system of fractional reserve banking ... it's quite shocking.
The debt is owed on something that didn't exist.
Nothing of substance/value was ever lost.


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Litterbugs war mongers hate mongers propagandists.
I'm sure there's more.
The main reason the U.K was hit so hard is nothing to do with government borrowing and everything to do with the size of our financial services sector and being the financial capital of planet earth.

Labour not responsible for crash, says former Bank of England governor

.....he said he doubted any single one country could have found their way through the crisis.

But we as one country could not have stopped the financial crisis occurring

Bank of England governor blames spending cuts on bank bailouts
Mervyn King tells MPs: 'The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it'

government spending cuts are the fault of the City and expressing surprise there has not been more public anger.

He told the Treasury select committee that the billions spent bailing out the banks and the need for public spending cuts were the fault of the financial services sector.

"The price of this financial crisis is being borne by people who absolutely did not cause it," he said. "Now is the period when the cost is being paid, I'm surprised that the degree of public anger has not been greater than it has."

Asked when living standards enjoyed before the crisis would return, King said: "The research makes it clear that the impact of these crises lasts for many years. It is not like an ordinary recession, where you lose output and get it back quickly. We may not get the lost output back for very many years, if ever."
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I can't speak for anyone else and I don't know exactly what class I'd fall into but as a 20% tax payer my living standards have gone anything but down. Partly due to tax threshold increase and partly due to improving my own situation by finding one of the jobs out there that are not zero hours contract and being prepared to travel to do so.

I'm not a huge fan of the current Govt, or any current party for that matter but I do think a bit of balance is sometimes required. Who are the "rich"? Who are the "hard working British families"? The latter is a phrase I detest as hard work is not limited by your income, do the rich not deserve to be classed as hard working? Has hard work not made some of the elite rich? Certainly not in all cases!!

There will always be some who are able to make such positive changes, but not everyone is able to move home or travel for work, and there certainly aren't the jobs for everyone to be able to better themselves like this.

When I say 'rich' I suppose I'm talking about the 'banker class' for want of a better description, the very high earners, those with inherited wealth, not simply those with a good job, there's a big difference.


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We're all getting a bit excited here, IMHO ...... It's more a case of the old story, The rich get richer and the poor get screwed, gone are the days when Politicians went into politics because they wanted to fight for their constituants THEY are only there for the money and what they can screw out of the system. Think £10k birdhouse in a duck pond.